POLL: Do you like what Photo Contributes to NcPrep


Well-Known Member
Silver Member
Oct 2, 2007
Do you like what Photo0001 Contributes to NcPrep or are things unfair at times ! Deana made this personal !! And I do not like being made a FOOL of having my research deleted when trying to help NCprep ! ! !
Your vote is private and screen name is not seen by me or anyone So Please vote your heart feelings . [/B]

Should I , Photo0001 Leave or Stay and Keep doing as I have in trying to Make it a better place to find scores and Info on area teams. If voted To go I will do as everyone wishes. I am in hopes to stay.I do Love to contribute to NCPrep but hate being harassed. by NCPrep which is a Great site but could be better.Please give your thoughts and vote your true feelings. Been here for about 8 years and have been ashamed of some post up until this year when I have tried to be positive and helpful. I have nothing to hide or fear getting bad remarks from anyone for I like you all........ Please respond fairly and your true feelings because I will not stay where not wanted.
Only click here if unfair .... Is it fair making rules as they wish and not being up front with them ? Deana if I am voted to go I demand that photo0001 Be deleted from NCPrep with nothing remaing that photo0001 has ever been a part of this site ,,,,, I feel Bear fans are being forced out by Deana and others. I have seen so many Bear fans leave in th 8 years I have been here and only your vote will push me away. BUT watch it ,if you are a BEAR fan you may be next. Then they will start on someone else. STICK OUR GROUND ! ! Who is NcPrep with out the posters ! Good sites come and go ! !

Voting Ends Friday 1/23/2015[/B]

This post was edited on 1/22 2:55 PM by photo0001
Only 17 votes been made . If you are not going to vote then just post that you would like to see NCPrep's basketball boards show more on the scores,standings and schedules like they do on football.The boards are all but dead compared to football. I don't really care if I get another vote because as of Friday midnight I want photo0001 account deleted if I am voted to go. I would hate to lose out with only 17 votes posted. if I gotta go maybe 50 votes 10 for me 40 against me . LOL Go Bears ! ! !
Originally posted by 3daughters:
fruit loop
LOL 3D I used to like fruit loops till i got diabetes and high blood pressure in my early 50s ... I know how you voted if you did vote ......
You kind of remind me of a football bat.

Keep up the good work. I'm sure you'll make all the MA fans really proud.
Well it is not midnight yet and the voting has ended and as I count I lost by 1 vote . Could have won by 1 but the 2 that always give me a rough time made the difference. In leaving I will post one more poll. I hope to see it get many more votes as I will not be here to see it through. NCPrep please delete my account because there is not a place on here for anyone to delete there self. Everyone please vote one my going away pole. Most of my time here has been nice other than the harassment of mainly heartpump and 3daughters. DELETE ME DEANA ! ! !

This post was edited on 1/23 8:44 PM by photo0001
Leave it up to photo to exit with a bang....Him and buzz always have a way with words.

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