How To Deal With It All.......


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2013
I understand this is a football forum and not the exact place to VENT. But how in the world does someone deal with a job they absolutely hate and yes that someone would be me. Yes I admit it I hate my job. I went from working with the worlds leading chemical company to being laid off a week before christmas in 2012. Spent the next six months unemployed before I finally found the job I am at now. Since I was almost out of money I was forced to move in with my dad. I spend time every weeek looking for different jobs with no luck, I feel as if I'm about to go crazy.How in the world do I handle this????? Again I apologize for any drama..........
Drive to Charlotte to work, better pay and benefits if ya come outta the sticks to work, I know I do it everyday

This post was edited on 3/9 7:38 AM by gradepro
Pray about it and give it all to the lord...Jesus never fails...he's the same yesterday,today and forever more!
I agree with both Pro and TVille, I also drive to Charlotte and I also give thanks to the lord.

I don't know what type of credentials you have or your specific work background, but for advice, I would start building a resume and start reaching out to recruiters. If you never dealt with recruiters, you can ask me for advice in this area.
@Sway. I have an Associates Degree with 6 different concentrations from NC State University. My most recent job relevant to my experience was with BASF. I worked with transgenic and non transgenic Corn and soybeans. The comments are very encouraging. I appreciate it guys.........
There's a company out in Greensboro that does something similar to what BASF does called "Syngenta". I interviewed with them in the past. I believe you can see it from I-40. There are plenty of job available out there, but like I said, you may want to start building a resume and getting in contact with some recruiters. Even though they are mainly contract and with a strong possibility of "Travel" you can get your foot in the door which could possibly lead into full-time.
@Sway. I'm very familiar with them. Maybe ill look it up this weekend when I get some time at the library. Bayer, Medicago, Syngenta & Monsanto were all very big in RTP. Problem is most of them are Temp positions. I was close to reeling in a full time position at BASF before they discovered that the Biological Plant Sciences division was overbudget and decided to go on a hiring freeze........

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