SWO @ East Duplin ...... Live Update !!


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2002
Like the Terminator ...... I'll be Back
Gen. McAuthur ...... I shall return

Are the Stallions back from the worst season (and the start of this one) in many a year. I dont think they even have to win tonight, just make it a game against a top rated Panther team. Kickoff at 7 PM.
Stallions defer and kickoff to ED
first play .... 6 yards at the ED 45
Run an NO GAIN
Hits the hole and goes to the SWO 46

QB keeper to the right .....dropped for a loss of 1
Flag .....procedure on ED
Hit in the backfield .....another loss, 3rd and 17
Run up the middle, gain of 8 .....4th down and they will go
Long count ...tried to draw the Stallions off sides, dont work ....Time out ED

Gonna punt now ....dead inside the 5 at the 3

Stallions start deep, 97 yards to go

Flag ...procedure on SWO
Handoff to the right side the 5
Up the middle, no gain .....3rd and 8
Up the middle, a yard.....gotta punt from the endzone

Line drive kick .....rolls to the SWO 43
ED back to pass.....takes off to the 38 .....gain of 4
Had him in the backfield but gets away .....close, 3rd and 1
Handoff up the middle ..... first down at the 30

Handoff him this time in the backfield ..... loss of 3
Up the middle again the 3 back
sweep left ...... all the way to the 16

Down at the 1 .....FLAG ....HOLDING ED .....BACK TO THE 25
Its raining harder now ......
Right side run ......maybe a yard
Pass .....almost picked ......incomplete
3rd and 18
short of the 1st at the 10 .....4th down
Going for the first........
They get the first inside the 5

To the 1 on the carry
Handoff to the right side, NO GAIN
Left side ......TD PANTHERS
PAT ...... GOOD

ED - 7 SWO - 0
swo STARTS AT their 20 with the touch back

Johnson for 3 over left side
Dugan on the right, 6 yards.....3rd and 1


ED - 7 SWO - 0
3RD and 1 from the 29

Up the middle gain .....LOL
gotta punt from back here

Barker takes the snap ......the kick ......The punt is fielded .....FLAG block in the back on ED

From the ED 34
Spread off ......ball is dropped, picked up by Ed ....dropped for loss of 2
FUMBLE ......recovered by ED ..... actually gained 5 on the drop
Sweep ......stopped short ......4th and measuring just moving the ball back to the center of the field.
4th and 1
Handoff .....gets 6 .....great blocking by ED

1st down at the 49 of ED
Handoff ....jet sweep left side ......gain of 4
Pass .......INTERCEPTED SWO.....Stallions ball at the 40

Foskey on the keeper ........gain of 13 to the ED 46


8:14 left in the half

ED - 7 SWO - 0
Sweep left ....gain of 2 .....3rd and 6
Back to pass and has to just throw it away.......what now
gonna punt .....

Bad bounce for SWO .....goes into the endzone, and out to the 20

Panthers are making hay on the right side ........first down at the 31

Right side again ......very little ......FLAG .....Holding on ED
Stallions there ......gain of 1, strung it out
Reverse .....they turn him back in after 5
Handoff to the right him after 4 ......4th and 11
Looks like they have to punt this time from the 24

Stallions let it go ,,,, dead at the SWO 45

Flag ...... off side ED
1st and 5 at the 50

Mahone on the run ,,,, just 1 .....2nd and 4
Mahone again ....flag in the backfield .......Holding on SWO, CHOP BLOCK A BIG 15
Pass.....over thrown ......incomplete
3rd and 19
rolls right ....pass but nobody there

Barker back to punt again

High snap but gets it away ...........all the way to the ED 24

2:51 left in the half

ED - 7 SWO - 0
Up the middle on the run, gain of 6
gain of 2 ......3rd and 2
QB up the middle .....stopped, 4th and 1

The punter is back ......

ball is on the stallion 37 with 1:07 left in the half

Harper on the carry, gets 4
gain of 2 again, letting the clock run down
Foskey takes off and reverses hiis field, just ran the clock out

ED - 7 SWO - 0

Stallion defense played well, off count not get any thing going, only 1 first down in the half
Stallions get the second half kickoff .......need to get moving
Gettin ready to kickoff....

Kick is deep ......touchback ....ball out to the 20

Johnson on the sweep ....knocked ob afer 14 ....FIRST DOWN STALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLIONS !!

Hit in the back field .....loss of 4
Mahone gets the 4 back ..... 3rd and 10
Handoff right side gain ....a punt to change something

High snap ......barker has to cover it .........blew their foot off that time .....ball inside the 10

Up the middle ....TOUCH DOWN ED
PAT ....good

ED - 14 SWO- 0

Good kick this time ...... fielded and bottled up at the ED 27

Sweep left side ..... gain of 1
Right side ...slides thru the hole to the 39 .....first down ED

Ut --oh lost the audio

Its back with a 3rd and 10 for ED

Now it gone again ..... hope it starts working again
I cant keep the audio for more than a couple seconds. Will waint for you to post the final S1985
Thought the game would be a little closer, a little disappointed that SW did not try to pass (even with rain).

Wish would have won, but if we beat Dixon, Croatan and N Brunswick we should be fine.

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