I just want to know where my Mic's shirt is. Been waiting all season for it and it still hasn't arrived. Love, Alex
Smoke screens everywhere. He also knows a lot about the program that normal fans or parents wouldn't know. Like average GPA of the players.

A decent coach could care less what is stated on a message board. However, it would make sense that MICS coaching staff reads the forums. With all that self-professed talent I can't believe anyone has scored against them. Oh wait, you say they lost three games? Two to 1A opponents? Yep, sounds like we have a match!
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Uncle doesn't transfer into a nephew. He's small and when they play actual opponents he gets shut down. Also, I could take my own 10 year old to ND for a game and a photo shoot! I'll believe it when I actually see recruiters from ND at their games. I mean Apri was supposed to be going SEC or ACC, not Buffalo, remember??

I don't believe a word out of this program.
True. The kid has to make his own way and prove himself. He's solid though and has good instincts. A little height would help, but he's a load to tackle right now. I agree on the photo shoot. Aren't all sophomore visits just a photo shoot? A lot can happen in two years.
I guess the write up in the Irish daily paper. Was the norm also, add some sugar to that kool-aid. You bunch of ol sour patches. Who really cares what a hater has to say.
I guess the write up in the Irish daily paper. Was the norm also, add some sugar to that kool-aid. You bunch of ol sour patches. Who really cares what a hater has to say.

Have you been sipping on too much sauce Rich? You’re starting to have some real comprehension issues. It’s getting late so I’ll give you a pass tonight. Bring back your A game in the morning. It’s more interesting.
Uncle doesn't transfer into a nephew. He's small and when they play actual opponents he gets shut down. Also, I could take my own 10 year old to ND for a game and a photo shoot! I'll believe it when I actually see recruiters from ND at their games. I mean Apri was supposed to be going SEC or ACC, not Buffalo, remember??

I don't believe a word out of this program.

You might want to check out the Facebook page, that was a invited recruit trip. You and your 10 year old kid ain't going to have the access that he did at that game
MICS I might puke...evidently your coach should work for a recruiting service..pretty good at getting kids scholarships and finishing 3rd w those SAME kids..truth is I'll say what EVERYONE thinks...who gives two craps about MICS ..if it wasn't for you and your 12 screen names NO ONE WOULD TALK ABOUT THEM..and no one will REMEBER them after they lose in playoffs..


W. I.R...... well the franklin 2-a clown comes to hate. Undefeated but going nowhere fast. Let's get one thing straight OL Rich only has 1 screen name. All those other pretenders are wannabes. Similar to yourself, .........
You try to do me but lack the swag. Now you might be cool on Saturday nights. Hanging in the Ingles parking lot. But on here your an impersonator, a replica, a carbon copy. In other words you acting. It's only 1 Ol Rich Blackman. So get on this Mics train. As we cruise through pimp slapping the SMC. Robbinsville,Cherokee and even the SMC step child Mitchell. ( I no Mitchell is in not SMC)... But there big brother Murf can't save em. So the 360 pimp slap is in full effect. How bout you tell franklin to set up. A 2yr contract to play us. We have some openings next season. I would love to silence those cow bells. Remember in the playoffs "you can't fake your way thru this"
Just call guarantee we will play if we have any openings..where were y'all when we we were looking this year..when y'all left THE PIT woulda been looking for a pimp cause he would treat you better than we did..we have a general rule if you finish 3rd and lose to a President your not worth our time..but good luck ol welcome to come see us in 3rd round when y'all done
W. I.R...... well the franklin 2-a clown comes to hate. Undefeated but going nowhere fast. Let's get one thing straight OL Rich only has 1 screen name. All those other pretenders are wannabes. Similar to yourself, .........
You try to do me but lack the swag. Now you might be cool on Saturday nights. Hanging in the Ingles parking lot. But on here your an impersonator, a replica, a carbon copy. In other words you acting. It's only 1 Ol Rich Blackman. So get on this Mics train. As we cruise through pimp slapping the SMC. Robbinsville,Cherokee and even the SMC step child Mitchell. ( I no Mitchell is in not SMC)... But there big brother Murf can't save em. So the 360 pimp slap is in full effect. How bout you tell franklin to set up. A 2yr contract to play us. We have some openings next season. I would love to silence those cow bells. Remember in the playoffs "you can't fake your way thru this"
It's "Ole" not "Ol". Good thing you're a somebody nobody knows.

Also an undefeated Franklin sounds better than a two loss MICS, but that's me just doing math.

Guess I need to throw my Raptor's gear back on and come teach y'all something. Hahaha

I wish everyone would put this team on their schedule, they think they're something, make them prove it. Whooping on School of the Blind and Deaf every week isn't intimidating anyone in this state.

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Some of these comments are totally unfair. Mountain Island Charter has many players who could make it at the NAIA Division I level of college football. :D
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You guys are hilarious, but we can smell the fear. It's not a 1-A team in the state that's wants that matchup. TJA DOESNT WANNA SEE A MISTAKE FREE MICS. Murphy doesn't wanna go down that road again. Mitchell says they want it. But that's just internet talk from lil mountie. Lastly Cherokee is just happy to have their names. Mentioned by Mics, next Saturday morning. Will leave a team with sleepless nights.
If y’all play TJ again I’m bringing boxing gloves for your staff KMSL!!!
W. I.R...... well the franklin 2-a clown comes to hate. Undefeated but going nowhere fast. Let's get one thing straight OL Rich only has 1 screen name. All those other pretenders are wannabes. Similar to yourself, .........
You try to do me but lack the swag. Now you might be cool on Saturday nights. Hanging in the Ingles parking lot. But on here your an impersonator, a replica, a carbon copy. In other words you acting. It's only 1 Ol Rich Blackman. So get on this Mics train. As we cruise through pimp slapping the SMC. Robbinsville,Cherokee and even the SMC step child Mitchell. ( I no Mitchell is in not SMC)... But there big brother Murf can't save em. So the 360 pimp slap is in full effect. How bout you tell franklin to set up. A 2yr contract to play us. We have some openings next season. I would love to silence those cow bells. Remember in the playoffs "you can't fake your way thru this"
Well dang rich , to bad you want make it back to the hill to have the best BBQ sandwich you could eat,

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