Swe vs WRH Who Ya Got !!

SW is hard to stop if they don't drop catchable balls..
We'll see now, there's your problem lol.
When we pass, the primary receiver is usually wide open. I mean very wide open. But we can't catch. Had two touchdowns dropped last week. One was in the end zone, and one was at their 35 from our 20. Even the PA announcer said "And he drops a wiiiiide open pass where he could have taken a 30 yard walk into the end zone!" They run committed and no one was in the secondary.

ADM Change Transparency

So I did a deep dive into the exact changes and try to show some transparency here that the NCHSAA failed to give in a memo for everyone to see, they (the association) instead regurgitated the raw data out and put the "burden of proof" on us to find on our own.

In my opinion, when making any adjustments, full transparency should be mandatory instead of "we made some changes and here is the new outcome". In my line of work, and I would imagine in the lines of work many of you are in, making changes to something important and not explaining why/showing your work as to what changes were made, would be unacceptable and grounds for chastisement at the least, if not more.

The elephant in the room for most posters/readers in this 2A forum is "why was Reidsville moved up?" The simple answer according to the data is this: We went from a breakdown of 32-8A, 58-7A, and 59-6A through 1A to 32-8A, 59-7A through 2A, and 58 1A. Regardless of the ADM changes that were made, the only reason Reidsville moved up is the change in the number of schools in the 7A/1A Classifications. None of the ADM changes caused that shift. The question then becomes: Why that change? On this, the NCHSAA has given no justification or made any comment as to why (Other than, 3A lost Reidsville but it gained Eastern Randolph, one perennial power for another (so everyone should be happy and not question us)). Will they give an actual educated reason? Most likely not and no one will force an answer out. For anyone that does care and would want a change to be made, I would imagine the only recourse of action would be to contact your representative on the realignment committee to petition a change. This also will not happen most likely. Because the NCHSAA has refused to issue out a memo explaining the change, all we'll be able to do is speculate and fuss and point fingers, etc.

Now for the changes according to the data released:

  • Garinger bumped up from 7A to 8A due to ADM going from 1951 to 2348
  • West Charlotte bumped up from 7A to 8A due to ADM going from 2084 to 2332
  • Caused Richmond Senior and Reagan to drop from 8A to 7A

  • Ballantyne Ridge bumped up from 6A to 7A due to ADM going from 1445 to 2133
  • West Meck bumped up from 6A to 7A due to ADM going from 1416 to 1914
  • Because 7A now has 59 schools, only one school drops from 7A to 6A: South View

  • Felton Grove (New school in Wake Co) bumped from 5A to 6A due to ADM going from 1158 to 1400

  • Granville Central is closing as a school, their students will be split into two existing schools in Granville Co
  • South Granville bumped from 4A to 5A due to ADM going from 889 to 1065 (Granville Central split)
  • JF Webb bumped from 4A to 5A due to ADM going from 872 to 999 (Granville Central split)
  • South Granville bump up keeps 5A at 59 Schools
  • JF Webb bump up causes North Lenoir to drop from 5A to 4A

  • Reidsville bumps from 3A to 4A to keep 4A at 59 Schools

  • Eastern Randolph bumps from 2A to 3A to keep 3A at 59 Schools

  • Hayesville bumps from 1A to 2A to keep 2A at 59 Schools
  • Southern Wake Academy drops from 2A to 1A due to ADM going from 527 to 285
  • SWA dropping causes NW Halifax to bump up to 2A from 1A
  • 1A now has 58 schools since 7A has 59 now

Hopefully I explained this in the accurate amount of detail the NCHSAA has refused to do. Do your job or lose your job, simple. If I had a pot of money sitting at the house and could afford to, I would go for their jobs myself.
