Stopping in Scotland County to eat after the Mallard Creek win Friday night


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2016
We stop by a place call Champs and ate the hell of some good old hot wings on the way back to the airport hotel in raleigh nc. met a lot of when they spoke about football they spoke about the [present] existing or occuring now, not the past[gone by in time and no longer exits] like certain poster on the east coast does all the time.
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Champs is a great place to eat! We are proud of our football here is Scotland Co and always look to talk SENSIBLE football with anyone! Glad you had a good time in our little neck of the woods and I heard it was a great game down in Dillon. Congrats on the big W by the way! Good luck the rest of the season.
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Me and a few others stopped in Champs for some food and beverages last year when we went to see North Davidson play Scotland in the playoffs. Enjoyed it and the people were really nice.

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