Murphy-Andrews- Hiawasse Dam Consolidation

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Good. I hate seeing schools consolidate. Just look what happened to the Plymouth program after they consolidated.
I am Winston-Salem so do not know much about Washington Co. HS. But I know Plymouth HS was very good in football. Is the current school not very good at football? Seems like consolidating would actually help. You would have gotten all the best Plymouth HS players and the few decent Creswell HS players into one team that should be even better, one would think.
If no consolidation, that's fine. BUT something must be done with Murphy High School infrastructure. It's basically rottening down around the kids as we speak.
Is there a reason the county and state will not pay to improve the facilities at Murphy HS?
As school start to drop into the smaller numbers it is hard to offer the classes that may be available in a larger school.

This was the whole argument behind consolidation beginning in the late 50's. The itty-bitty rural schools can't offer all of the programs that a consolidated school could. In some ways we're flipping back 70 years.
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I am Winston-Salem so do not know much about Washington Co. HS. But I know Plymouth HS was very good in football. Is the current school not very good at football? Seems like consolidating would actually help. You would have gotten all the best Plymouth HS players and the few decent Creswell HS players into one team that should be even better, one would think.
Well, when you put 100 and 0 together, you end up with a 50. That's exactly what Washington County has ended up being. An average football team.
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Is there a reason the county and state will not pay to improve the facilities at Murphy HS?
The General Assembly's stance on public school (and community colleges) capital is that it's the responsibility of the local government. There are 3 separate funds set up now within the lottery appropriations to help address the significant need across the State for public school capital (roughly $12.8 billion now) so that's a start. But when there was $395 million available in this grant cycle for the needs-based grant fund, and there were 176 applications from 76 school districts in 70 counties that totaled over $2.7 billion, you quickly realize this is going to be a slow process. The County can submit an application for R&R funds to improve Murphy High if that is the desire of all parties involved, and I would venture to guess that the application would be approved. I haven't seen all of the applications that were submitted for the needs-based grant, but with regards to the Cherokee County application I know there were a few reasons why funds weren't awarded. There's more I will add later but for now have to wait until it's made public.
Or if the federal government would quit spending so the price of construction and everything else wasn't sky high.

Wait no I forgot Biden read from his cards that Putin was to blame for that.
It did not rain today. It must be Biden's fault. Has to be. Just has to be.
You just can not hide stupidity, can you. This is a high school football thread.
Please look up what President Lincoln said,,,,, I would rather be silent and thought to be a fool rather than to open my mouth and remove all doubt!
Or if the federal government would quit spending so the price of construction and everything else wasn't sky high.

Wait no I forgot Biden read from his cards that Putin was to blame for that.

This isn't an issue that started just this year. In fact has nothing to do with the federal government.

We keep cutting taxes for corporations, and sitting on money, while being extremely strict with lottery funds, and just sit and expect students to go to school in old run down moldy buildings.
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I'm just glad Graham votes republican 80%-20%. Even though it's more like a 65-35 split. Different type of democrats here. About ten yrs ago it was near 50/50 but still voted Republican. It's been half a century since Graham went dem.

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I bet it bothers you that the SCOTUS just ruled in favor of the biggest 2nd amendment ruling in over a decade.
No not really.

I'm more worried about sensible laws being blocked by people owned by the NRA.

Anyway, nice deflection.

Back to the underfunding of our schools by the STATE.
I agree with you on alot of things on the state level but not the federal level.
We just sent another multi billion dollar check to Ukraine.

Would you rather us send people instead which further escalates things and puts us in another war?

Do you think Jesus would tell The Ukraine to fend for themselves? How many churches around these parts spend thousands on overseas mission trips yearly? Is it only good to do things overseas when it's convenient?

The federal government also sent states millions on Covid funds on top of what they already do, so it's not like states are going hungry.

We probably agree on a lot more than we realize but we have to stop with the this side is bad, my side good, but I don't have any solutions chaos that we currently are facing.
I'm just glad Graham votes republican 80%-20%. Even though it's more like a 65-35 split. Different type of democrats here. About ten yrs ago it was near 50/50 but still voted Republican. It's been half a century since Graham went dem.

i wonder why that is

one just has to look up the demographical and education statistics to see why
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