You are definitely correct. I consider
@GSO-Triple5 one of the finest men on this forum, no offense to anyone else intended. Everyone on here, for the most part, are good, reasonable people, even if a few are somewhat fanatical in the support of their old schools. Mr Triple5 is one of the few, again no offense, who thinks, shall we say, waaaay out of the box. He makes me laugh which is difficult to do when you are the class clown. I
consider him a digital comrade of the highest order.
Now OIIO is an anomaly. He posts from AI for the most part. Easy to spot. Uses "we" in the wrong places, repeats certain phrases over and over, never gives specifics just generalities. I just don't appreciate someone using that on this site where people speak from the heart.
What I was pleasantly surprised by was the outpouring of support I, and the small group of ER supporters received from many posters. I was truly touched {yes I realize many have probably thought that many times}...
Thank ya'll