Wake county NC


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2001
Has 1093 teaching and certified support staff openings right now. Wonder what Charlotte, Guilford, Durham, Forsyth have?
Has 1093 teaching and certified support staff openings right now. Wonder what Charlotte, Guilford, Durham, Forsyth have?
Examining their employment vacancy listings, it would appear as though ...
- CMS = 1050 +/-
- GCS = 670 +/-
- DCS = 470 +/-
- WSFC = 352 +/-
Examining their employment vacancy listings, it would appear as though ...
- CMS = 1050 +/-
- GCS = 670 +/-
- DCS = 470 +/-
- WSFC = 352 +/-
Is DCS Davidson County? That’s a lot. That directly reflects on supplement pay. Too close to WS and GSO, where they can go and make another $5,000 probably.
Is DCS Davidson County? That’s a lot. That directly reflects on supplement pay. Too close to WS and GSO, where they can go and make another $5,000 probably.
Probably not Davidson County. But they can go to Thomasville or Lexington and make more, in addition to those you mentioned.
Examining their employment vacancy listings, it would appear as though ...
- CMS = 1050 +/-
- GCS = 670 +/-
- DCS = 470 +/-
- WSFC = 352 +/-
I remember entering education in the mid 2010s with CMS, and there were numerous local stations covering the fact that the district had over 1K vacancies. Sadly, that’s not breaking news anymore.

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