West Charlotte vs Mallard Creek

Creek plays 3 QB”s. Which one is questionable? 🤷🏾‍♂️😂

The legendary NFL coach John Madden is credited with saying, “if you have two quarterbacks, you actually have none.

Gotta figure it out!
Exactly my point. And yes, that Madden quote is world famous in this sport, we all know that’s the truth.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but #2 played most of the snaps vs the Ohio team right? I think I like him better than #16. Seems the staff favors #16 for obvious passing downs but I don’t think his arm talent justifies him being way better than all that #2 offers you. Also it looks to me that they really feel comfortable with #16 only on roll outs and making super easy reads with only one side of the field. #16 just seems like an “ok” passer for that to be his only positive trait. I always end my statements saying I’m only a fan, and the coaches are coaches for a reason lol.

WC qb looks like he will play a skill position in college for sure. Good athlete but not a qb.
I didn’t notice a 3rd qb, but that’s crazy to rotate 3! Especially now that you are into conference play you should know who your guy is by now I would think.
Could you please clarify which specific race you are referring to when you mention the term 'culture'?
It doesn’t have a race. The culture he speaks of, impacts and affect blacks, whites, Hispanic, whomever, when they idolize and buy into the negative and evil influences he speaks of in his post. No need to stir the pot on his post. I’m a black man myself and have no problem saying that’s unfortunately our kids causing a lot of this. Very well written post by @bigdadd11103. Have a lot of respect for you big homie 🤝🏽.
It doesn’t have a race. The culture he speaks of, impacts and affect blacks, whites, Hispanic, whomever, when they idolize and buy into the negative and evil influences he speaks of in his post. No need to stir the pot on his post. I’m a black man myself and have no problem saying that’s unfortunately our kids causing a lot of this. Very well written post by @bigdadd11103. Have a lot of respect for you big homie 🤝🏽.
I'm confused. The way your comment was addressed makes me feel as if there's something hidden. I asked bigdadd11103 a simple question, then you assist him(which is odd) and go irate. No need to stir the pot on my post. At what point were you identified as a white man?
I’ll say it as well…culture. More specifically…public school culture.
I've been to a lot of games last 15 years mostly stokes,surry and forsyth and never seen any issues. Been to some Reidsville games no problem. May be a issue more around the big city of Charlotte.
#1 has been the starter, #2 can run, 16 is a junior and back up
The commentators for the Moeller game seemed a little surprised that they changed QB's for the overtime. Whoever they put in may have thrown the best pass he will ever throw, but he really came through when that game was on the line. Should also give a lot of credit to the receiver who made a really great catch.
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