You know the way it sounds from some of those from up in the North eastern area of the state is that S.Columbus and E. Bladen just play theier game Friday night and then just break out the basketballs and neither team which ever wins, just not even think of even making a trip their way. I think they have declared that area as being the power house capitol of 2A East football. I can remember a Ahoskie team in 1973 that had that thought process too. But a 7-4-1 rinky dink East Bladen team went up there and played toe-toe. Ahoskie was undeated 11-0 going into that game. Everybody said that E. Bladen didn't have chance in Hades of beating them. Guess what East Bladen won that game with 1:16 left on the clock in the 4th quarter. It was a defensive battle from the word go. The next week E. Bladen tied Jamestown Ragsdale 16-16 with four seconds to go in the game to share the State 3A Championship. Incidentally This was the first State Championship for Coach Bob Lewis. So on any given day it is possible wi win when the odds are aganist you.
As far this game coming up this Friday night at Vinegar Hill. I think it will be a classic and I don't have any prediction either. I will say that neither team is the same ones that played earlier in the season. They are both good solid well coached teams. Good luck to both of them. However, I'm pulling for my Eagles. Look out! The trains are coming!!!! Be safe out there.
As far this game coming up this Friday night at Vinegar Hill. I think it will be a classic and I don't have any prediction either. I will say that neither team is the same ones that played earlier in the season. They are both good solid well coached teams. Good luck to both of them. However, I'm pulling for my Eagles. Look out! The trains are coming!!!! Be safe out there.
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