The hate and envy run deep these days.C'mon man. That shit ain't funny. Y'all all lining up to throw dirt on the grave. It's hilarious to me.
Yeah I don’t get that. We've played Shelby 3 times over the years and I've been to every game. They played their butts off and were a class act each game. We even beat them once and they were just as classy. Sure every team might have a bad apple or two sometimes Never thought I'd see that much hate because KIDS not adults work hard and are good at what they do. Go Lions!! Hope they bounce back for a great season.
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Yeah I don’t get that.We've played Shelby 3 times over the years and I've been to every game. They played their butts off and were a class act each game. We even beat them once and they were just as classy. Sure every team might have a bad apple or two sometimes Never thought I'd see that much hate because KIDS not adults work hard and are good at what they do. Go Lions!! Hope they bounce back for a great season.
I agree... uncalled for comment about children under 18.
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The hate and envy run deep these days. C'mon man. That shit ain't funny. Y'all all lining up to throw dirt on the grave. It's hilarious to me.
Once I read that, the football talk was out the window, and there was no need for me to waste any energy responding to it. He just exposed himself.
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I’m sure not what I used to be and no, I don’t care at all about other team. Do like a few of their posters.

I mean they gave yall a title in 17 Id be a little more cordial. And it wasn't their fault someone didnt teach you guys how to field a kickoff.
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It's tough when traditional winning programs experience adversity to the passionate fan base. We see that sometimes in Duplin County. I'm not so sure that Shelby is down for the count. Haven't seen them play, but I know what kind of juggernaut offense they have. I'll be surprised if they're not waiting on us, or whoever the eastern representative is this year.
as I mentioned before, IF you make it your beat down will look different.
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I agree. Porter Ridge always has a load of talent but they have been the same really since the Hardin guy left several years ago. They went to a couple 4A state title games under him. I believe he is now coaching Charlotte Latin. I know one of the Hardin boys are coaching Latin now. That's a big time coaching family.

and FHS beat Latin
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Just trying to figure out where your lack of respect towards them comes from. Rams totally respect Wally Rose and their Hill. I even have Pookie on my fantasy team lol
Water under the bridge but I didn’t like going to Reidsville. I did see in that game how really special Kanye was going to be, healthy. Good bbq. Eastern bbq is better🕵🏻
Pasquatank? They still have a football program? Thought they went to 8 man or flag football?