ADVERTISEMENT 1A Baker's Dozen - Week 10


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2001

1. Wallace Rose-Hill (7-0)
2. West Montgomery (8-0)
3. Mount Airy (8-0)
4. Mitchell (8-0)
5. East Carteret (8-1)
6. Murphy (7-1)
7. Tarboro (5-2)
8. East Montgomery (9-0)
9. East Wilkes (7-1)
10. Trask (6-1)
11. North Edgecombe (5-0)
12. Riverside-Martin (6-1)
13. Mountain Island Charter (7-1)

HONORABLE MENTION: Gates County (6-2); Bessemer City (6-2); Union (5-2) - open; North Duplin (4-3); Plymouth (5-3); Walkertown (5-4);
I would switch bessemer city with mountain island charter since they beat them 16 to 0. MIC in my opinion is fools gold. The only good team they played was bessemer and they lost there other 10 teams they play are horrendous which is why they win 60 to 0 every week. I think the fact that they are not battle tested will hurt them come playoff time. I would have swain and robbinsville in the hunt. Walkertown stinks they barely beat winston salem prep.
I would switch bessemer city with mountain island charter since they beat them 16 to 0. MIC in my opinion is fools gold. The only good team they played was bessemer and they lost there other 10 teams they play are horrendous which is why they win 60 to 0 every week. I think the fact that they are not battle tested will hurt them come playoff time. I would have swain and robbinsville in the hunt. Walkertown stinks they barely beat winston salem prep.

Don't sleep on MIC. MIC is not even close to the same team they was week 2 against BC. I understand your evaluation is based on the schedule they play but if you seen them play you would understand.
I'm assuming that you have not watched his team play which is why you said they are fools gold! Blowouts do not simply come from playing bad teams and sometimes it does. You also have to consider that this years schedule was the product of the previous coach! I would like to know if you've seen this team or just speculating off of scores? This team can compete position for position with any team 1A or 1AA.
Jeez if yall are so good. Start a thread once in awhile. Ive just seen highlights but central academy 1-7, pine lake prep 2-6, community school of davidson 0-8, highland school of technology 1 and 7, sandhill titans and carolina gladiators carolina pride, who the f**k are these teams homeschoolers?lmao. Victory christian center and cannon.

Watching highlights or games vs that sorry of competition in my opinion doesn't tell u anything.

They probably are a great team, but not being battle tested like smc teams, or mitchell, will hurt them come playoff time. When you aren't used to getting smacked in the mouth and all of a sudden someone does it could be a rude awakening is all im saying.

Also, if i heard correctly they got 6 legit good transfer players this year. Shoot i wish my alleghany trojans could get. 1 good transfer once in awhile. MIC is starting to sound like the football version of winston salem preps bball team. Im not doubting that the transfers r totally legit, but its bs if u ask me.

Serious ? is thomas jefferson legit this year? i noticed they had mountain island tied at halftime of their game this year.
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No threads needed. Just happened to stumble across your posting checking the Bakers Dozen. I'm just saying keep your eyes peeled. Your right nobody likes getting smacked in the mouth. But I don't believe the chemistry and identity was there against BC when they lost that game. That game was 0-0 into the 4th quarter. Two bad plays practically gave BC the game. Scheduling will be different next year but for now they are taking care of what their suppose to. Mountain teams are tough there's no denying that. However they also don't play against any real speed. Whoever they play it will be a matter of imposing what you do best. You show me a team in 1, 2,3 or 4A that can cover 3 legit receivers and stop the run. Pick your poison.
Mitchell did Friday night against Hendersonville, so there is that. Murphy did against Hendo as well. We'll actually Hendo runs 4 and 5 wide on most plays.
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Jeez if yall are so good. Start a thread once in awhile. Ive just seen highlights but central academy 1-7, pine lake prep 2-6, community school of davidson 0-8, highland school of technology 1 and 7, sandhill titans and carolina gladiators carolina pride, who the f**k are these teams homeschoolers?lmao. Victory christian center and cannon.

Watching highlights or games vs that sorry of competition in my opinion doesn't tell u anything.

They probably are a great team, but not being battle tested like smc teams, or mitchell, will hurt them come playoff time. When you aren't used to getting smacked in the mouth and all of a sudden someone does it could be a rude awakening is all im saying.

Also, if i heard correctly they got 6 legit good transfer players this year. Shoot i wish my alleghany trojans could get. 1 good transfer once in awhile. MIC is starting to sound like the football version of winston salem preps bball team. Im not doubting that the transfers r totally legit, but its bs if u ask me.

Serious ? is thomas jefferson legit this year? i noticed they had mountain island tied at halftime of their game this year.

Gee Wiz! It's not that serious. You have a valid argument on the schedule but you went into left field with the transfers. Understand MIC is in a high population area unlike any team you mention. Add in the fact that it's a new charter school that has a lot of lottery slots at the HS level and just built a brand new HS building. All types of students will come. 3 years ago they had less then 50 students in HS so yes at some point everyone came from somewhere else that's what typically happens in new schools. If 6 new students moved within district and meet all requirements what's the problem? No one is talking about the 50 other new students in the HS. Let me guess they don't play football. Football is not everything. Some families actually explore better educational options or just want a new start. And some do make decisions based on football who knows. Trying to figure that out will require a lot of assuming. This is America right?

Now it's either they're not battle tested or they got 6 "transfers". In which these player's aren't technically transfers. They're called new students. Can't have it both ways. They lose "I told you they wasn't battle tested" or if they win "they got new players". The fact is we will see come playoff time, But stick to a side. I predict Kleenex stock will rise in NC.
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Mitchell did Friday night against Hendersonville, so there is that. Murphy did against Hendo as well. We'll actually Hendo runs 4 and 5 wide on most plays.

MICS have 5 wide out that are 4.5 or better. 3 on the bench that are no slower then 4.7. Not sure if that's the same. All can run great routes so sitting in zone all game or playing off is out the window. I understand people have not seen them play so that's hard to believe and the comp is awful. All the teams you mentioned are great teams and could all win the championship. This will be a great 1A and 1AA playoff. Not saying MIC will beat the teams above. I'm just saying that the match ups will be very interesting. Stay tuned!
Both things r possible, they can not be battle tested because they arent right now, and benefit from transfers that were on teams last year come playoff time. They may blowout mountain teams for all i know. I was just saying the 6 transfers "must be nice". Im definately jealous. You cant tell me that getting transfers that other teams aren't fortunate enough to get due to location or whatever reason isnt an advantage. Just wish my team could do the same and get a bunch of talented transfers. I am a fan and have no child in school, so all i personally care about is my teams im a fan of winning football games, i could care less about how they turn out as human beings or what grades they make. Im like kevin oleary on shark tank, once a player graduates from Alleghany they r "dead to me" lol
? is thomas jefferson that good to have game tied at half with the allstars u speak of at halftime? or was it too early in season like u say the bessemer city game was? after seeing that they tied mic at half i thought they were legit, but then tja lost to cherryville so i was wondering whether they r good or not?
No saying MIC isn't good, just stating they are not the only team with multiple good wide outs. Was more a compliment of Hendo than about Mitchell or Murphy.

Only a matter of time until the charters are dominant in 1a football the way they dominate basketball. Sorry for opening that can of worms again, just stating fact.
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? is thomas jefferson that good to have game tied at half with the allstars u speak of at halftime? or was it too early in season like u say the bessemer city game was? after seeing that they tied mic at half i thought they were legit, but then tja lost to cherryville so i was wondering whether they r good or not?

I get it you're trying to determine how good MIC by looking on Maxpreps. If you want to use a week 3 halftime score to support your argument have at it. You haven't seen them play and Maxpreps watching will run a person into a brick wall. I'm just saying pick a side to complain about when it comes that time.
Both things r possible, they can not be battle tested because they arent right now, and benefit from transfers that were on teams last year come playoff time. They may blowout mountain teams for all i know. I was just saying the 6 transfers "must be nice". Im definately jealous. You cant tell me that getting transfers that other teams aren't fortunate enough to get due to location or whatever reason isnt an advantage. Just wish my team could do the same and get a bunch of talented transfers. I am a fan and have no child in school, so all i personally care about is my teams im a fan of winning football games, i could care less about how they turn out as human beings or what grades they make. Im like kevin oleary on shark tank, once a player graduates from Alleghany they r "dead to me" lol

Having 10 Walmart's in the area is nice too. Just the benefit of being around one of the largest cities in the southeast. Sometimes I wish I could enjoy the peace and quite of being in the Mountains. Both have it's pro's and con's.
No saying MIC isn't good, just stating they are not the only team with multiple good wide outs. Was more a compliment of Hendo than about Mitchell or Murphy.

Only a matter of time until the charters are dominant in 1a football the way they dominate basketball. Sorry for opening that can of worms again, just stating fact.

No worries about opening that can of worms because it's not a Charter school problem as much as people blame the actual charter schools. Charters, magnets, ect schools are no different then the country we live in. We live in a country made up of many differences. To support those differences we must have educational options that reflect that. These schools are set up to provide different options for people. They're "different" and for whatever reason in this country when you are "different" you get attacked or put in stereotypical categories by people that "fear" that they're way of life will be effected.

The problem don't get heated until we add the good OLE game of football into that equation. I'm happy that "different educational options" exist. Yes this means at times advantages can happen. The problem is with the rules not the actual thing. We are living in America and this argument applies to what we live in. But the WE vs THEM mentality that football fans of these so called "traditional schools" argue sound very (cough, cough) let me not go there. I'm just saying times are changing the way these generations operate is different (good or bad). The way they learn is different, what is on TV is different, how they communicate is different. The Traditional learning environment is changing. This is filtering down to sports. Nothing we can do about that but embrace change.

Trying to rally against "different" won't solve nothing. The solution is "changing or adjusting". This means some of these traditional schools could look into renovating the school, offering new educational options, making adjustments to the learning environment, ect. This could attract students. This starts by going to the school boards and asking for adjustments not forum boards pointing fingers.
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Dude they have played absolutely nobody since week 3,maxpreps and your 40 times is all i have to go by. There is only one football and it doesnt matter how many receivers there are if qb is on his back
Dude they have played absolutely nobody since week 3,maxpreps and your 40 times is all i have to go by. There is only one football and it doesnt matter how many receivers there are if qb is on his back

That's the beauty of the game. The game is not played on maxpreps it's played on the field. We'll see.
Dude they have played absolutely nobody since week 3,maxpreps and your 40 times is all i have to go by. There is only one football and it doesnt matter how many receivers there are if qb is on his back

Yeah make sure those blitz packages work. One missed tackle and it's a house call.
No wonder your beating your chest so hard. Its strange u havent said a word all year till now. R u an alumni or have a kidd there? or just thats your team. Just curious
No wonder your beating your chest so hard. Its strange u havent said a word all year till now. R u an alumni or have a kidd there? or just thats your team. Just curious

Not beating my chest and the fact I don't post up here support that. Just responding and adding insight! How many other fans respond up here.
If bragging about 40 times and for some reason gpa-not sure what that has to do with football isnt beating your chest i dont know what is. Anyways goodluck to your all stars the rest of the way. They do look great from highlights ive seen.
If bragging about 40 times and for some reason gpa-not sure what that has to do with football isnt beating your chest i dont know what is. Anyways goodluck to your all stars the rest of the way. They do look great from highlights ive seen.

The 40 times was referencing our speed. Q- Foundation was mentioned and I thought I would note that these are two different athletes by discussing GPAs. No "allstars" just hardworking players. Like all of these teams players mentioned. Good luck to you all as well.
Football games are won and lost in the trenches, everyone knows MIC has plenty of good athletes at the skill spots, but how will their o-line stack up when they go up against a nasty defensive front? I guess we'll find out come playoff time.
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I like how they say build a new school or modernise the one you have. Offer new educational options. Really doesn't understand traditional schools at all. No matter what you offer you still have the same kids in the disrict. They don't have ten options on which school to attend
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And none of MIC kids ever played for the Q-Foundation. By the way all of that speed have 3.5 or better GPA's. One actually is committed to Cornell with a 5.1 GPA.

Kid runs a 4.5 and has a GPA of 5.1. That one must be his son. LOL. Seriously, is he taking all college level classes in high school because honors classes only let you get a 5.0 (and that's if you ace the class).
AP classes are college level and you can get college credit if you score high enough on the AP exam. I know all about it as it helped me graduate college early. However, in order to get above a 5 GPA he would have to have a good portion of AP classes in order to offset any normally level classes (that carry just a 4.0 possibility). But I guess since it is a charter school it may be a little easier to have access to those classes than a traditional public school.
I like how they say build a new school or modernist the one you have. Offer new educational options. Really doesn't understand traditional schools at all. No matter what you offer you still have the same kids in the disrict. They don't have ten options on which school to attend

Who is "they"??? Talking educational on a football forum will go south quick I see.

Enhancing a school will attract students to your student body. "No matter what you offer" might not matter in your area but I know some parent's in this area consistently are looking for what programs high school offer.

"They don't have ten options on which school to attend" is the exact reason private, charters and magnets show up. To give options.
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AP classes are college level and you can get college credit if you score high enough on the AP exam. I know all about it as it helped me graduate college early. However, in order to get above a 5 GPA he would have to have a good portion of AP classes in order to offset any normally level classes (that carry just a 4.0 possibility). But I guess since it is a charter school it may be a little easier to have access to those classes than a traditional public school.

Some HS AP courses can transfer as college credits. Having educational options like this is what the above poster was referencing. I know that in some schools students could get into programs if they qualify that will allow them to graduate with a college associate degree out of HS or earn college credits. Yes charters, magnets, ect do offer different options then the average school. These are no more then education options that NEED to exist in our communities

As it concerns MIC it's been well documented the academic excellence of their football program. I read where 21 out 35 of the players from last year was 3.5 or better GPA. They have 2 players with a 5.0 or better. That is taking a strong AP load this kid being one of them. If you take

AP Class- A 6.0
AP Class- A 6.0
Honor Class- A 5.0
Normal Class- A 4.0

That's a 5.25 GPA

It's possible you just have to have the option to be able to do it.
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? is thomas jefferson that good to have game tied at half with the allstars u speak of at halftime? or was it too early in season like u say the bessemer city game was? after seeing that they tied mic at half i thought they were legit, but then tja lost to cherryville so i was wondering whether they r good or not?

Looks like both team TJA and BC were good and projected favorites until they played MICS. All the projections had both teams 1 and 2 in the conference and then they played MICS and haven't been the same after that game. BC looked like they spent everything they had and haven't recovered since. TJA exposed their QB to way too much punishment with the game out of hand especially on the last play of the game. Luckily he is a warrior but he looked to re injure himself 1 or 2 weeks after that as well. Does anyone know why people appear to avoid playing MICS I'm sure there should be big name established teams close to them that should be happy to SMASH THEM IN THE MOUTH.
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MIC was picked to finish 5th in the conference, and a double digit underdog in almost every game until Highland Tech. I know the coach reached out to plenty of teams to try and schedule more competitive teams but wasn't successful. The next couple of years I think you will see a major difference scheduling wise! But like you said why are teams avoiding them? Would you want to see your powerhouse mountain school get upset by a 1A charter that's a 2nd year program?? Probably not! I agree with you 100% that TJ or BC wasn't the same after those games. I've seen both play since then. And I'm willing to bet any amount of money that if there were a rematch with BC it would be a totally different game!
Looks like a major issue is the perfected art of "throwing away kids" once they are used up and have served their purpose to win a few games for the OLE ball coach. This plague needs to be ERADICATED. The focus should be on the STUDENT Athlete, while they are in your school and after. Every player that you coach should be a better person when they leave you with greater opportunities. How many players finish playing football at schools you know and were great players but horrible students and never left home. Why is is acceptable for any athlete to be ineligible for college. The myths are coaches in this area hide college recruiting letters, play favoritism, and spend more time spewing rumors to media and on forums than they do advocating to colleges for their players. Coaches are not sending players to college but are barely creating playground legends. Players get you a few wins that you brag to your buddies about but that same player can't even use you for a reference for a decent job.
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