Draughn @ Thomasville- Let the smack talk begin!

Tville or Draughn

  • Thomasville

    Votes: 26 42.6%
  • Draughn

    Votes: 35 57.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2014
Who do you take in this third round game. Lots of hype around 11-1 Draughn and their athletic kids traveling to play a very athletic 11-1 Bulldogs team.

Both are 11-1
Both have athletic kids
Both have good lines
Both can make big plays

I take the Bulldogs 24-21 at home.
That's a far question after seeing them twice I've wondered the same thing. Of course they could be wondering how Tville only beat a team 28-8 that Mitchell beat 72-21.
Well, part of that was 7 starters out for a few weeks. Another part was we went in over confident and south played hard. All said and done thomasville typically will not run the score up on cross town rivals. . I don’t buy into “ who beat who concepts” i was just wandering what happened that game but another poster said 1 guy was out . Are they a 1 man show???
Thomasville integrated in phases. When we won the WNCHSAA title in 1964, there were black players on the team. But Church Street was still open as a black school. By 1968, when we lost to Shelby for that same title, Thomasville was fully integrated.
Don’t want to reopen that tired old argument, but I think all titles should be counted if the team went as far as they were allowed to go and won. Doesn’t mean they are all equal, but the 4A folks sometimes imply that none below them are equal to theirs.
Mostly a matter of perspective. i respect all of those teams for what they did in their day.
I think we should just all stop being aholes and acknowledge and appreciate the successes of everyone from Mount Airy in the golden days, to the dominance of Murphy, Robbinsville, and Swain in the 80s and 90s, to the early 2000s run of Elkin, Thomasville, and Albemarle, and all the way to the modern day juggernaut that is Tarboro.

Opinions don't matter when recording wins, losses, championships, and records. Stop acting like they do.
6’7 QB heading to thomasville Friday.
. Here you go. What an over rated over hyped mess. Deep ball non existent. I love this kids video feed against them last year. Btw he was only a sophomore then too. I hope Thomasville blows them up. Oh the best part is 2 minutes 15 seconds. That's your four star tackle, your four-star running back, and your four star quarterback from last year. Not that much better and he's put on about 15 lb in about 45 on his bench. Thomasville has dudes like that too. Have fun. Make excuses. Dog junk. It's going to happen. I only wish we were still in one a. It's so much more fun here.
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Last season he was only 150 lbs. 185 now.
Still looks skinny with that hieght but he has another year of high school and probably get in the weight room again between now and next season and add more weight and college will beef him up more. But he's quicker than he looks usually don't see a tall skinny guy like that that mobile.
As I mentioned though on the other thread he was lucky he didn't get an unsportsmanlike penalty on that superman deal wether people agree or not with the rule it is the rule in high school football and should have been called. Personally if I was his coach this week he'd be running salt mines or whatever he uses for discipline and tell him that I better not see that again A: because I personally don't like show boating but B: even if it didn't personally bother me it's a rule and you do it in a close game the last thing you want to do is give the other team 15 yards extra on the kick off.
Ball spike infront of official was worse that pose. Just my thoughts.
My point is ether one is a penalty or should be according to the rules. In high school you can celebrate with your team but anything celebration in the end zone that points to you is unsportsmanlike. Few years back a Mitchell player did a flip into the end zone against Owen and he was flagged and according to the rules it was the right call.
Hell last fall Mitchell and mountain heritage did the same to them. New year.
No they didn't. And the difference is Mount airy Thomasville Eastern Randolph have the athletes. Those little dove passes those little dumps they won't be happening against those teams. And we'll see if our spiking the ball running back doesn't get some 6 ft 1 275 lb Thomasville defensive line in his grill. And answer to whether they have gotten that much better this year they really haven't. I just think teams have gotten worse Mitchell's definitely a lot worse. But some teams have gotten better. As far as our Burke county boys their lines are soft. They're a decent football team they're not beating top tier. We got another round maybe of talking about it but I think Thomasville will take care of them. Every year it's like somebody new comes along. But in reality you got about the same seven or eight teams. Jump on the bandwagon of a fringe team if you want. Coach is hype it up the crowd. Players Superman. Players spiking the ball. I hope kushwah gives them the rap. Plus you got that fullback to tackle.
I know I said if I was the coach. If I was a high school coach show boating to me is just a pet peeve but for no other reason a player would run or something so he'd remember in the next game the last thing we need is stupid avoidable penalties.
Draughn's coaching staff run a pretty tight ship. These boys are disciplined and that's a lot of why you've seen the improvements in this program. The coaches call the players out on the things that need to be called out and hold them accountable.
No they didn't. And the difference is Mount airy Thomasville Eastern Randolph have the athletes. Those little dove passes those little dumps they won't be happening against those teams. And we'll see if our spiking the ball running back doesn't get some 6 ft 1 275 lb Thomasville defensive line in his grill. And answer to whether they have gotten that much better this year they really haven't. I just think teams have gotten worse Mitchell's definitely a lot worse. But some teams have gotten better. As far as our Burke county boys their lines are soft. They're a decent football team they're not beating top tier. We got another round maybe of talking about it but I think Thomasville will take care of them. Every year it's like somebody new comes along. But in reality you got about the same seven or eight teams. Jump on the bandwagon of a fringe team if you want. Coach is hype it up the crowd. Players Superman. Players spiking the ball. I hope kushwah gives them the rap. Plus you got that fullback to tackle.
I agree that Mitchell wasn't obviously as good this year especially on D but Mitchell didn't go down so much that it would make up the difference from Mitchell beating Draughn last year 62-14 to losing twice to them this year that doesn't happen without Draughn improving. To me watching Mitchell this year and watching both games that Draughn has improved more than Mitchell has gotten worse.
That said I think Draughn will win but I don't think like some others it will be a blow out ether way should be a close game but it's hard to tell how good Tville D is from watching the Swain game Swains offense was so bad but their offense will have to do more but I think Draughn D isn't as good as the offense Mitchell should have scored more than they did while sometimes it was because of the Draughn D but serval times Mitchell just shot themselves in the foot with mistakes and questionable play calling so I see a possible high scoring game.
No they didn't. And the difference is Mount airy Thomasville Eastern Randolph have the athletes. Those little dove passes those little dumps they won't be happening against those teams. And we'll see if our spiking the ball running back doesn't get some 6 ft 1 275 lb Thomasville defensive line in his grill. And answer to whether they have gotten that much better this year they really haven't. I just think teams have gotten worse Mitchell's definitely a lot worse. But some teams have gotten better. As far as our Burke county boys their lines are soft. They're a decent football team they're not beating top tier. We got another round maybe of talking about it but I think Thomasville will take care of them. Every year it's like somebody new comes along. But in reality you got about the same seven or eight teams. Jump on the bandwagon of a fringe team if you want. Coach is hype it up the crowd. Players Superman. Players spiking the ball. I hope kushwah gives them the rap. Plus you got that fullback to tackle.
Here we go with the athlete talk. Reckon Mitchell didn’t have athletes last year? I guess when mountain heritage went to the state championship game in 2a two years ago they were just slow. Honestly Mitchell beat thomasville last year like a red headed step child and Murphy did the same to ER. Draughn isn’t a bunch of slew foots. Whc and smc have as good athletes as anyone in 1a. Ask thomasville

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