3d I have always knew that at the end of the day, you see that there is a problem just like we all do. You are understandably defensive when people attack with some of the words that are used. I unlike some realize that there are really 4 distinct issues and how hard it will be to find a one size fits all fix. The problems in no particular order are privates, charters, magnets, and multiple school counties that fudge the rules. If there was ever going to be a level playing field and I fear that there wont, all these problems would have to be corrected, and it would require a lot of work to do so.
I think the reason that it is hard to swallow right now, is because we have just had the best team that the school has ever had (in my opinion) and the best team that we may have in my lifetime due to the gene pool in our community, and saw that end with a loss to one of those advantaged schools (Prep). They may get it corrected at some point in the future, but you cant give that group of kids their shot back. With every year that passes, another group of young people at small rural high schools are having yet another chance taken from them, and I really do not hear discussion of plans to correct it. I have written and emailed the NCHSAA and received either no response or a response that equaled nothing. Your point about the General Assembly is also correct. It is them that is in love with the charter idea, and once they become a public school, they do qualify for NCHSAA play. However, it is within the power of the NCHSAA to create different classifications via rules that prevents this problem from growing. I have read and agree that the problem will not be viewed as a problem until it starts affecting football and I agree with that statement. The football coaches have the power with the NCHSAA, and when they want it fixed, the efforts will increase.