It's Game Time


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2010
Cocoa Beach, Florida
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I am not talking about neither of them. This is about another rising team.

Before I begin I do realize this is a 4A board but just sharing the good news.

Fairmont (6-2) is dominating every position on the field, attracting bigger crowds, and winning with bigger numbers every Friday. They are overcoming the errors once made on defense, offense and special teams. They are perfecting team spirit and overcoming obstacles that was once a challenge. This team is moving forward and beyond the credits given by fans or spectators. They are determined to overcome this big GIANT.

With a great finish against South Columbus, this win places Fairmont in great mental position to walk upon the footprint of Red Springs. The energy of Fairmonts athletic program has risen to another level. Friday will be the toughest match up of the regular season.

Red Springs(7-1) being their biggest rivalry, is a great football program that is capped out with talented athletes, awe inspiring team cohesion and the will to continue winning. Playing in Red Springs will be a tough game supported by their enormous fan population. Best wishes to both programs.

The 2A game of the week. if you have nothing going on this Friday this will be the local hot spot to visit, 7:30 @ Red Springs, 23 October, 2015.

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While it's nice to see Fairmont getting some wins the schedule if you
take a look S2V is very very weak. Only 1 pretty good team on it and it
was a loss. SOS in the upper 70's in the 2a
Granted I don't know a whole lot about Fairmont, except for that it is the home of 1970s basketball beast Rod Griffin for Wake Forest but I do know they were beaten soundly by pitiful Westover, a team that had been winless the last two years on the field (they did technically win one last year by forefeit to Pine Forest but lost that game 0-34). And I only know this because I am a Westover alum so I still follow them no matter how bad they are.Westover is 3A so I suppose that they have an advantage over Fairmont in that regard. Westover has shown some improvementthis year I believe they are 3-4 or 4-4so I get your point in general that its good to see a long suffering programhave some success on the field, but when you get beaten badly by Westover in football, not basketball, in the big scheme of things you still have a very long way to go.
I do realize you attempt to find relevancy in the midst of a horrid year.
You cam claim at least for 3 weeks to have played the toughest schedule
in the state no doubt. Scotland Richmond, Pinecrest
Matthew 5:44
44. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you

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