Covid 19 is real but so is depression, suicide, alcoholism, drug use, etc. The flu kills many with pre-existing conditions as it can morph into pnumonia. All deaths touch somone and the feelings of their loved ones should be respected but the fact is something is going to get us all and I believe it's pre-ordained and to a great extent beyond our control. I won't argue that some of the choices we make can impact longevity but all in all, the length of our days is determined by a higher power before we are born. IMO a big problem we have today is that the number of people that believe in that idea is diminishing every day. People put their faith in human inventions such as science and government. Why anyone would trust the latter is beyond me but if you depend on something, you become a slave to it.
Trump was called everything in the book for the last 4 years. A couple of my favorites were "facist" and "nazi." Nothing is more facist or nazi-like that limitng personal freedom of choice. Doing it in the name of public safety sounds reasonable but it is sinister at it's root. Does anyone really believe that Roy Cooper or Ms Cohen really care about our personal safety? If so, you are naive. They only care about covering their behinds. YOUR personal safety is YOUR responsibility. Risk has always been a part of life in almost every choice we make. The perception of whether or not to take risks should be left to individuals. If Covid 19 scares you, stay home but dont' make those of us that don't feel as at risk do the same.
We must also start to accept the idea that that this virus is NOT going away. It is here to stay. I've said for months it's not going to be the last one either. Is this how we plan to live the rest of our time on earth as a species? God forbid! The hope for an effective vaccine is growing and the availability is likely sooner than later. Like him or not, if a vaccine is ready for mass production early next year our current president should get credit for making it's development a high priority. Let's hope president elect Biden and his new Coronavirus task force committee don't hold up production for political purposes. Biden criticized the president prior to the election for rushing the development and questioned it's safety. Looking at the people selected by Biden to be on his "Covid committee" one has to wonder if they won't recommend we slow down in the name of safety despite recent positive news on the vaccine front. This week Pfizer announced more than promising results from their trials on over 40,000 participants. If the Biden committee does restrict or delay vaccine development, it will be for no other reason than to make him look like he knew what he was talking about with his criticisms of Trump, to put some distance between the current administration and the incoming administration and, also like Cooper, cover their hind parts.
As a society, we've been duped into living in fear and we've been conditioned to "sit & roll over" on cammand. If there is no football this school year we can thank the politicians we have elected at the state and national level and those they have and will appoint to oversee us. We have no one to blame but ourselves. Wisconsin, a blue state, seems to have concluded what many of us thought all along about why we should have played sports this fall.