Mister Kidd

All he has done is tell us he’s a baseball guy, now HS baseball is a month old and no word from him.
Been busy sir. As you know from my past meager contributions to this here forum thingy I am indeed a “baseball guy”. As a matter of fact I may have been donning an outfit you are intimately familiar with quite often which has curtailed any time for frivolity…
Been some late nights to say the least. Have seen some really good baseball, as well as some really bad.
I am honestly honored to have a thread dedicated solely to me…
And as always @GSO-Triple5 makes things quite interesting…
You sir are unique. Something I find quite fascinating. And that is unusual for me.
Been busy sir. As you know from my past meager contributions to this here forum thingy I am indeed a “baseball guy”. As a matter of fact I may have been donning an outfit you are intimately familiar with quite often which has curtailed any time for frivolity…
Been some late nights to say the least. Have seen some really good baseball, as well as some really bad.
I am honestly honored to have a thread dedicated solely to me…
And as always @GSO-Triple5 makes things quite interesting…
You sir are unique. Something I find quite fascinating. And that is unusual for me.
Holy cow, have you come to the dark side?
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After the Southern National Association of Fencing United, or SNAFU for short, folded up like a three dollar tuxedo, most of the country's interest has turned to professional curling. It may appear to the casual observer that this sport consists only of a broom and an overgrown hockey puck, but the game is much more involved than the observer may observe. If you have a broom and an oversized, smooth rock, you're in bidness. The game is supposed to be played on ice, but if one should happen to have a driveway that is not iced over, get two archery bullsey things and lie them flat on the driveway twenty or thirty feet apart and this should do the trick. Curling, whether amateur or professional, is basically a chess match and darts combined into one action packed event. Without getting too involved in the intricate rules and regulations, there are a few basic rules one should know before delving into this up and coming sport. Two team members stand behind the archery bulleyes thing and gently push the rock down toward the other archery bulleye thing. The objective is to get your rock into the middle of the circle, similar to darts. Sometimes, but not often, if an opposing team member sees that your curling rock is about to enter the center of the bulleyes, this is ten points, the opposing player may charge the curling rock and either kick it or slang it out of its path to avoid the ten points their opponent is about to garner. That's when professional curling can get a tad hairy, as all four members of the two curling squads have been known to get in what we call in the curling circles a broom fight. If one should fall on the ice, or driveway if no ice is available, we call that a boomer. If a curling opponent is standing in the middle of the archery bulleye within the blue part, or the middle of the circle, we call this tangled up in blue.
The owner of the newly formed San Antonio Ice Sweepers, Carlton " Curly " Curlington, the newest member of the SNAFU South Division Curling Foundation, was asked in a local radio interview concerning his interest and interview status for the League Commissioner gig, He rapidly replied, " The only reason the other owners let me in the league initially is because of my last name. You know, curling, Curlington " Mister Curlington stared at the bewildered interviewer similar in the same manner one would stare at a loose zebra if it ran down your street. After two or three minutes of total silence except the occasional beating of a set of bongos Mister Curlington had found in a shadowy cranny of the radio station, one could hear a faucet drip the length of a football field. MIster Curlington would occasionally reach over and pet his three pet beavers he'd found in an isolated pond three months prior to the interview. Out of nowhere Mister Curlington stood up and told the radio dude,
" I was in the right place, but it musta been the wrong time, " later admitting he possibly said the right thang but perhaps used the wrong line.
The owner of the newly formed San Antonio Ice Sweepers, Carlton " Curly " Curlington, the newest member of the SNAFU South Division Curling Foundation, was asked in a local radio interview concerning his interest and interview status for the League Commissioner gig, He rapidly replied, " The only reason the other owners let me in the league initially is because of my last name. You know, curling, Curlington " Mister Curlington stared at the bewildered interviewer similar in the same manner one would stare at a loose zebra if it ran down your street. After two or three minutes of total silence except the occasional beating of a set of bongos Mister Curlington had found in a shadowy cranny of the radio station, one could hear a faucet drip the length of a football field. MIster Curlington would occasionally reach over and pet his three pet beavers he'd found in an isolated pond three months prior to the interview. Out of nowhere Mister Curlington stood up and told the radio dude,
" I was in the right place, but it musta been the wrong time, " later admitting he possibly said the right thang but perhaps used the wrong line.
GSO, reading your post it reminded me of an incident my Father told me about that happened when he was a boy: This would have been around the middle 1920's in Cherryville. A small circus had come to town, There were some animals, a freak show, and the main event was a trapeze act.

A little boy was trying to burrow his way underneath one of the tents and had gotten his head through when he was noticed by a circus associate. This associate picked up a large mallet used to drive tent stakes, walked over to this boy and golfed him on to of the head, knocking him out from under the tent. Unfortunately, he was seriously injured. Some other kids who were with him went and told his family who were really tough, hard-nosed people. This also angered many of the townsmen and caused quite a disturbance. The circus was torn down forcing those with it to flee for their safety.

In the uproar a couple of the animals got loose which included a zebra. My Father said for the next few days citizens would tell about seeing this zebra running loose in their neighborhoods. He talked about how he and some friends looked for it just to get a glimpse, but it wasn't to be found, and he was later told that it had been captured and returned to the circus.
Frankly, if Dad's people would have caught it they probably would have eaten it.
"In Memory of Elizabeth Reed" is one of my absolute favorites that was written by Betts especially the Live at Fillmore East version. I've saw several different renditions of the Allman Brothers Band over the years. I even enjoyed some of the Allman Betts Band as well a few years ago with Greg and Dickey's sons collaborating.
Mister Fantasy had jumped the fence again, hoping the locals would provide food and gin
He was a zebra on the loose
" I ain't never goin' back to that jive time circus, with all the drama, chaos, and bullshat ruckus
As he shared some grass with a Canada Goose.

The goose would suddenly nibble at the grass, acting all brave, somber, and slightly crass
Mister Fantasy would take a big 'ole chomp.
He could hold more food between two teeth than the goose could hold in his whole beak
The goose would be history with one zebra stomp.

They had eaten most all the lakeside grass and even some dirt from the cement pond path
As the zebra and goose said good byes
He never did like his funky zebra stripes and was tryin' to get away from the ramblin' circus life
But zebras ain't easy to disguise.

Mister Fantasy trotted from one yard to the other, hoping no one would recognize him and call his mother
She was a circus zebra, too
His mom always told him if ever in a jam , talk like MIster Ed to try to calm the situation down
And always carry Super Glue

HIs mom had called him on his fancy flip phone, by Walden's Pond he drank water alone
Mister Fantasy could hear background laughter
He turned himself in to the zebra pen and continued to meditate and study Zen.
They traveled down the road of life and lived happily ever after.
GSO-Triple5, just for the sake of a little trivia, sometimes I listen to Planet Oldies on the internet. When they play a song they often play a radio station's identification and jingle as it sounded in the 60's, just before the song.
Yesterday one of the stations was WGBR. I thought that must be a Greensboro station and wondered if you knew it, but after some research it turned out to be a Goldsboro station. Another oldies station that does this is Radio America.
Both of these stations are on a website called My Tuner. The app can be downloaded on an iphone or you can click on the links or put them in the address box at the top of the screen... Here are the links. If you click on the second link which is the main webpage, there is a search box top right. Put something like oldies in it or whatever genre you want to hear such as country, classical, soul, etc.

Oh, bit of a warning, if you click on either one, there is a volume bar and when you click on it it is at maximum volume. pull it down to less than halfway before turning on the music. It's too loud. Be very careful if using earphones or buds.
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Thanks a lot for the links to the jams, Mister Lincolnton, and hope you and yours are well. Speaking of Greensboro stations, WCOG was the station the " kids " listened to back in the late fifties and sixties. There was also a soul/rhythm and blues station called WEAL. They, WEAL, had a jingle that said something and then some cat would say, " WEAL, Astroooooo soul. " There was also WBIG and WGBG which were broadcasting music for " square people, " as we called them back then. Then in the late sixties, FM became popular. A station in Raleigh, WQDR, played music that the regular AM stations weren't playing. There was also a station in Roanoke , Virginia , WROV, that played " alternative rock. " These FM stations were playing Jimi, Janis, Bob Dylan, etc., while the AM stations were playing The Carpenters, Bread, etc.
P.S. Good luck to your Wolves this Fall.
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