High Point Andrews

Originally posted by redraiderfan74:
Your process while ideal is simply not true. If GCS AD really did collect and document everything weekly, why is it all of a sudden at the end of the season 10 weeks later when it is noticed that there is an issue? Weekly submissions would raise a red flag way earlier in the season if that process was indeed happening.

There are a lot of hypotheticals being thrown out now, but I can tell you this, word is there were other GCS schools that got wise to when dudley was first outed and they backdated their paperwork. How they got away with it I dont know. But if they were able to, then others in the state can as well.

Beyond that, other than going back and scrutinizing game film to track who is on the side lines, what is to keep a coach from simply not declaring ANY 8 quarter kids? with no paper work, the burden of proof is on NCHSAA to prove that someone dressed on a sideline was also dressed the night before.

What I just cannot fathom is that out of the whole state, we only hear about it happening in GCS. Either everyone else in the state has got it perfect and we really are a screwed up county, or others are hiding some dirty laundry themselves. I tend to believe that if it happens to 7 schools in 1 county, there has GOT to be more state wide. While i have no problem with GCS schools facing the music for any negligence they have, I do not like that we are the only LEA that is having to deal with this. Again, hard to do anything about because it is basically a self reporting system, perhaps NCHSAA needs to start spot checking or random auditing? Or perhaps other systems need to turn the microscope on them selves like GCS did?
Okay, let me break the first part down to you. Each school ONLY turn in paperwork IF you used someone for 8 quarter purposes. Obviously the schools that got in trouble did not turn in weekly paperwork. So, you are correct, it is no way the county AD knows these guys had use someone. Example: after week 3 games. 7 schools permit paperwork. That paperowrk goes on file. It would be to the understanding of those downtown collecting paperwork, that the others 7 did not use any kids in 8 quarter that week.

Do you get that now????

Second point, I myself have no doubt it is some other schools in the state in violation. But why is GCS the only district that is being talked about? Because of what happen to Dudley, got your boy, MO GREEN, an attoney, do not play. He is the one that put on the full investigation in CMS after one school got busted.

I will guareentee that each system will make sure they will have checks and balances in place next year.
The forms can not be backdated and changed. The pregame form Is submitted (usually to conference president) and would need that persons cooperation to backdate. The post game online form is dated online when it is submitted online. There is no way to change that date.
TGT, apparently there was more to it than this one junior dressing out for one game. Otherwise they would not have had to forfit them all.
newpride. It is my understanding that this form is initially filled out at the school and remains at the school with the school AD. That it is never sent to the county AD or the conference president. That the HC or school AD are responsible for posting online at the NCHSAA site the number of quarters each kid played. This may be done differently at each LEA I guess.
Originally posted by No.1RamsFan:
newpride. It is my understanding that this form is initially filled out at the school and remains at the school with the school AD. That it is never sent to the county AD or the conference president. That the HC or school AD are responsible for posting online at the NCHSAA site the number of quarters each kid played. This may be done differently at each LEA I guess.
You may be right. But I ask a HC in GCS and they told me that is was suppose to be sent to county AD.
It may well be different in different areas. N our conference, which includes some GCS, t is sent to conference President and copy kept at school. Info is filed online with NCHSAA. No way to backdate in our conference at least.