For my Scotland Friends


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2003
This post is for my Scotland friends. I know this is a 4a board but I like to share good stories about former Richmond players. Some of my Scotland friends ask me about the Bishop brothers from time to time. This story is about Gary Bishop who is retiring from Coaching football this year. Over the years he has been helped by his Dad Charlie and two brothers. Many of my Scotland friends and especially Go Scotts will remember his brother Chuck.
I know the family very well.
Go, when the Bishop boys were small kids and I was a freshman in college, they would play chicken with me. My girlfriend(now my wife) lived in the same neighborhood. When I would go to pick her up they would stand beside the road and as soon as I got close to them they would run across in front of my car making me slam on my breaks to keep from hitting them. After this happened two or three times I realized they were playing a dangerous game with me. I knew there Dad from his coaching at Hamlet High. I was on a Rockingham team and got to know him. I made a call and told him what was going on. The next time I went by their house they ran the other way. It is my opinion that a great track team is the secret to a great football team. Their Dad was one of the best Track coaches in the state both at Hamlet and at Richmond. Daryl Barnes took full advantage of the track team and would always help Charlie when he could
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