

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2004
B hind bars n Idaho
We's know's it's only Mid =season but HSFB man Wannbecoach ands D book keeper has already book D's flight N's 2's RDU airport 4's D's championship weekend in December where's Do's you think D's 4a and 4aa games will B's played. We's don't want 2's book D' s hotel in Raleigh then have 2's drive 2's Winston Salem. Thanks You Sir.
Not sure. I read where they are using all four of the ACC stadiums but I am not sure that is 100% accurate or which classifications will be at each location. On standby.
We's know's it's only Mid =season but HSFB man Wannbecoach ands D book keeper has already book D's flight N's 2's RDU airport 4's D's championship weekend in December where's Do's you think D's 4a and 4aa games will B's played. We's don't want 2's book D' s hotel in Raleigh then have 2's drive 2's Winston Salem. Thanks You Sir.
If you're behind bars in Idaho, what difference does it make where the athletic events are played ?
Causes We's have been granted a full Pardon bye's D's 1's and only, causes We's turned over Bank's Accounts and Top Secret Documents of High Rankings Officals and Tapes. We's R's free and N's D's Federal Witness Program,