West Charlotte vs Mallard Creek

Creek plays 3 QB”s. Which one is questionable? 🤷🏾‍♂️😂

The legendary NFL coach John Madden is credited with saying, “if you have two quarterbacks, you actually have none.

Gotta figure it out!
Exactly my point. And yes, that Madden quote is world famous in this sport, we all know that’s the truth.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but #2 played most of the snaps vs the Ohio team right? I think I like him better than #16. Seems the staff favors #16 for obvious passing downs but I don’t think his arm talent justifies him being way better than all that #2 offers you. Also it looks to me that they really feel comfortable with #16 only on roll outs and making super easy reads with only one side of the field. #16 just seems like an “ok” passer for that to be his only positive trait. I always end my statements saying I’m only a fan, and the coaches are coaches for a reason lol.

WC qb looks like he will play a skill position in college for sure. Good athlete but not a qb.
I didn’t notice a 3rd qb, but that’s crazy to rotate 3! Especially now that you are into conference play you should know who your guy is by now I would think.
Could you please clarify which specific race you are referring to when you mention the term 'culture'?
It doesn’t have a race. The culture he speaks of, impacts and affect blacks, whites, Hispanic, whomever, when they idolize and buy into the negative and evil influences he speaks of in his post. No need to stir the pot on his post. I’m a black man myself and have no problem saying that’s unfortunately our kids causing a lot of this. Very well written post by @bigdadd11103. Have a lot of respect for you big homie 🤝🏽.
It doesn’t have a race. The culture he speaks of, impacts and affect blacks, whites, Hispanic, whomever, when they idolize and buy into the negative and evil influences he speaks of in his post. No need to stir the pot on his post. I’m a black man myself and have no problem saying that’s unfortunately our kids causing a lot of this. Very well written post by @bigdadd11103. Have a lot of respect for you big homie 🤝🏽.
I'm confused. The way your comment was addressed makes me feel as if there's something hidden. I asked bigdadd11103 a simple question, then you assist him(which is odd) and go irate. No need to stir the pot on my post. At what point were you identified as a white man?
I’ll say it as well…culture. More specifically…public school culture.
I've been to a lot of games last 15 years mostly stokes,surry and forsyth and never seen any issues. Been to some Reidsville games no problem. May be a issue more around the big city of Charlotte.
#1 has been the starter, #2 can run, 16 is a junior and back up
The commentators for the Moeller game seemed a little surprised that they changed QB's for the overtime. Whoever they put in may have thrown the best pass he will ever throw, but he really came through when that game was on the line. Should also give a lot of credit to the receiver who made a really great catch.
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I'm confused. The way your comment was addressed makes me feel as if there's something hidden. I asked bigdadd11103 a simple question, then you assist him(which is odd) and go irate. No need to stir the pot on my post. At what point were you identified as a white man?
What’s odd is you stirring the pot. If I was a white man, it doesn’t change the facts of his original statement.
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What’s odd is you stirring the pot. If I was a white man, it doesn’t change the facts of his original statement.
Look, I'm not going to do the back and forth thing with you. Step up and make a difference in your community! Work with your homies to create a safe and inclusive environment for everyone to enjoy Friday night football again. Stand up against injustice. Given that bigdadd11103 has not responded to anything since the last message, it seems quite odd that you are who you are and for you to advocate on his behalf. If you feel that your perspective on race is relevant, I encourage you to address your concerns to the school board rather than to me. I am unable to assist with your frustration regarding "our kids causing a lot of this". I suggest focusing on representing the broader cultural issues rather than bigdadd11103(or your own) viewpoint.
BoKnowsSports is 100% correct. It has no race. It's a culture driven by social media/music/devil. Can't give it a race. Some of the most outstanding black men I know are MC fathers that personally got me in the coaching game and educated me outside of coaching.

Not sure if TDL post anymore but we were out once and he paid the bill for my entire table out of the blue when we both just happened to be in a restaurant. Just showed incredible love and blessing towards me. Those are the guys I respect and appreciate. Saw Nepsy Friday and we greeted smiled and shook hands with no animosity even though we sometimes disagree. Was glad to see him. He does so much for the youth that goes unrecognized. That's the black men I know.

Support the WC/2nd Ward Men's club. those men are business owners, preachers, married men, great fathers, and hard workers. So I can't say black as it's a disservice to the black men that have literally guided me.

Previously talked with Coach Tinsley and Coach Wiggins. Outstanding men of integrity. Learned from Coach Gilchrist while at WC. Outstanding man of integrity.

But given that I'm not naive. A great portion of black youth are misguided right now. Especially those with no fathers or father figure. The girls are out of control wanting to fight. The boys that don't have structure or coaches lack guidance..But that same evil spirit that gets in them gets in white kids who shoot schools up, do drugs and rob/steal, threaten schools and bully. My only point is don't kill WC when we didn't kill Hough and it's drug epidemic, or the drug/rape cases at MP amd AK. we don't say they are out of control druggies so don't characterize WC.
BoKnowsSports is 100% correct. It has no race. It's a culture driven by social media/music/devil. Can't give it a race. Some of the most outstanding black men I know are MC fathers that personally got me in the coaching game and educated me outside of coaching.

Not sure if TDL post anymore but we were out once and he paid the bill for my entire table out of the blue when we both just happened to be in a restaurant. Just showed incredible love and blessing towards me. Those are the guys I respect and appreciate. Saw Nepsy Friday and we greeted smiled and shook hands with no animosity even though we sometimes disagree. Was glad to see him. He does so much for the youth that goes unrecognized. That's the black men I know.

Support the WC/2nd Ward Men's club. those men are business owners, preachers, married men, great fathers, and hard workers. So I can't say black as it's a disservice to the black men that have literally guided me.

Previously talked with Coach Tinsley and Coach Wiggins. Outstanding men of integrity. Learned from Coach Gilchrist while at WC. Outstanding man of integrity.

But given that I'm not naive. A great portion of black youth are misguided right now. Especially those with no fathers or father figure. The girls are out of control wanting to fight. The boys that don't have structure or coaches lack guidance..But that same evil spirit that gets in them gets in white kids who shoot schools up, do drugs and rob/steal, threaten schools and bully. My only point is don't kill WC when we didn't kill Hough and it's drug epidemic, or the drug/rape cases at MP amd AK. we don't say they are out of control druggies so don't characterize WC.
BoKnowsSports is 100% correct. It has no race. It's a culture driven by social media/music/devil. Can't give it a race. Some of the most outstanding black men I know are MC fathers that personally got me in the coaching game and educated me outside of coaching.

Not sure if TDL post anymore but we were out once and he paid the bill for my entire table out of the blue when we both just happened to be in a restaurant. Just showed incredible love and blessing towards me. Those are the guys I respect and appreciate. Saw Nepsy Friday and we greeted smiled and shook hands with no animosity even though we sometimes disagree. Was glad to see him. He does so much for the youth that goes unrecognized. That's the black men I know.

Support the WC/2nd Ward Men's club. those men are business owners, preachers, married men, great fathers, and hard workers. So I can't say black as it's a disservice to the black men that have literally guided me.

Previously talked with Coach Tinsley and Coach Wiggins. Outstanding men of integrity. Learned from Coach Gilchrist while at WC. Outstanding man of integrity.

But given that I'm not naive. A great portion of black youth are misguided right now. Especially those with no fathers or father figure. The girls are out of control wanting to fight. The boys that don't have structure or coaches lack guidance..But that same evil spirit that gets in them gets in white kids who shoot schools up, do drugs and rob/steal, threaten schools and bully. My only point is don't kill WC when we didn't kill Hough and it's drug epidemic, or the drug/rape cases at MP amd AK. we don't say they are out of control druggies so don't characterize WC.
Or out of control racist cheers coming from Lake Norman student sections. I remember the monkey noises.
Seen where North Myrtle beach n Marlboro Co had cancelled their game due to student that had been shot at Marlboro Co and fight had broke out. Also Social media threats. Administration cancelled game due to safety concerns. It’s sad situation
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This conversation is drowning in empty words, overflowing with hollow promises, while the hands that could lend support remain stagnant and the minds capable of genuine thought are seemingly absent. All this sounds like it comes from a world where ignorance seems to be the easy way out and the community chooses to close their eyes and hearts to the issues that plague it. Take action now.

This lip service is overflowing.
Trouble or expelled students from public schools may not have the opportunity to experience a private classroom environment. Many or some private schools conduct thorough interviews with parents for various reasons, including student placement and ensuring a conducive educational atmosphere. Additionally, they may increase tuition fees as a means to maintain a student body that aligns with their educational standards, expectations and values.
This conversation is drowning in empty words, overflowing with hollow promises, while the hands that could lend support remain stagnant and the minds capable of genuine thought are seemingly absent. All this sounds like it comes from a world where ignorance seems to be the easy way out and the community chooses to close their eyes and hearts to the issues that plague it. Take action now.

This lip service is overflowing.
If you knew the guys responding on this post you wouldn't say that. Several of these guys are already trying to be part of the solution. You're the one spewing ignorance.
Trouble or expelled students from public schools may not have the opportunity to experience a private classroom environment. Many or some private schools conduct thorough interviews with parents for various reasons, including student placement and ensuring a conducive educational atmosphere. Additionally, they may increase tuition fees as a means to maintain a student body that aligns with their educational standards, expectations and values.
No shit! 🤷🏾‍♂️😂 What world does a troubled or expelled kid, even attempt to go private ❓ Now you’re just trolling and just saying stuff for no reason.
Alot of schools will not admit kids under a certain age without a guardian and restrict people from congregating in non seating areas. Went to WC last year and outside of the announcer 🙄 I didn't have an issue but there was not a big crowd at that game.
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If you knew the guys responding on this post you wouldn't say that. Several of these guys are already trying to be part of the solution. You're the one spewing ignorance.
Share with us what we don’t know, because at any time, you can tell me that pigs fly, but I would highly request for you to show me.
No shit! 🤷🏾‍♂️😂 What world does a troubled or expelled kid, even attempt to go private ❓ Now you’re just trolling and just saying stuff for no reason.
Apparently, you haven’t hung out inside the private bubble. Come back and tell us all about it when you do.
When he pops up on my social media feed, I never listen to what he has to say. He should just be a beat writer for the teams he loves. His name was whatever during the Palmieri days at the Creek. Not a fan!
This is the same guy who for two years when we won back to back state titles in track at Cuthbertson, used a picture of Weddington's track team. Clueless is an understatement for what he is.
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Apparently, you haven’t hung out inside the private bubble. Come back and tell us all about it when you do.
Why do you keep saying us, it’s just you. 🤷🏾‍♂️ You’re just trolling and smoking some type of crack. I know who this is now. One of the 1st idiots to have your account suspended, and here you are again. new account and creating silly narratives that no one is talking about but you. I see the therapist not working, huh? 😂
Why do you keep saying us, it’s just you. 🤷🏾‍♂️ You’re just trolling and smoking some type of crack. I know who this is now. One of the 1st idiots to have your account suspended, and here you are again. new account and creating silly narratives that no one is talking about but you. I see the therapist not working, huh? 😂
I refuse to engage in this childish game you’re playing. I made a sincere and straightforward observation, one that came from your previous response. Yet, instead of acknowledging it and responding to it, you choose to spiral into total defensiveness, hurling accusations in every direction and pointing fingers which you enjoy. You are never wrong neither apolitical.. Let me remind you, you are not a GOD on this site; you are just another person, like the rest of us, navigating this life. That’s all I have to say to you.

Now, go ahead—share your next feeble remark adorned with emojis, chasing after those pitiful 6 likes from the same personl…….. GO!
I refuse to engage in this childish game you’re playing. I made a sincere and straightforward observation, one that came from your previous response. Yet, instead of acknowledging it and responding to it, you choose to spiral into total defensiveness, hurling accusations in every direction and pointing fingers which you enjoy. You are never wrong neither apolitical.. Let me remind you, you are not a GOD on this site; you are just another person, like the rest of us, navigating this life. That’s all I have to say to you.

Now, go ahead—share your next feeble remark adorned with emojis, chasing after those pitiful 6 likes from the same personl…….. GO!
Nobody looks at me as a God!! Nor have I projected myself in that manner. Stop with the passive aggressive BS. You’re a freaking nut job and upset because your attempt to create crazy conversations that have nothing to do with High School football is always shut down. Go play clown 🤡 and stop playing the victim.
Not literally shut down. Come on man! 😂
In your eyes, most every post on here is dumb, except yours. Even though I know this, it doesn't bother me. I'm an older guy and can take it. I'm not on here as much as I used to be anyway. Have a good one.
In your eyes, most every post on here is dumb, except yours. Even though I know this, it doesn't bother me. I'm an older guy and can take it. I'm not on here as much as I used to be anyway. Have a good one.
That’s it? 🤷🏾‍♂️ You’re older and can take it. Take What ?Gotcha! Stay blessed!

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