I don't mean for this to sound as d*ckish as it's going to come across but I could've went outside and had a conversation with a tree in my yard, and walked away with the same conclusion. At this point, who didn't know the season was shaky?
The problem is that this is such a multi-faceted issue beyond what a friend of a friend is saying. There have been wars fought for much less than the amount of money that CFB generates annually and the decision makers know it. If you think COVID-19 is being politicized and monetized now, we're talking about multi-billions in economic impact, hanging in the balance. It's not so easy to just say GOODBYE to all of it and trust me, they won't. If there is even an ounce of opportunity to play, they will and it's likely that college sports as a whole is in the balance if they don't. With no March Madness revenue and no college baseball season, many colleges are slashing programs right and left over the summer. With no CFB, they'll all be on the docket for discussion.
The same goes for HS football at the local level. You can worry about all the "liberal politicians" you want but they know that with no HS FB season that NO OTHER SPORTS will have a season either. Without the breadwinner, there simply is no means to make it happen. I would say that it's more likely we'll have a spring season before they simply cancel football altogether. They need the gate and concession $$$ something fierce.