ADVERTISEMENT 1A Baker's Dozen - Week 10

Agree...but the slippery slope that has been created could create a major issue. One big donor could turn Uwharrie Charter into a powerhouse 1A football team. That's just an example off the top of my head. The seeds have been sown for a long time. Competing at the 3A level isn't the issue. Heck, some 3A teams can't compete at the 3A level. But the issue lies within the number of students available to pull from as well as the blatant unfair advantage of no boundaries from which to pull from. Uwharrie has kids from all over Montgomery and Randolph Counties. I can't even tell you how many high schools are in Randolph County these days.
Yeah I totally agree there's an advantage I just don't know if (in regards to football) it's significant enough to warrant any action. As of now, even at the 1a level, non-traditionals' performance on the football field is subpar when compared to everybody else. Lol I just hope some loud mouth from MIC doesn't convince people that they're actually any good.
OK been here before and this goes round and round. Usually someone with just a few posts comes on and tries to convince traditional schools that charters have no advantage. These traditionalists are small minded in their views and do not grasp the concept behind the charter explosion in NC. These schools have been created because students are not getting what they need at their mediocre local high schools so they move to a better educational facility.

When traditionalists point out the advantages that appear to be happening on the sports side from these popup high schools they are often shouted down for posting such nonsense and deemed ignorant of rules that restrict attendance to these institutions.

Then a moderator comes back and scolds everyone for beating this dead horse.

Sound about right?

Don't know MIC from Adam. Just do know from past research that 25 mile radius is actually that. Also know that the aforementioned Uwharrie Charter is within that 25 mile radius of all 7 high schools of Randolph county and of a couple in other counties. Also was told by an extremely reliable source that had a younger non sports playing sibling accepted through lottery at one of
the charters that they really wanted her older baseball playing brother to come now that she was in. What held him back was the 365 rule, among a few other personal things, that the charter has to follow now that they are in NCHSAA umbrella.

Also as far as lotteries I think those are at the beginning of the school years and some charters do not have them for someone who transfers mid-term.

Done now. About time for moderator.

I have to admit you guys are truly entertaining No student can transfer in the mid-term. You have to go through the lottery process and be put on a waiting list. And if your lucky to get in then you still would have to meet all state rules regarding the transfer policy just like traditional schools.

Call it what you want but if you want to spew that charter school stuff do it with someone that don't know the facts. We can do this all night, tomorrow, Friday or next week. Go on all the witch hunts you want but charters are here and alive. Play ball and stop crying.
I have a question about the lottery too? If a private Christian school folds its football program. What's the chances that several of its skill players win the lottery to get into a Charter school? And how young can students apply for high school Charter lottery? Would an 8th grader still playing football for a traditional middle school team already know they won the lottery for their 9th grade year and be wearing Charter school apparel? Just want clarification on the lottery. Thanks

A Jacketfan
Yeah I totally agree there's an advantage I just don't know if (in regards to football) it's significant enough to warrant any action. As of now, even at the 1a level, non-traditionals' performance on the football field is subpar when compared to everybody else. Lol I just hope some loud mouth from MIC doesn't convince people that they're actually any good.

MIC isn't any good until they win a meaningful game. It's these so called traditionalist that keep crowning MIC champs. MIC is years off they're just showing up in rankings. The favorites in small 1a should be Murphy, Mitchell or NE out east until proven otherwise.

It's no proof that the "advantages" have benefited football. No one can give one example outside of a CSD run last year. In which they're down this year. These are some of the scariest individuals I have witness. Going back and fourth about something that hasn't even happened.
I have to admit you guys are truly entertaining No student can transfer in the mid-term. You have to go through the lottery process and be put on a waiting list. And if your lucky to get in then you still would have to meet all state rules regarding the transfer policy just like traditional schools.

Call it what you want but if you want to spew that charter school stuff do it with someone that don't know the facts. We can do this all night, tomorrow, Friday or next week. Go on all the witch hunts you want but charters are here and alive. Play ball and stop crying.

Sir Don't know you don't care who are what you are affiliated with. Know a young man personally who transferred after first semester. Began attending a charter in January and is sitting the 365 and playing baseball for the charter this spring. Fine young man/player. Did it correctly and by the rules.I may have misspoke/written mid-term instead of after first semester.

Not a witch hunt. Do all you guys have a manual you go by where you say people are "crying" and "play ball"?

Debating things is supposed to be a civil exchange of ideas between people not a shut up you don't know anything yelling contest. Everything I have typed on these forums has been in a matter of discussion and I have never been accused of spewing anything. Read my old posts if you gonna be on here all week. Told to quit crying once. Oh yeah he was a charter school proponent who didn't like facts either.
I have a question about the lottery too? If a private Christian school folds its football program. What's the chances that several of its skill players win the lottery to get into a Charter school? And how young can students apply for high school Charter lottery? Would an 8th grader still playing football for a traditional middle school team already know they won the lottery for their 9th grade year and be wearing Charter school apparel? Just want clarification on the lottery. Thanks

A Jacketfan

If you're referencing SL private school that team didn't fold. The chances of any student getting into a new charter with open available slots is great. Now if that school was a older charter school for example LN charter the chances would be slim because it wouldn't have the seats. Families can apply as early as the grades that school offers.

No a 8th grader still playing ball wouldn't know but after applying for the lottery the family could have wishful thinking while praying that they get a different "educational option". No rules that say a person couldn't wear gear. People may dream of going to App State while wearing the gear. Who cares families can do what they want.
Sir Don't know you don't care who are what you are affiliated with. Know a young man personally who transferred after first semester. Began attending a charter in January and is sitting the 365 and playing baseball for the charter this spring. Fine young man/player. Did it correctly and by the rules.I may have misspoke/written mid-term instead of after first semester.

Not a witch hunt. Do all you guys have a manual you go by where you say people are "crying" and "play ball"?

Debating things is supposed to be a civil exchange of ideas between people not a shut up you don't know anything yelling contest. Everything I have typed on these forums has been in a matter of discussion and I have never been accused of spewing anything. Read my old posts if you gonna be on here all week. Told to quit crying once. Oh yeah he was a charter school proponent who didn't like facts either.

I never posted anything uncivil. The baseball kid you reference sound like he was on the waiting list and got in later. But if he attend that school he had to go through a lottery or put on a waiting list.
"Families have to APPLY for a lottery. Again with no guarantee of enrollment. "

I am no bd fan but I must say,
How long has WSPrep been in existence? YET, they have not met their CAP? That's the maximum number of students for a charter school before they have to use the "lottery". If a charter school is below their max. students, everyone that applies is accepted! So in these cases, yes they are guaranteed. I have noticed that when charter schools have to actually use the lottery, the sports teams often go south. I am not against charter schools, they have value, but 1A schools have been victimized by the NCHSAA's decision to allow charter schools to rule 1A in all sports outside of football. And if things do not change they will rule it as well.

WSPrep is a magnet school not a charter. Totally different rules for enrollment.
May have been on waiting list. Never told anyone he was going just left.

Guess I took offense to play ball and stop crying? Like I said when discussing this last year exact same phrasing was used by a charter poster.
If you're referencing SL private school that team didn't fold. The chances of any student getting into a new charter with open available slots is great. Now if that school was a older charter school for example LN charter the chances would be slim because it wouldn't have the seats. Families can apply as early as the grades that school offers.

No a 8th grader still playing ball wouldn't know but after applying for the lottery the family could have wishful thinking while praying that they get a different "educational option". No rules that say a person couldn't wear gear. People may dream of going to App State while wearing the gear. Who cares families can do what they want.
Thanks for the response. One more question if you don't mind about the lottery. So is it based on a number of positions for each grade level- like only rising 9th graders only have a full slot of positions available and the other grade levels must have openings available by kids leaving and sophomores, juniors, and seniors get put on a waiting list?


A Jacketfan
May have been on waiting list. Never told anyone he was going just left.

Guess I took offense to play ball and stop crying? Like I said when discussing this last year exact same phrasing was used by a charter poster.

That comment was not directed at you. Sorry for that. I'm a supporter of "educational options". I do recognize that it's advantages and disadvantages. Knowing the "other side" of that argument allows me to understand the entire picture not just one that is thrown out for the sake of rallying together against something.
Thanks for that.

I also think a lot of the animosity toward charters comes from when they first opened their doors. Many of the athletes, admittedly most in sports baseball and basketball, simply did not show up to their local traditional high schools that year. As you have stated a new charter with many slots could easily accept these students. With new charters usually not yet in NCHSAA,and 365 not yet in place, they were able to play immediately. Also the coaches could have hands on with their teams because they were not in conferences yet. Oh and the majority of athletes were not second stringers who got in games during garbage times. Funny huh?

Many charters have now joined NCHSAA and compete at the 1A level. Many of their initial classes are juniors or seniors. Having to abide by NCHSAA rules should help level playing field some for 1A traditional schools but what is fueling their ire now I think was referenced above when there was talk of 8th grader wearing charter gear. I know one local middle school has asked a charter parent to not come back to any middle school games. I realize this may have been just an overzealous person but he was apparently asking players about going to charter the next year right after a middle school game.

Yes recruiting goes on at all high schools but residency is a little harder to prove inside a traditional high school's lines. Like I pointed out earlier the 25 mile radius includes all of Randolph county. That's 7 high schools and 8 middles I think. Not to mention those in neighboring counties.

Probably going to bed now. Indians just went up 6-0.
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If an athlete is good enough he or she will damn sure get into a charter school regardless of a lottery process. Gunzz you have little credibility on here and if you deny that what little you have is gone. The sports other than football have benefited greatly. If there's any question why don't you check out the NCHSAA 1A volleyball tournament bracket. No way anyone can deny that fact that pulling from numerous high schools doesn't give an unfair advantage to Charters. So shut up and play ball is the mantra for Charters? So is "well, they should be able to win they have X number of high schools they can choose from!"
"WSPrep is a magnet school not a charter. Totally different rules for enrollment."

This is charlotte's rules: sounds similar for both magnet and charter to me. I looked at the link and saw nothing that would keep any athlete from going to that school to play ball. As I posted before, I am a fan of charter schools , but it seems if a child applies and the school is below the maximum enrollment, that student will get into the school. Is it fair? Until maximum enrollment is reached so the school's lottery system is in place, I do not think so for 1A traditional athletics. BUT, a school's primary function is to teach. I put that above trophies!

"lottery procedures are often used for admission to both magnet and charter schools. Admission is determined through a random number lottery system. Parents must fill out an application for their preferred school by a set deadline. Applications are then placed into the school’s lottery pool and names are drawn at random for the school’s open slots on a selected date. If your child doesn’t receive admission through the lottery, you can be added to a waiting list and you can also reapply"
If an athlete is good enough he or she will damn sure get into a charter school regardless of a lottery process. Gunzz you have little credibility on here and if you deny that what little you have is gone. The sports other than football have benefited greatly. If there's any question why don't you check out the NCHSAA 1A volleyball tournament bracket. No way anyone can deny that fact that pulling from numerous high schools doesn't give an unfair advantage to Charters. So shut up and play ball is the mantra for Charters? So is "well, they should be able to win they have X number of high schools they can choose from!"

"If an athlete is good enough he or she will damn sure get into a charter school regardless of a lottery process."

Please reference the site where it says this? The fact is this is your misguided and misinformed opinion Don't post like it's a matter of fact without some sort of backup data. This is the exact reason why so much misinformation has been put out on this subject. I would rather stick to the facts.

I never denied the fact that advantages exist. But I realize they exist in different areas for both sides. My credibility is not govern by you so I could really care what you think.

You can't explain the facts on how this has benefited football 1A on the field. This is what all the crying stems from up here. Now you want to bring up volleyball.
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"WSPrep is a magnet school not a charter. Totally different rules for enrollment."

This is charlotte's rules: sounds similar for both magnet and charter to me. I looked at the link and saw nothing that would keep any athlete from going to that school to play ball. As I posted before, I am a fan of charter schools , but it seems if a child applies and the school is below the maximum enrollment, that student will get into the school. Is it fair? Until maximum enrollment is reached so the school's lottery system is in place, I do not think so for 1A traditional athletics. BUT, a school's primary function is to teach. I put that above trophies!

"lottery procedures are often used for admission to both magnet and charter schools. Admission is determined through a random number lottery system. Parents must fill out an application for their preferred school by a set deadline. Applications are then placed into the school’s lottery pool and names are drawn at random for the school’s open slots on a selected date. If your child doesn’t receive admission through the lottery, you can be added to a waiting list and you can also reapply"

Yes that's right. It's basic math. But the lottery system works different for magnet programs. Magnet programs have certain criteria's such as GPA, Test Scores, ect depending on the school system they're in. Yes different area magnet may work different and have different criteria's. Same with charter's lotteries. In which they may have less restrictions to apply for the lottery. Think about any of these lotteries like applying for college.
Yes that's right. It's basic math. But the lottery system works different for magnet programs. Magnet programs have certain criteria's such as GPA, Test Scores, ect depending on the school system they're in. Yes different area magnet may work different and have different criteria's. Same with charter's lotteries. In which they may have less restrictions to apply for the lottery. Think about any of these lotteries like applying for college.
You are well informed. Thanks for clarifying this for me! and I am not being sarcastic
Love the word play. We are the raptors which are birds of PREY. However, we prefer to play any and everyone available. We have had a horrible time filling our schedule and it is unfortunate our boys are suffering because of the OLE politics that stand in the way. As mention earlier in the chat. Our school website is

Please feel free to contact our head coach or Athletic Director to set up a game for the 2017-2018 season we have plenty of spaces available. I'm sure we can set up up for a few years where we come to each other alternating years. That way we won;t be FORCED to fill our non conference schedule with so called "bottom schools" instead both of our kids can have a great game to showcase their skills and continue to increase opportunities for them.
Let me end with saying congratulations on your back to back state championships and all the glory that comes with it. We have not accomplished that glory and accomplishment to date great luck this year on your quest for a three peat. Personally a three peat opens the discussion to DYNASTY sir. THAT"S AWESOME!!!!!!

Was that supposed to be funny?? That was LAME! It's called a name. A name that comes from the area the school is located.

Wait a second.......

At least three other people enjoyed my post. You callin' them lame?
Thanks for the response. One more question if you don't mind about the lottery. So is it based on a number of positions for each grade level- like only rising 9th graders only have a full slot of positions available and the other grade levels must have openings available by kids leaving and sophomores, juniors, and seniors get put on a waiting list?


A Jacketfan

Each Charter school is different. For MIC there has to be an opening at that grade level. For instance if a junior leaves that position would be filled by a person at the same grade level. Some other Charters are different. If a 5th grader leaves that opens up a spot at the school and could be filled by another grade.
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