Good to see you too!
I told dogs79 I was going over to talk to the Clinton fans cause I knew darkhorse04 was at that table. I had no idea you would be there and honestly I forgot you were a Clinton fan. How long have we been chatting on the internet between here and the Wolfpacker?? 10 years? Longer? I'm glad I went over. Dogs79 told me I was crazy. He said you better take that bulldog hat off! That's why when I got over there I looked at everyone and asked was it the home side or visiting side. humor usually wins over. When I went back to my seat he asked me how it went. I told him they are good people over there. All of them! That is what I love most about high school games. Going out and meeting people. My wife and I drove from Vanceboro to see this game. 1-1/2 hours one way. Meeting Wizard of the East----- Priceless!!