
Aug 22, 2014
BK---Is it raining as bad up in Jim Tom territory as it is South of the Border? Looks like it will be a mudder!!
A little rain today. Not bad though. I just watched the JVs play and the field was fine. It takes a lot of rain to make that field slick. It seems to drain really well.
A mudder would be fine with me. Like those kind of games. And it would slow down RG passing game. passing stats look very good for RG but not much running.
Take it easy on us tomorrow, arnie. I know you guys are undefeated and we have lost over half our games. Hope we can keep it close.
Haha, you funny BK, you funny!! We are 0-4 against the Knights!! Seriously, I hope its a good game. I think it will be our passing game against trying to stop your running attack. We are very young and pretty small on the line! Maybe another shootout like last year!! Will see you tonite, hopefully!
We had all our guys tonight and we looked much better. RG offense is good. they have huge WRs and fast. RG returned a Kickoff all the way to the house. I never felt safe even when we was up by 3 tds. Our kids started playing tonight. We still need some more time but we are coming around.
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It was a tough game. You guys jumped on us and we dug too big of a hole. It was good for us to be manhandled in the first half and play much better the 2nd. It will give our young guys some confidence. You all did a good job on our passing game. Good luck on the season! i am just glad i dont have to make that drive again!!! haha! You can't GET to R'Ville from Georgia!!
We are at the end of the road thats for sure. RG has plenty of heart. The Gap is ranked #1 in NCISAA Division lll. You guys should be okay. I got a felling that was the last game between us. I noticed Robbinsville is the only public school that RG plays. Hope Im wrong. RG gives us a lot of things we will not see again until deep into the playoffs, if even then. No one in the SMC will have a passing game close to Rabun Gaps.
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Not sure what the future of the series will be. I know that it has given us a good measuring stick of whether we are improving or not. I think Andrews and Cherokee dropped us, not 100% but pretty sure. We would much rather play semi local public schools rather than the home schools, etc. We really enjoy the normal high school environments, which we rarely get against any of the other teams and of course we dont have that many fans at our home games. We are very much hoping that our young kids mature by the end of the season. The COOLEST thing for me is to watch kids, many from all over, and have never even PLAYED football be able to learn at this stage in life. Pretty crazy. Anyway, it has been a great experience for my son and i will miss it, but again, NOT the driving! haha
Is your son a Senior?

Just think how good those kids could be if they had played from youth. Come back next year. I dont even have a boy and i still get into this stuff. lol.
Cant really complain! Totally been blessed with his career. Still will have baseball and probably some college sports, so just trying to enjoy each episode!!
How hard is it to figure out rv is for robbinsville and rg is for rabun gap? Try to put a score up for folks and theres always one who will complain about something. Guess we should spell out the letters for the final score. Robbinsville thirty six Rabun Gap twenty two.

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