Over the last 10 years, Reidsville has played NW Guilford, N Guilford, WS Reynolds, Magna Vista, Page, E Guilford, Eastern Alamance, Western Alamance, NE Guilford, etc. We defeated each of these teams with the exception of N Guilford 1-2 and Page 0-1.
Playing these teams get us the following.....Zero! At the end of the year, no one asks who you played regular season. They look at your record in the playoffs. Same goes for Shelby, Tarboro, WRH and every other 2a-1a dominate program. If you win, those teams won't play you any longer. If you loose, you were supposed to. If you play a team with 2x the enrollment and get someone hurt, you're screwed. Don't give me the BS of playing 3a-5a teams to prove what...
You beat an overrated team. You got beat by a team you're supposed to lose to on paper? You play great but loose 2 starters for the year in order to beat your chest? F that! Play your schedule. Beat who your supposed to beat. Win titles!
Example.... play Dudley regular season. Huge gate. Unbelivable hype. What good long term does it benefit either team. Dudley looses ... they suck! Reidsville wins and looses Kendre to injury.... Reidsville ain't shit and looses one of their best players and miss 23 title.
I like wins. I like titles. Reidsville doesn't have to prove anything. Neither does Shelby, WRH, Tarboro or any other perinatal powerhouse