SMC posters

I'm pretty concerned for the people in western NC. A friend said their brother, who lives in Brevard, is getting by right now by using a generator, but he only has 4 days of fuel left and they don't know what they will do after that. A lot of people are going to have to relocate.
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Y'all making it alright? Wasn't sure what SMC schools got hit bad. I know I haven't seen any SMC posters on here in awhile hope y'all are safe!
SMC country (Cherokee, Clay, Graham and Swain counties) were very fortunate and spared the worst of it, it's the mountain counties east of us and north of us that got hit the hardest and I really feel for them and what they're going through right now. I know Swain County had some flooding but not to the degree of their eastern neighbors.

We still don't have cell service in most of Cherokee County but have had electricity, internet and clear roads in and out pretty much throughout with very little or no flooding during the course of the storm. The original path of the storm had us getting hit very hard but when the storm started veering a little east into South Carolina it diverted the worst of it away from the far western counties.
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I spoke to one of my friends from Murphy. He says things aren’t as bad there. He just doesn’t have cell service.
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Glad to hear you all were spared. Family in Asheville and they are having it rough. Trying to get out today by way of SC and come up to cabin in Surry buy have to go back Thurs for Dr appointment. Nephew works at hospital and they are getting water from tanker trucks.
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