NC Rep. Burr "Owns" Peter Asciutto

Originally posted by Dogs9:
Roger sold me the copyright to the picture and I have been thinking about having prints made later this year if there seems to be enough interest. I know you can't read the score on the scoreboard but I had the score of the last home game I played as a senior on the painting . The final score was Albemarle 41 Lexington 39.
That was one of the great games! I remember they missed a FG to win kicking toward the Quality Store end. Wheeler was on the sideline and everyone was lined up down the line. He looked down to his right and there were people lined up who had came out of the stands under the old two horizontal bar railing. I think that is the correct game Dogs9???
On another note just saw on the 2A board where Thomasville is looking for a new HFC. What the ??????. Wasn't last year his first year at Thomasville. Strange thinks are a happening!!
I spoke with a friend this afternoon that works with banks and large corporations in the investment and debt structure field. I know that makes him a questionable fella to some but his intelligence and knowledge is off the charts and he has a lot of background with the bond trading industry.

We spoke about the situation with the county commissioners and he basically made the same analogy that TW made about the "fence holders" when I brought up the reserve and working accounts of the county saying "the people who are questioning that, what is there background in the field and how is their home budget ran". He said an 8% (which he called one month) reserve is the bare minimum and is basically a red flashing light. Said that looking at it from an investment (I took it he meant bonds) and logistics standpoint that it should stay above three months if at all possible although depending on the time of the year that it could drop below. One item that he mentioned with the timing is that a municipality can have different times of the year when it will normally have its highest account balance due to the dates the physical year is set up, when and how certain debt installments are set up, and when the most money comes into the account which is normally the last month for property taxes being paid and the holidays due to a high amount of sales tax being generated. This account will normally dwindle down and build back up. Note in NC that property taxes are due by January 5th so the majority will normally be paid within the previous thirty days.

He probably lost me in a lot of what he said but the above is how I understood his theories. Basically the numbers and rules of business he discussed tells me that having a large amount in the account is the smart way to do it and that because the amount is X at a certain date can be misleading based on what the date is and how the calender is set up for debt payment and income deposits.

Just passing along that info.
Buddy the head coach at Thomasville is returning to the school he came from to be the athletic director.
All the fussing is going to be in vain, these meetings are for show and from what some upper level school system employees are saying this is a done deal. Just wish they would go ahead and make some decisions about the football program so a coach can get started with the offseason work to get north Albemarle ready for the field come late August
#just saying
Regardless of where people are going to school it is a football dead period in NC due to the new spring workout rules the coaches requested. The ten days prior to the first day of exams are unlimited player non contact football practices.
Dead period or not a new coach has a lot to get in line before kids hit the field, would suck to have the same thing happen with ineligible players and clerical errors this year because coach gets thrown in at the last minute.
Agree with that. With Plan A Albemarle and South would remain open next year based on the changes made by the superintendent that I listed. Personally do not see either school closing especially if they make it another year.
Originally posted by btango:
Agree with that. With Plan A Albemarle and South would remain open next year based on the changes made by the superintendent that I listed. Personally do not see either school closing especially if they make it another year.
Can you share a link with that change to Plan A? Can't seem to find anything other than Dr Griffin said they would look at that possibility while doing this last bit of gathering info.


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