NC Rep. Burr "Owns" Peter Asciutto

Did you see Asciutto's responses? There are a lot of schematics for their arguments. I am disappointed that Burr made this a political battle between himself and the commissioner(s) when they need to truly focus on the schools. Once they figure that out they can have their "screaming" match.

The sign has been made a major issue when in fact that money is required to be used for health related services and cannot be used for any other department. I think that is where we see some crazy decisions on the "spend it or lose it" government budgets.

From what I am hearing a lot of teachers are not very happy with Burr. One thing the community schools proponents need to be careful of is who they bring into their "camp".
Tango, I'm looking at it like this. Anything to save my beloved high school, I am all for it. Yes this has turned into a political battle, but only because the BOE has forced the peoples hand....! The BOE has literally "Strong Armed" the community! with deceit. Nobody in Albemarle or surrounding communities imaged that this is what they had in mind; are you kidding me lol. And since this has turned into a "Political Arena" I can assure you that this is only the tip of the ice-berg....honestly. Did the BOE really think they everyone was going to be o.k. with this? Yes they may have came in with a voice of "Change" but they didn't say anything about closing schools nor did they involve anyone to share their opinion when the decision was made. Imagine waking up on a beautiful Sunday morning getting ready for Church and your daughter comes along and says "Dad I'm three months Pregnant" about being blind sided by "Mike Tyson". They already closed North Albemarle Elementary about 5 years ago and that did no good and saved no money, now they want to close East Albemarle and Albemarle Senior get my drift here? Hell, they might as well close Central as well and bus everyone to Cabarrus/Mecklengburg/and Montgomery County schools.

If Mr Burr is playing Devils Advocate then he has my vote for an Oscar.
I like the idea of them putting it out to the public but my concern is that at the end of the day SCS's issue may truly be funding and the largest decline has come from the state. The items that were being pointed out were not school specific and really not related to this scenario but excellent for political posturing. If the BOE goes to the commissioners and request funds and are denied then those items can become a part of this. I think the commissioners are going to provide additional funds.

Rep Burr is a state level politician and some may think a person at that level will want to deflect away from the state's part in our current school controversies. Our schools continue to sink and the state has made charter schools their baby and voted in vouchers that can be used for private schools. The charter school cap of 100 has been removed and the vouchers are now being expanded. I personally see that as a bigger attack on our schools and communities.

I would like for the commissioners to study with the BOE what amount is needed to keep the schools open and promise an increase in the percentage of the budget for the next five years based on that. In return the community schools stay open and redistricting is drawn and immediately put in place for any student entering high school 2016-17 school year. I want the commissioners, BOE, SCS, and Rep Burr to all announce that is the correct thing to do. At that time we will see who truly cares about the students at Albemarle and South Stanly.
Teachers have not had a raise of their county stipend in ten years. Coaches had what I considered low stipends that were lowered by 20.5% in the last round of cuts. I truly think that great,energetic teachers are the key to great schools and students, whether that student is a scientist, ball player, welder, or EC. That has been my biggest problem with Stanly County. I think teachers and coaches are looked at as easily replaceable figures that are lucky to have a job.

My issue with Albemarle for several years is where have all the activist been as the school's academics crumbled. When Oakboro has been on the chopping block twice before did the community and parents not think it was a great time to do something out of the ordinary to make their school special going forward or just wait until the ax was out again. With West Stanly's socio-demographics the school should be scoring off the charts but the citizens in that area think that is very good school. When West was 123% of building capacity they wanted a new wing not redistricting as Albemarle and South sunk below 80% of building capacity but no one on the board thought that was a good idea although at least two independent studies showed otherwise. If the activist at each school get to keep their schools as they are hopefully they will put their focus on improvement of those schools instead of continuing to settle for average at best.
A previous board member has been blocking redistricting for years and we all know who that is. Now with that member no longer on the board lets just simply redistrict for now and put everything else on hold for the time being. It sounds pretty simple to me.
Originally posted by sway1532:

Rep Burr totally owned Mr. Asciutto.
Have you been following Asciutto's replies to Burr's allegations on facebook? Asciutto (who is citing actual up-to-the-minute figures supplied to him by the County Manager and the County Finance Director) is systematically and unemotionally proving that Burr's claims in his newspaper and radio diatribes are either erroneous or exaggerated.

If you look at the timing of all this, Burr waited to see how public opinion was leaning before he chose to speak out on the issue. As usual, being a politician, he picked the side that hefeels he can get behind HIM come the next election. If public opinion had been in favor of the school board plan, I GUARANTEE he would have jumped on that bandwagon instead.

Burr is nothing more than a puppet for the local majority political party. Why else would he be pushing partisan school board elections as a means to solve this problem? All that does is strengthen his party. I know people of both political parties on both sides of this issue.

This post was edited on 2/24 9:37 AM by new_dawg
New_Dawg, like I said, if Burr is playing Devils Advocate, then I vote him for an Oscar.

I still don't know why we can't bring magnet classes to AHS. Harrisburg Middle does it, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think I am. I mean; do they really want to separate the kids that much that they will go as far as closing a powerhouse in athletics such as Albemarle?

It's obvious that you and tango are Asciutto supporter. I have been to his Facebook page and I am aware of his responses. I have also seen that he has accepted Leon Warren for a response. This is truly becoming a political debate but only becuase Asciutto "Strong Armed" the community. It didn't have to go this far. And most of his supporters are not EVEN FROM ALBEMARLE NOR WENT TO they don't have any loyalty or ties to Albemarle. People on other threads are saying KARMA to Albemarle.....well I wouldn't hold my breath on that.
I think you hit the nail on the head about Mr. Burr New Dawg.
Originally posted by sway1532:

I still don't know why we can't bring magnet classes to AHS. Harrisburg Middle does it, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think I am. I mean; do they really want to separate the kids that much that they will go as far as closing a powerhouse in athletics such as Albemarle?

It's obvious that you and tango are Asciutto supporter. I have been to his Facebook page and I am aware of his responses. I have also seen that he has accepted Leon Warren for a response. This is truly becoming a political debate but only becuase Asciutto "Strong Armed" the community. It didn't have to go this far. And most of his supporters are not EVEN FROM ALBEMARLE NOR WENT TO they don't have any loyalty or ties to Albemarle. People on other threads are saying KARMA to Albemarle.....well I wouldn't hold my breath on that.
sway I have never met Ascuitto or Burr. I do not live in Stanly County. I do try to keep up with things happening there. Note I have written here that I think they should keep the schools open. I do think change is needed.

I listened to Rep Burr's radio presentation yesterday. First time I heard him speak and it was surprising to say the least as he read from a prepared message. Many people I speak to in Albemarle are fairly non political people that are very well educated and follow things closely.
Originally posted by sway1532:
New_Dawg, like I said, if Burr is playing Devils Advocate, then I vote him for an Oscar.

I still don't know why we can't bring magnet classes to AHS. Harrisburg Middle does it, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think I am. I mean; do they really want to separate the kids that much that they will go as far as closing a powerhouse in athletics such as Albemarle?
I do not think the students from southeast Albemarle are going to be separated. Plan A they go to North Stanly. Plan B they go to South Stanly. Have been told that with Plan A, Albemarle HS will not set idle for a year as has been initially planned or thought. Students would go there next year and then make one permanent change not the even more feared two. I personally do not think either Plan A or Plan B will happen although I do think we will see some changes.

How many football and basketball players at Albemarle go onto college with an athletic scholarship and get a four year degree? I would be even more curious to what the scholarship money is as compared to cost to attend the school. Many of the ones that could get the most significant financial aide package are not actively recruited due to their academic standing. That is a big disappointment to me and the community, parents, admin for the school and system, county government, and BOE all are somewhat responsible along with the student. Granted it is easily arguable that scholarships are not the most important aspect of high school sports but many would argue that winning championships is not.
Simple questions.

Do you think Rep Burr and would come out and call for a redistricting of the high schools to save Albemarle HS from closing? Would he support a plan that would move one hundred current West Stanly students to Albemarle HS if that was the only way to keep Albemarle open?

If tomorrow it was announced that South Stanly HS, Norwood ES, and Oakboro ES were off the chopping block do you think anyone from Oakboro would still be supportive? Do you think Rep Burr would be as involved? I wrote several weeks ago that politics makes for strange bedfellows. It is all a game of calculation and backdoor dealings. Ask the people of Ridgecrest.
Burr is a typical politician who will basically agree with the side who can do him the most good.
I agree Dogs9. This isn't the agenda that Burr has a repetation for in the past. I'm feeling a little Western Stanly County purpose in this. As far as Albemarle is concerned it will be as usual in sinking that ship
Saw a few bits of new information. If Albemarle becomes a magnet the SCC EC would be moved to AHS but not sure if the 570 number includes them but I think it would have to. Was told that they want to expand the SCC program and do not really want to turn students away if possible, especially for positive socio-economic standing. Also, if AHS becomes a magnet the school will remain open next year and all changes will happen 2016-17 school allowing for students to change schools once not the dreaded twice.

Does anyone know exactly where SCC EC classes are held. I have been told they are at the old West Albemarle ES. But not sure about that.

Still think nothing happens on closings right now but I do think that AHS is definitely going to be in the spotlight regardless.
Where did you get this info? Appears a bit off base from the actual proposal for Plan A. Then again, a "new" compromise could now be in the works by the "shifty" folks making all these suggestions. .
Also, are you referring to the Stanly Early College when you write SCC EC? If so, off base once again. The Early College is currently on the Stanly Community College campus. Currently no plans in place for the Early College to move to the magnet so its not part of the projected 570 students. Stanly Academy was in the West Alb ES building prior to moving to N Alb ES two years ago & its now used by SCC for Basic Law Enforcement Training.
If Plan A passes, AHS will shut down this coming school year & yes those students transferred to South Stanly will be moved twice.


This post was edited on 2/26 8:33 PM by Trench Warrior
Originally posted by btango:
Does anyone know exactly where SCC EC classes are held. I have been told they are at the old West Albemarle ES. But not sure about that.
The Stanly Early College classes are held on the SCC campus. A large part of their classrooms are in the same building as the administrative offices (Patterson Building?), but I'm sure there have to be some classes in other buildings (labs, media, etc).

The old West Albemarle Elementary building is used for the SCC Basic Law Enforcement courses.
It will be real interesting to see what the BOE does at their March meeting next week. They had originally planed to vote on these proposals then. But that was before all the ---- hit the fan. Now I have no idea what they will do. Stay tuned!
Originally posted by Trench Warrior:

Where did you get this info? Appears a bit off base from the actual proposal for Plan A. Then again, a "new" compromise could now be in the works by the "shifty" folks making all these suggestions. .
Also, are you referring to the Stanly Early College when you write SCC EC? If so, off base once again. The Early College is currently on the Stanly Community College campus. Currently no plans in place for the Early College to move to the magnet so its not part of the projected 570 students. Stanly Academy was in the West Alb ES building prior to moving to N Alb ES two years ago & its now used by SCC for Basic Law Enforcement Training.
If Plan A passes, AHS will shut down this coming school year & yes those students transferred to South Stanly will be moved twice.


This post was edited on 2/26 8:33 PM by Trench Warrior
Yes, SCC EC = Stanly Community College Early College program in my "shorthand". I asked the question, where are the Early College classes held. Did not make a statement where the classes are held as I did not know.

I agree this is very different than what was initially proposed. There would have been no reason for me to post it if it were the same. This came from one of the local community elementary school groups and was in with mostly information regarding the elementary schools. I read it a couple of times to make sure I understood it. They used the name Stanly Community College "Middle College" which I took to be what we call "Early College" here. Not sure if that is the same or different.

I have thought regardless of the reasoning of Plan A the moving of students twice never made sense and should not even be entertained.

I still think more money is going to come from the county commissioners and this is going to be revisited again in three or so years if things do not improve.
Originally posted by new_dawg:
Originally posted by btango:
Does anyone know exactly where SCC EC classes are held. I have been told they are at the old West Albemarle ES. But not sure about that.
The Stanly Early College classes are held on the SCC campus. A large part of their classrooms are in the same building as the administrative offices (Patterson Building?), but I'm sure there have to be some classes in other buildings (labs, media, etc).

The old West Albemarle Elementary building is used for the SCC Basic Law Enforcement courses.
Thanks n_d.
Found the following but could not locate the part about the "Middle College".

Update on Plan A & B from Dr. Griffin's Parent Advisory Committee that met 2/19/15.[/B]
Albemarle students would not be required to move twice. The planning year for the magnet school would occur while Albemarle students are still at AHS, instead of reassigning them to North or West then back to the magnet if that's their choice.

The following would be something that would appear to be pinpointed toward the imbalance between WSMS and AMS. Students travelling more than 2.5 times the distance to WSMS than they would to AMS. With WSMS being at 125% of permanent building capacity and AMS at 71% with no modulars. I would think that AHS would not be on the chopping block if this had been completed many years ago.
Considering "Broken Feeder Patterns." This means that your address would determine your middle and high school, not which elementary school you attend.

Dr. Griffin reiterated that Plans A & B are the framework for improving our instructional offerings to our students. They are listening to concerns and addressing them and still gathering information.
Dr. Griffin is on the chopping blocks. Plan A nor B is going to happen. What they should be doing is drawing up plan C on "What to do when we get recalled". All of this is nice information, but this is just toilet talk now.
Originally posted by btango:

Found the following but could not locate the part about the "Middle College".

Update on Plan A & B from Dr. Griffin's Parent Advisory Committee that met 2/19/15.[/B]
Albemarle students would not be required to move twice. The planning year for the magnet school would occur while Albemarle students are still at AHS, instead of reassigning them to North or West then back to the magnet if that's their choice.

The following would be something that would appear to be pinpointed toward the imbalance between WSMS and AMS. Students travelling more than 2.5 times the distance to WSMS than they would to AMS. With WSMS being at 125% of permanent building capacity and AMS at 71% with no modulars. I would think that AHS would not be on the chopping block if this had been completed many years ago.
Considering "Broken Feeder Patterns." This means that your address would determine your middle and high school, not which elementary school you attend.

Dr. Griffin reiterated that Plans A & B are the framework for improving our instructional offerings to our students. They are listening to concerns and addressing them and still gathering information.
All of these in-depth talks & meetings should've taken place long before any proposals were presented to the public. When the superintendent doesn't have answers to basic questions & is now "listening to concerns & gathering information" the proposal is doomed before it even starts. A one day workshop at UNCC wasn't nearly enough to look at all the scenarios & logistical problems. SCS has a "let's fly it as we build it" mentality (actual quote from several admins). No way this should be a multi-year "phase" process unless major building construction needs to be done & that isn't the case here. Back to the drawing board!!!

Originally posted by sway1532:
What they should be doing is drawing up plan C on "What to do when we get recalled".
A recall election is not going to happen. If the legislature did not pass one during the Burke County fiasco several years back, in which the school board members there all but admitted to crooked dealings, it's not going to happen here over an unpopular but perfectly legal school reorganization proposal.

Rep. Burr's introduction of bills to allow a recall is nothing more than political posturing for the next NC House election. He sees this as a chance to pick up a lot of votes from the Albemarle area (which traditionally has not supported him like the rest of the county).

If the BOE were to back off from closing AHS and were to instead propose to redistrict kids from Endy and Oakboro to Albemarle Central and Aquadale, it would cause another uproar in the western part of the county. At that point, he would drop the Albemarle people like a hot potato and jump on his butt buddy Melvin Poole's bandwagon to fight redistricting. Most of his support has come from the WS area, and he would never jeopardize losing that block of votes.

This post was edited on 2/27 9:01 AM by new_dawg
Originally posted by new_dawg:
Originally posted by sway1532:
What they should be doing is drawing up plan C on "What to do when we get recalled".
A recall election is not going to happen. If the legislature did not pass one during the Burke County fiasco several years back, in which the school board members there all but admitted to crooked dealings, it's not going to happen here over an unpopular but perfectly legal school reorganization proposal.

Rep. Burr's introduction of bills to allow a recall is nothing more than political posturing for the next NC House election. He sees this as a chance to pick up a lot of votes from the Albemarle area (which traditionally has not supported him like the rest of the county).

If the BOE were to back off from closing AHS and were to instead propose to redistrict kids from Endy and Oakboro to Albemarle Central and Aquadale, it would cause another uproar in the western part of the county. At that point, he would drop the Albemarle people like a hot potato and jump on his butt buddy Melvin Poole's bandwagon to fight redistricting. Most of his support has come from the WS area, and he would never jeopardize losing that block of votes.

This post was edited on 2/27 9:01 AM by new_dawg
Exactly!! The uproar from the AHS backers is nothing to what they'll see when they start sending kids to the "city" schools!!

I agree with that TW and n_d it will be a fight but one with nearly zero ammo as compared to the stockpile available now. I do think you are going to see students that go to Endy and live more than two miles east of Endy be redistricted to AMS and AHS.

North Albemarle was closed along with Ridgecrest. Oakboro was the one that had been pinpointed to be closed but out of nowhere the focus was shifted to Endy, which actually made logistical sense, and Ridgecrest with Ridgecrest finally being the second elementary closed. new_dawg I am sure you have heard from a few people from Ridgecrest that feel they were "sold out".

I think Endy stays as is because Central is over capacity and Endy has space. No need to move those students during elementary school but when they are ready for middle school they go to AMS. Those same students would go to AHS in high school. That is basic logistics and geography with the capacities at WSHS and WSMS and the expected growth west of those two campuses.

Rep Burr mentioned that Stanly County is the fifth or sixth worst rated county for school busing efficiency. No one in political office has called for that to be tightened up? I do think if the school board pushes redistricting that is one that every parent in Albemarle needs to stand up for strongly. As right as some in western and southern Stanly feel it is not right to close a community school it makes even less sense to have such a dramatic imbalance in school boundaries/districts.
Just saw on facebook where the concerned citizens of stanly county will present a Plan C to the BOE at their next meeting this coming Tuesday night at the commons. Don't have a clue what's in it but I'm sure it wont be anything like Plan A or B. We shall see. I don't anticipate the board voting at this meeting but I could be wrong. Nothing suprises me anymore.
All politicians are no good, band wagon jumpers at best that get a free ride. My wife is a EC teacher in our beloved school system and she could make more at the local fast food resterant. Our kids and teachers get less while our elected officials get more. Tradition is a good thing, a couple new high schools with all the modern technologies built in as well as upgraded athletic facilities is a dream, our high schools are old and out dated but to just blindly jump out and start closing schools and shipping kids here and there isn't the answer. People are scared of change naturally, so before you try and turn their world upside down figure out a way that will improve their child's education not just make it cheeper. I have had to make cuts in my personal life due to financial up and down swings but at no point did I take away from my children. Cut this cut that, how about let's figure out a way to do more. We have hydro electric power being sold that is being made right here and could be produced at a much higher rate and sold on a grander scale along the pee dee river. Stanly county has become a stagnant place because as technology changed and business practices went world wide we got left behind. The glory days of the wiscassett mills and Alcoa have long since moved on we must pick up the pieces and start something new. Tax the energy company making power off our natural resources, ole demand they supply power to all city and county buildings as well as schools, Badin isn't that far away. just one area we could bring in revenue for our county schools and the possibilities are endless. Sometimes it just takes people thinking outside the box

Originally posted by Buddy Rich:
Just saw on facebook where the concerned citizens of stanly county will present a Plan C to the BOE at their next meeting this coming Tuesday night at the commons. Don't have a clue what's in it but I'm sure it wont be anything like Plan A or B. We shall see. I don't anticipate the board voting at this meeting but I could be wrong. Nothing suprises me anymore.
Can't wait to see what "Plan C" has to offer tonight. Even though they have an interest, it's always great to get the ADVICE from people who don't actually work in the profession. Sort of like all the "Fence Holders" at football practice & games. Watching it on Sunday or coaching PeeWee doesn't give you a "qualified " voice on how things should be done just because your kid plays or you went to school there 30 yrs ago. Should be fun (interesting).

The only thing "Plan C" should say is that they are going to step down from their position. 100% of BOE and "Some" of the County Commissioner's are a bunch of "Lame Ducks" that need to sit on a couch and chew bubble-gum. Keep me updated as my schedule continues to not allow me to attend these meetings.
TW, I agree with that. That is one of the issues I have seen from the community school supporters fighting this. The parent from Norwood/South Stanly made a good presentation at their meeting using some has actually researched and used facts while too many have used things such as, "its always been this way", "if the school is under capacity move the middle school students back", "I graduated from this school and my children and grandchildren went to elementary school there". I have seen the complaints that the school board does not know what they are doing but the same people will then quote the school capacity and swear it is the capacity percentage with the modular unit. West Stanly being the easy example.

Bottom line, help your cause, do not hurt your cause. Historical value and pride in the community are all great but get some solid facts, use examples, and make a good presentation that makes the case for your cause.

This post was edited on 3/3 12:16 PM by btango
I agree with you Btango. You are wise beyond your years. You must have been paying attention to all the wisdom that you heard when you used to visit the Sports Center. Did you recognize my avatar? I need to make it a little bigger. I commissioned Roger Thomas to do the painting for me and it looks great.
That is awesome! Even the blue n white striped goalposts. That old stadium and the old Maiden stadium are about as good as it gets.
It looks great Dogs9. If you could make it bigger it would be awesome. Roger is the best. I remember it well!
Roger sold me the copyright to the picture and I have been thinking about having prints made later this year if there seems to be enough interest. I know you can't read the score on the scoreboard but I had the score of the last home game I played as a senior on the painting . The final score was Albemarle 41 Lexington 39.

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