
No offense to our Hispanic friends but Thomasville’s biggest issue athletically is the growing Hispanic population in district. Those young men and women don’t play football and basketball. Thomasville does have a great kicker though.
I think there are three Latino kids, including two kickers. But you’re right. Without the kids in that community, Thomasville is definitely 1A. So, in effect, we’re a 1A school playing in a 2A/3A conference. But, just like North and Ledford, those are the cards we’re dealt.
The Latino community adds a lot to our city in a lot of ways. But football isn’t one of them.
Was the stadium packed last night?,very very disrespectful what Lexington done at the 50 yard line,then they went out there and just got steam rolled lol,you gotta protect your home turf,way to go dogs,regardless of what happens in the playoffs this year has been a very very successful year,way to go players and coaches it's a total team effort,can't help but think about the game against Salisbury we let slip away,we'd be sitting here at 9-2 wow!!! But hats of to Salisbury they made the plays we didn't...sometimes your gonna loose games you should have won and win games you should have lost
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Was the stadium packed last night?,very very disrespectful what Lexington done at the 50 yard line,then they went out there and just got steam rolled lol,you gotta protect your home turf,way to go dogs,regardless of what happens in the playoffs this year has been a very very successful year,way to go players and coaches it's a total team effort,can't help but think about the game against Salisbury we let slip away,we'd be sitting here at 9-2 wow!!! But hats of to Salisbury they made the plays we didn't...sometimes your gonna loose games you should have won and win games you should have lost
Not at all. The wet seats kept people away, I guess. Less than half what the last home game brought out. I literally counted the Lexington fans....63. It’s a shame because there is virtually no chance we’ll have a home playoff game.
The good news is that next season we’ll break out those play clocks for the first time ever at Cushwa. Along with the repairs to the visitors’ bleachers and other improvements, we can get started off in a positive way. Looking forward to next season!
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Not at all. The wet seats kept people away, I guess. Less than half what the last home game brought out. I literally counted the Lexington fans....63. It’s a shame because there is virtually no chance we’ll have a home playoff game.
The good news is that next season we’ll break out those play clocks for the first time ever at Cushwa. Along with the repairs to the visitors’ bleachers and other improvements, we can get started off in a positive way. Looking forward to next season!
It wasn't to long ago maybe 4-5 years ago I remember Lexington fans lined up during halftime to get into the game at cushwa,could have quiet possibly been the playoff game,a little rain never hurt anyone bunch of wussies lol...I'm digging the play clocks coming next year,should look good out there...I'm off work next Friday but we have no game,then the following week I have to work Friday so I'll miss that game,then the following Friday I'll be off,and that will be the third Rd I believe... Geezz!!
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Shot clocks, nice. Now if the city could just get someone out there to clean those nasty bleachers.
Shot clocks, nice. Now if the city could just get someone out there to clean those nasty bleachers.
My wife said the same thing last night. See what I can do. Maybe that boosters meeting next week will bear some fruit.
I wish they would make the visitors side the home side again,better view of the game over there,I'm always on the visiting side,I can go from side to side whichever side of the field the teams are on,if I want to go to the conssion stand on the home side I have to go down the bleachers through the tunnel,and miss the game,not like that on the visiting side
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