NCHSAA press conference discusses new state law overhauling role of association 10/3/2013


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2015
Mayberry - RFD,NC
The N.C. High School Athletic Association is holding a press conference to discuss the impact of the new state law that will strip the association of much of its authority to govern high school sports in North Carolina and the next steps for the association.
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She says she doesn't know how NCHSAA will survive financially? $42 million? I'm confused. I hate that legislators are taking over bc one of them is butt hurt bc his nephew didn't get to play in playoffs bc Anson Co Fb WAS BANNED FOR fighting but two sides to this. State legislator's have there best interest in mind and the kids will suffer. This is all a bunch of BS!
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She says she doesn't know how NCHSAA will survive financially? $42 million? I'm confused. I hate that legislators are taking over bc one of them is butt hurt bc his nephew didn't get to play in playoffs bc New Bern Fb WAS BANNED FOR fighting but two sides to this. State legislator's have there best interest in mind and the kids will suffer. This is all a bunch of BS!
Was not New Bern. The school this originated at was Anson and their state senator Tom McInnis. The school did not protest the decision but the community did and he decided he would have it overturned but was told no. That started the dirty back alley this went down.
She says she doesn't know how NCHSAA will survive financially? $42 million? I'm confused. I hate that legislators are taking over bc one of them is butt hurt bc his nephew didn't get to play in playoffs bc Anson Co Fb WAS BANNED FOR fighting but two sides to this. State legislator's have there best interest in mind and the kids will suffer. This is all a bunch of BS!
She also said that, legally, most of the endowment money can’t be used for operations.
If you want to know what the nchsaa spends on? This is they're financial information for 2021 & 2022 which as a 501 c3 they have to disclose to the public.

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This is basically an overview of the zoom cast.

Can the $42 million be used for anything?
The interest from it can be used.

I wrote what on one of the boards here recently that Charlie Adams feared that schools, especially lower income area schools, would not be able to field sports teams eventually, especially football, due to the cost of required insurances and equipment. He was a true visionary. The idea was to grow the fund until the point came that it had to be used and the interest and dividends generated would cover the needed items.

There is a finance committe from the Board of Directors that oversees this each year. That committee changes over time. There is a calculation used based on several factors that determines the amount that can be distributed.
Recalling from memory, the NCHSAA came under scrutiny during the Covid theasco. IMO, there was a power struggle between the general assembly and the NCHSAA, which we all should remember. Every state that borders NC had little to no change to their football season that year, with little to no implications as a result. However, NC under the authority of the NCHSAA put major restrictions on our kids, even to the point of moving the season. I remember that there was some huge wakes made by this decision and there wasn't a whole lot the general assembly could do about it.
Once again, this is just my opinion. After that, I think the GA decided to clip the wings of the NCHSAA. And how's the most effective way to do that? Control the money! Whoever controls the money controls the power. Not saying this is right or not or that I agree or disagree with it, just what I think
The Govenor was the main influence on shutting down schools and halting athletic competitions starting in March of the previous school year. NCHSAA took direction from there. I also expect a lot of people in the DPI and other departments that deal with the schools have officials appointed by the governor.

The "wing clipping" was started as old school politics with a state senator being told no. He then started the investigations. COVID may have had something to do with it but if so that was only an excuse as the legislature did not a big enough fight against schools being closed.
The "wing clipping" was started as old school politics with a state senator being told no. He then started the investigations.
Very well could have been the spark and Covid was the fuel.
COVID may have had something to do with it but if so that was only an excuse as the legislature did not a big enough fight against schools being closed.
I can't help but think that the power struggles of Covid had some impact on this. The governor made a "recommendation" to the NCHSAA however, from what I understood, QT could have went with the model of every other state that borders NC yet didn't. I'm sure there was political pressure at work.
I think Tucker gave a good example how this could be a problem. The officials wanted a pass raise and the nchsaa board meet and voted for a 10% raise. Now if something like that happens it up to one person. I just don't understand the government over reach it seems that working with the board of education was enough oversight I don't see the need for one person making all the final decisions.
The government might find the whole thing in their lap one day and see for themselves how easy it is to run a states high school sports programs and the schools , coaches and fans with the government running it all probably will see the day that they wish they still had a private nonprofit running things.
All I know is she has been in charge for many a year and I've not seen much input for improvement over the Ref's pay, gate money going to the local schools in playoffs. Ie, room and board for road trips over 3 to 4 hours. Could someone be so kind to point out some positives under Q's leadership rather than 42 million?
All I know is she has been in charge for many a year and I've not seen much input for improvement over the Ref's pay, gate money going to the local schools in playoffs. Ie, room and board for road trips over 3 to 4 hours. Could someone be so kind to point out some positives under Q's leadership rather than 42 million?
I’ll defer to the association members and the coach’s association who came out in support of the NCHSAA. I find it interesting how many detractors mention Que. So, is it really just about her?
I’ll defer to the association members and the coach’s association who came out in support of the NCHSAA. I find it interesting how many detractors mention Que. So, is it really just about her?
I don't know, but that didn't truly answer the question. Of course everyone will support the NCHSAA, if they don't, well funny things happen. Like a 2A size schools stuck in 3A playoffs. And so forth in 1A playing 2A schools, by enrollment numbers and so on up the ladder.
I don't know, but that didn't truly answer the question. Of course everyone will support the NCHSAA, if they don't, well funny things happen. Like a 2A size schools stuck in 3A playoffs. And so forth in 1A playing 2A schools, by enrollment numbers and so on up the ladder.
Both groups could have simply stayed out of it. They quickly came forward with very strongly worded criticisms of the takeover and support for the NCHSAA.
I had lunch with one current and two retired school superintendents. All three had been coaches. They were of like mind that the worst thing to happen to high school athletics would be legislative control.
I believe all of those know more about it than I do.
All I know is she has been in charge for many a year and I've not seen much input for improvement over the Ref's pay, gate money going to the local schools in playoffs. Ie, room and board for road trips over 3 to 4 hours. Could someone be so kind to point out some positives under Q's leadership rather than 42 million?
Ref's pay is huge but it is also a school item as they are paying it. There was pushback as some schools did not want to pay more. That discussion went on for a long time.

Would not expect room and board for a four hour drive.

Thought the schools should have kept more of the playoff funds.
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I don't know, but that didn't truly answer the question. Of course everyone will support the NCHSAA, if they don't, well funny things happen. Like a 2A size schools stuck in 3A playoffs. And so forth in 1A playing 2A schools, by enrollment numbers and so on up the ladder.
I hear these things but I found that every complaint or appeal was heavily reviewed by multiple people in the office including in house legal counsel. The regulations are always the final answer. There is not much wavering from the book. I do not like many of the rules, such as teams missing the playoffs for leaving the sidelines, but they are in writing and fairly simple.
Politics. Right now the SBE is appointed by the governor. Wonder if their tone changes if a democrat gets elected as the Superintendent
Saw today that Mo Green, former superintendent of Guilford County Schools and former deputy superintendent, COO and general counsel of Mecklenburg announced he’s running for that job. He’ll be formidable.
I hear these things but I found that every complaint or appeal was heavily reviewed by multiple people in the office including in house legal counsel. The regulations are always the final answer. There is not much wavering from the book. I do not like many of the rules, such as teams missing the playoffs for leaving the sidelines, but they are in writing and fairly simple.
Rules are rules and whether me you are McInnis not like them it should not have any bearing in the NCHSAA final decision.
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Wether you like Tucker or not at least she's accountable to the board and nchsaa already to the state school board but doesn't sound like the superintendent will be accountable to anyone.
The NCHSAA IRS 990 reported $42,557,160 in 2021 net assets or fund balance and $36,347,694 in 2022.
While I've had a small business I'm certainly no accountant and if someone is please correct me but we seem hung up on the $42 million which bty is total assets not just cash on hand but from what I've read it's ideal for a nonprofit to have a used reserve goal of 3-6 months worth of yearly expenses as assets so looks like in 2021 when NCHSAA had the $42,557,160 in assets they had $9,500,389 in expenses that year so that's just under 5 months of yearly expenses. Looks like the had less total assets in 2022 but least expenses.
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Has anyone actually familiarized themselves with Catherine Truit? I know several of you voted for her based off the letter next to her name, but if she walked through town right now you wouldn't know who she was.

Based off what I have seen from her, I'm not sure she knows the first thing about athletics. Imagine the guy she replaced running athletics.

Politics doesn't belong in everything and now it's creeping into our school boards and now athletics.
I know several of you voted for her based off the letter next to her name

Politics doesn't belong in everything and now it's creeping into our school boards and now athletics.
As an Unaffiliated voter, I see a double standard in your post. You inject politics in your first paragraph then condemn politics in your second.
Political divide is destroying this country.
As an Unaffiliated voter, I see a double standard in your post. You inject politics in your first paragraph then condemn politics in your second.
Political divide is destroying this country.

I didn't inject anything. I made a factual statement. I don't want poltical affiliations impacting athletics or school boards.

Other than the few on here that seem invested in what's happening in our school systems, there is likely hardly a soul that knows who Catherine Truitt is or even could name the State Superintendent without Google.
Has anyone actually familiarized themselves with Catherine Truit? I know several of you voted for her based off the letter next to her name, but if she walked through town right now you wouldn't know who she was.

Based off what I have seen from her, I'm not sure she knows the first thing about athletics. Imagine the guy she replaced running athletics.

Politics doesn't belong in everything and now it's creeping into our school boards and now athletics.
Enough to vote for Dr. Mangrum.
Enough to vote for Dr. Mangrum.

Mangrum would be a great Superintendent and honestly I don't think Truitt has been as bad as I feared(much better than Mark Johnson), but I too would question Mangrum's ability to lead athletics, but I think she would surround herself with people that would give sound guidance. I hope Truitt does the same.
They don't know who he is either. Wouldn't it be nice if people were invested as you and I in this?
While I do enjoy most of your posts, which I often find both informative as well as thought provoking, I have a problem with this one. While it can be frustrating to feel like you and a few others are the only ones “railing against the system” please don’t mistake people not posting as apathy or ignorance. Some of us are well aware of what is going on and may even know who Mr Green and Ms Truitt are. I am an old guy who was taught to never talk politics or religion in mixed company. I choose to try to enact change with my vote. Not saying I disagree with anything you have posted just don’t assume I am any less informed by my silence.
Please continue posting your viewpoints whenever the thread is the right place to do so. I do enjoy reading them.
While I do enjoy most of your posts, which I often find both informative as well as thought provoking, I have a problem with this one. While it can be frustrating to feel like you and a few others are the only ones “railing against the system” please don’t mistake people not posting as apathy or ignorance. Some of us are well aware of what is going on and may even know who Mr Green and Ms Truitt are. I am an old guy who was taught to never talk politics or religion in mixed company. I choose to try to enact change with my vote. Not saying I disagree with anything you have posted just don’t assume I am any less informed by my silence.
Please continue posting your viewpoints whenever the thread is the right place to do so. I do enjoy reading them.

I certainly didn't mean this as an apathy or ignorance for anyone not posting. You certainly are someone that I fully believe keeps up with what is going on and knows the ins and outs. You always add great value and insight when you post.

I'm mainly talking about the few that seem to be fine with the NCGA getting their hands involved in athletics, looking at it as "let's just see how it goes", or the couple that seem to just get entertainment out of people getting ticked off at their side.
Mangrum would be a great Superintendent and honestly I don't think Truitt has been as bad as I feared(much better than Mark Johnson), but I too would question Mangrum's ability to lead athletics, but I think she would surround herself with people that would give sound guidance. I hope Truitt does the same.
Just wondering what would make Mangrum a great Superintendent. Is it the letter beside her name. Looking at her Twitter account I wouldn’t want her. You keep saying you don’t want all this political stuff in Athletics and School Boards but her Twitter is nothing but political. Covid showed what a lot of School Boards were allowing to be taught. She wants unionize the North Carolina Teachers into the AFT Union where Randi Weingarten would be there leader. We saw what she did to the Country. She isn’t political at all.

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