Chatham Central @ West Montgomery

I know they had some big kids last year. I hope they are still playing. We have played 2 pretty good teams non-conference in JM and Thomasville. I don't think CC will have what they had.
No, our 2nd string should get plenty of playing time while these games will be good for healing purposes. Chatham had some real young guys last year with no JV team. I don't think they will be push overs by no means but should be a W for WM.
No, our 2nd string should get plenty of playing time while these games will be good for healing purposes. Chatham had some real young guys last year with no JV team. I don't think they will be push overs by no means but should be a W for WM.
Think #39 will see any playing time????;)
I thinks it's coming a little at a time! When it gets rolling full blast everybody better watch out! The seniors have started a new tradition that people didn't seem to notice last week. They have a spear they stabbed in the ground but nobody seemed to notice. Next week lets all get behind them and cheer for them! That's what they need!
We may not be the biggest but watch out. Did you see how fast our rbs took off with the O-line????? Impressive O-line speed as well.
No, our fans are specifically not talking state title. But I like our long term outlook for a successful season given what we returned from last year. I'd rather win some close ones like we have than beat everybody 70-0. Otherwise, we don't know how to act in a close one.
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I thinks it's coming a little at a time! When it gets rolling full blast everybody better watch out! The seniors have started a new tradition that people didn't seem to notice last week. They have a spear they stabbed in the ground but nobody seemed to notice. Next week lets all get behind them and cheer for them! That's what they need!
I noticed and I thought it was awesome, they do need some feathers on the spear though.
No, our fans are specifically not talking state title. But I like our long term outlook for a successful season given what we returned from last year. I'd rather win some close ones like we have than beat everybody 70-0. Otherwise, we don't know how to act in a close one.
Exactly. Just trying to enjoy the season as it comes.......

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