True Smc officiated game ... Cherokee vs robbinsville


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2015
It was the most fouls I've ever seen. I'm not blaming anyone for the loss but the in the boys game there over 60 fouls called ... Of course in the two biggest road games we get the same refs for both games... I think 5 kids fouled out ... What a terrible way to mess up a great crowd and game .... Good job black nights in both girls and boys
I'm not saying it was for one way or the other.. Both teams had kids foul out ... Just saying why the smc officials suck ... 60 fouls is crazy you couldn't enjoy the game for the walking to the other end to shoot foul shots.. Cherokee just missed to many free throws ...
That's a big w for robbinsville. So is Hayesville in first now? I know I seen a post earlier talking about the injuries and the flu with a couple of Cherokee kids. Hope they get better soon and back on the court.
We have had two out of those three 8 of our last 9 games. Even had them at Rosman and it was the same way. On a Saturday! Anyways, congrats to the Knights for a huge win on Senior night! Not many people give you a chance. I say never underestimate the HEART OF A CHAMPION! Jackets are next!
Foul shots are taken for granted in todays game They are called free throws for a reason.If you lose a close game,missed free throws will usually be the difference.
Side note I was very impressed with #21 from rville .. Don't remember him tall long kid .. Scored big baskets tonight ..
so as long as hayesville beats robbinsville they get the 1 seed from conference is that correct?
Only a Sophmore. His defense on 22 was key I thought. And he made several big shots.
Originally posted by KW23:
so as long as hayesville beats robbinsville they get the 1 seed from conference is that correct?
Correct. If Robbinsville beats Hayesville, Hayesville and Cherokee tie for 1st.
So pretty much two fouls were called every minute. This is ridiculous. Neither team can get in a rhythm that way when the game is being stopped so often. I've been to a few games this year where this was the case and they are dreadful to watch as a fan.
Did not see this game, but I have seen other Cherokee-Robbinsville games in the past. I can actually see that many fouls called in some of those games. This is usually a very physical, very intense game between 2 rivals .Like I said did not see it, but there is no love between these two teams.
Players need to adjust, that's always been part of the game. Here in the NW conference some games are more like wrestling matches and others have every hand check called. Too much lazy defense is often the cause of lots of fouls being called. Bottom line though, it's up to the players to figure it out and as long as it is consistent throughout the game don't blame the officials and its the same at every level of play.

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