Miss old days of preps!


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2012
Just miss old.days when we.would blow up preps. Little arguing and good trash talk. Gone.are those days forever. I will miss it. Preps is dead!
Back when Cherokee was winning conference and the Mt. Airy / Starmount rivalry was the last time I remember it being good. Texting, Twitter and other social media sites took over message boards.
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Could use a few more wildcat and yellowjacket fans to boost the smc family on preps.
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Could use a few more wildcat and yellowjacket fans to boost the smc family on preps.
There's more Hayesville folks than you might think. Recycled, Fourth and Inches, Observe and Report all have Jacket connections.

Andrews, Cherokee and Rosman seem to be the least represented teams on Preps. Only about 2 active posters for each school
Here are a few reasons I think Preps has died out some. When Thomasville and Maiden were 1a they had several posters but now they have moved up to 2a and that took away alot of the posters. Also Elkin and Starmount use to have a lot more posters.. None of these charter schools have many poster because no one associates themselves with the school unless it is a parent from the team. Plus as was said above people to communicate over social media instead of message boards.
One thing I have noticed through the years and it still holds true today is the fact that the 1A Board dominates all the other classifications on NCPreps. 3A runs second and then 4A and 2A. 1A posts and replies outnumber the rest. This is somewhat fascinating because you would think that 1A schools would have smaller fan bases than these 1000+ 3A and 4A schools. I believe its due to the fact that 1A fans are more passionate about football, at least I know thats true with the SMC! Any ideas about why this is?
There's more Hayesville folks than you might think. Recycled, Fourth and Inches, Observe and Report all have Jacket connections.

Andrews, Cherokee and Rosman seem to be the least represented teams on Preps. Only about 2 active posters for each school

Don't know what's happened to all the Tiger fans that used to post, especially since the Tigers are doing so well....Puzzling!

As other's have already mentioned, the twitter-universe must have gobbled some of them up....

Nonetheless, I'm still here!

Roar Tigers Roar!
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There's more Hayesville folks than you might think. Recycled, Fourth and Inches, Observe and Report all have Jacket connections.

Andrews, Cherokee and Rosman seem to be the least represented teams on Preps. Only about 2 active posters for each school
Don't forget good Ole bandwagon Sam if they win this Friday he will be bck.
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Yea, I remember when you could "stir the pot" and get someones' dander up to have a little fun before the game. Now, everyone is "consumed" with being politically correct and hence taken most if not all of the fun out it. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy NC Preps boards, but man how times are a changing.
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Yea, I remember when you could "stir the pot" and get someones' dander up to have a little fun before the game. Now, everyone is "consumed" with being politically correct and hence taken most if not all of the fun out it. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy NC Preps boards, but man how times are a changing.

My thoughts exactly...don't want to "mash somebody's feelings"
Not what it used to be for sure. Used to be some wild and crazy times. Now everyone is just nice except for traitor gal.
I think many were subject to the old "Soviet style" re education programs ran by local schools now LOL ! Step out of line on Preps and THE MAN come and take you away. The days of logging on preps, and telling another team that your team is gonna kick their A$$ on friday night, then logging on after a loss and electronically crucifying your coaching staff have been done in by the" PC re education police" employed by a lot of schools. Over 15 years on Preps myself and at least twice called out for not being loyal to my team blah blah blah when I just told it like I saw it good or bad. Probably the longest serving Swain fan on these boards was just recently told to stay home from Maroon Devil games if he doesn't tow the company line on here. It all adds up to a stale, vanilla conversation on here most of the time. Which is a shame.
I think many were subject to the old "Soviet style" re education programs ran by local schools now LOL ! Step out of line on Preps and THE MAN come and take you away. The days of logging on preps, and telling another team that your team is gonna kick their A$$ on friday night, then logging on after a loss and electronically crucifying your coaching staff have been done in by the" PC re education police" employed by a lot of schools. Over 15 years on Preps myself and at least twice called out for not being loyal to my team blah blah blah when I just told it like I saw it good or bad. Probably the longest serving Swain fan on these boards was just recently told to stay home from Maroon Devil games if he doesn't tow the company line on here. It all adds up to a stale, vanilla conversation on here most of the time. Which is a shame.

Yeah, remember those days past when someone was going to "shut me up" at an upcoming game or days past when a Brevard AD was trying to get me banned from games because of comments that I made at the time on NCPreps....It was the wild wild prep board back in them days as we all were trying to figure out how to communicate with each other, while supporting our team at the same time....I guess a lot of us old coggers have finally mellowed out over the years, but every once in a while we see something, or interpret something as KevinfromSwain did, and we unfortunately for some, speak our mind about it, only to be quickly jerked back into the "company line" as you stated Knine.....

It's really the world we live in now where you have to be careful not only what you say, but how you say it, or print it as in this case....

It's most definitely a politically correct world that we live in nowadays!
I personally enjoy calling the folks of the farm out. While their out in the field picking corn, pilling cotton or just getting dirty with the hogs, I stay on the porch, stir the pot and let them know when dinner is ready. A fella by the name of Go_Scots on the 4A board in reality enjoys my beef stew. There are quite a pile of personalities that I have attracted to my porch on the 4A board and they have been politically born again and no longer in the world of taking a left or right jab.
Many of the moderators were little dictators. They wanted to show their muscle when they had none. I use to go through the treads looking for a fight. Now I mostly use it for information( scores and schedules ).
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One thing I have noticed through the years and it still holds true today is the fact that the 1A Board dominates all the other classifications on NCPreps. 3A runs second and then 4A and 2A. 1A posts and replies outnumber the rest. This is somewhat fascinating because you would think that 1A schools would have smaller fan bases than these 1000+ 3A and 4A schools. I believe its due to the fact that 1A fans are more passionate about football, at least I know thats true with the SMC! Any ideas about why this is?

1A fans are more passionate usually due to the fact that 1A schools usually reside in smaller communities.
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Lot of the posters are no longer on here from the old days for a variety of reasons. Death, old age, bad health etc. Some that come to mind. Bluebones. Blue Mama, Clockman, Old Rebel and the list goes on. Lot of new faces but they just don't seem the same as the old heads. Changing of the guard I guess you could say.
Obviously CoachRobbie no longer being here is the reason the boards have become so quiet. Also the no class fans from Albermarle have mostly vanished. Was good days indeed!
Two things have happened that changed preps...

1. When we had posters such as "thedamman" it was a constant laugh on here. Then big, rough and tough moderators that got offended too easily came in and shut them down, banned them and took the personalities out of the boards.

2. The "No Class Club" hasnt stepped their game up in a while....Maybe BuddyRich could fill us in on whats going on in the NCC.
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The NCC has went by the way of the dinosaurs . We are almost extinct. Old age, health issues, death, football program going downhill has taken it's toll. Man, was it fun while it lasted. Afraid those days will never come again. It's the dawning of a new age in Albemarle and it's not very pretty. Guess nothing last forever.
I strongly suspect that some in my community (N. Surry) were told to stop posting on here for fear of embarrassing their school or giving the opponent "bulletin board material." I thought it might just have been because the past couple of seasons were disappointing but, this year, North is looking strong and yet the buzz (on here, at least) is minimal.

I must admit that I miss the heyday of Preps but agree with some of the others that a combination of aggressive moderators, political correctness, and the dominance of social media have done it in. What a shame. Go Hounds!

Taco say "Football has taught me a lot in life, not the least of which has been how to spell 'agressive'."
I got it , with buzzcoach out of state and not using that name ,why don't you change your name to buzzcoach, MA BEARMAN I am sure with him in a nother state he want mind. people get you and bareman mixed up sometimes.
Everyone lest here it MA BEARMAN needs to take over buzzcoach name sense he is out of state . How Many yes buzzcoach can I get. We can get these boards hopping again. Except me I Be the Score keeper and a good guy.

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