Since you say your intent was to find out more information about Oak Hill Academy and not to to put down WS Prep might I suggest a website named Google. It's really simple just type in Oak Hill Academy and presto...there you have it.
It wasn't just last year that but multiple years that you beat this dead horse at every opportunity you get.
I didn't "call out" a kid. It is common knowledge that this player transferred and I referred to him by his initials. Apparently he is just another in the long, long list of out of district players for Mt. Airy High School, a supposed "boundary school" want a joke, there it is: Mt. Airy being a "boundary school" so when any whining comes from you it is beyond ironic.
Lastly I have only ever responded AFTER you have made another snide, sarcastic or outright cheap statement about either Bishop or Prep.
So, just how many MA players are out of district this year, the normal amount or more?