That was fun as heck
My thoughts:
When Crest walked out I said thats the smallest crest team Ive ever seen.... they are FAST .... Tater and Green had a field day.... Speed everywhere...Keep those and addison healthy... New offense fun to watch
Newton: They looked the part but were destroyed
Burns and Cox Mill:; The Mill was HUGE and athletic and their defense gave Burns offensive line some issues... Burns has athletes all over the field... I told Colton Stines dad "Right here Ben will hit Thompson on a 78 yard Td and win it.. .and sho nuf... Burns has some offensive line issues but they are going to be a LOAD before this season is over especially when they get the pieces in place on the Oline
Shelby and Reagan: Ill say this, I like the fact we lost this scrimmage..... shows these kids the name Shelby is gonna get you everything from your opponent scrimmage or not … Reagans QB was electric, he threw the ball so dang hard I couldnt even see it (Im old) Offensively other than an INT for a TD we looked great, defensively I couldnt really tell didnt see the complete 1's out there but a couple series... We need MAJOR work on Punt blocking (They blocked a punt for a td) and Field goal blocking. .It was terrible.....,,,, This was as an exciting scrimmage as I have seen, that was a LOT OF FUN to watch... Reagan was HUGE across the front... They are a good ball club..... When Reagan blocked our FG (That I called by the way) They were excited... That was fun to watch even in A losing scrimmage effort...
KM and Monroe": Not gonna lie I left after KM took the opening Kickoff and drove it right down the field and scored.... That offfensive line was pulling guards and tackles and they mashed the Monroe defense.. They have loads of weapons,,,, If I didnt leave when I did it was gonna be a bad spot in my seat due to the Weiner works doubles coming back ha ha ha
Got to see
@Deana_King and buy me a book ... always a treat to see my friend.... Had a blast tonight
CC has four very good teams.... Going to be an exciting season..