LoL you keep coming back for more. Gotta love the team dad, "I've been at every game" "other qbs throw Intercepions" "He did throw and hit a few other players in the helmet they just didn't catch it" man your a clown LOL LOL LOL the QB wouldn't play on most JV teams. NE poster child daagoob even said at the beginning of the seasonthe QB was worthless. Agian, he can not hit the broad side of a barn. The game film I've watched was three games and one was against the blind school, QB looked horrible plain and simple. Freshwater looked like a beast and the other running back #5 I believe is a baller. With freshwater out, NE looks like a one man team (the other back number 5) no other athletics on the field. Oline and dline looked big but very very slow and sometimes were blocking each other. Just simple take always from watching a few minutes laughing with other old alumni. Not sure why you won't take off the blinders dude and state facts. When SWO is down we admit it and move on. SWO one losing season in 35+ years man. Simple facts. NE will never be on SWO sustained level of championship level football. SWO will always be NE daddy, sucks for you, but admit it.