Burns PUNKS OUT on Central Cabarrus

Did Burns Fail?

  • Yes they did...miserably

    Votes: 19 76.0%
  •'s okay to be reckless

    Votes: 6 24.0%

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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2003
Parts Unknown
What a disgrace to schedule an opponent then cop out because of the weather. Only reason it was done…because they can get away with it. If Burns had to forfeit for not appearing they would be on their way to Concord right now and everyone knows it.

Right now every Burns fan should be looking at their Pro-Keds or yellow fungus-stained toenails with a level of shame previously unmeasured by man or machine. You deserve this ridicule. Unacceptable.
Not good man. Everybody gets rained out. Nobody enjoys loading up, going back home, coming back on Monday or Saturday or whenever, missing prep time for your next opponent, all the above. But you do it anyways because it is the right thing to do. Maybe that is not a good enough reason any more for some.
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What a disgrace to schedule an opponent then cop out because of the weather. Only reason it was done…because they can get away with it. If Burns had to forfeit for not appearing they would be on their way to Concord right now and everyone knows it.

Right now every Burns fan should be looking at their Pro-Keds or yellow fungus-stained toenails with a level of shame previously unmeasured by man or machine. You deserve this ridicule. Unacceptable.

Couldn't agree more
Have to agree. This is selfish to the the young men who surely wanted to play the game and to the parents and the rest of the community who wanted to see them compete. This is not a good look for Burns.
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Too bad Bulldoggers. You earned this and I'm cashing it in for you. What an underhanded stunt that was. Besides if any fans can pollute a message board with multiple posts it's you clowns.

Dropping da bomb....dropping da bomb remember that crap
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You ever considered money in this? It's not exactly free to take the 1 hr and 40 min. Bus ride from Lawndale to Concord. Also, I don't know if you are paying attention to the news or not but thanks to the budget battle, money isn't necessarily growing on trees in the schools. You'll get your butt whooped next year at home, no need to be impatient about it.
lol, Tweeter, take it in stride, most of these clowns are being sarcastic. If in fact some are serious with their accusations, then that's just moronic. Who in the world would travel back 2 hours, spend another grand to play a game that is going to get dropped and shorten a week for a meaningful conference game up ahead. Like I said in the original thread, it was an unfortunate circumstance between the 2 teams, CC couldnt help the weather and Burns cant help the distance. Both coaches and ADs are protecting their schools, teams etc... I hate the game was not played but hopefully we will be able to smack helmets next season.
Rulz, sees a chance to kick dirt on us and as expected would take it, HHS fan just got his power turned back on in and wanted to try out the keyboard, must be still basking in his 1 point win over East Burke!
As I have reflected back on this the last couple of days I can see both sides of the argument. Most of the kids are not playing college ball so your chance to play football is so time limited. Unlike other sports a high school football game is an event and losing 10 percent is a big deal, however, I understand our coach's point of view and I will support our coach on this. As I have said previously this should be a non issue as the game should have at least started. My biggest issue with the whole deal is that the CC coach himself started a thread on this. Not a student, FAN, player, or parent but THE coach. He knew when he posted the thread the game would not be played. His motivation was simply to stir things up and attempt to embarrass our coach and coaches. I asked him why he would do this as coaches should be held to a higher standard than us idiot fans are. Rulz and foot and the like are FANS and I would expect nothing less from them and how boring would this board be if we didn't talk junk. I posted on the COACHES thread and asked him why he would do this and 5 minutes later the thread was deleted. NO RESPONSE. I am sure he is a good guy and I could see the passion he has for his kids and his program but how he reacted to this is totally inappropriate ....imo....maybe by some strange, crazy, cosmic twist of fate we can meet in the playoffs.
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New recruitment information for the Shelby and Crest recruitment pamphlets that find there way into Lawdale mailboxes, "Hey kids (in the words of Spinal Tap) These go to 11!"
LSU coach must not have no back bone he is not resheduling their game that was delayed for lightening . well at least thats what shelbycrestrulz thinks.
lol, Tweeter, take it in stride, most of these clowns are being sarcastic. If in fact some are serious with their accusations, then that's just moronic. Who in the world would travel back 2 hours, spend another grand to play a game that is going to get dropped and shorten a week for a meaningful conference game up ahead. Like I said in the original thread, it was an unfortunate circumstance between the 2 teams, CC couldnt help the weather and Burns cant help the distance. Both coaches and ADs are protecting their schools, teams etc... I hate the game was not played but hopefully we will be able to smack helmets next season.

What a wonderful message! After all, it's perfectly fine to teach our kids to totally duck their obligations! Don't want to play? Perfectly acceptable to hide behind an excuse.
It's going to be a while before Burns lives this one down and that's how it should be. Their fans can come in here and try explaining away this egregious act but it only makes things worse and attempting to move the conversation in a different direction by changing the subject won't work either. You're preaching to the choir Bulldoggers and they won't be singing your praise.

As for Coach Kiefer over at Central I read his post and all he did was pose a simple question in a polite, civilized manner. I would be ticked off too if someone did this to my football team because it's unprofessional, underhanded, and most of all unacceptable. Taking shots at Coach K isn't the solution here. Doing what you are supposed to do is. That's a big fumble late Bulldoggers. Hope you recover.
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What a wonderful message! After all, it's perfectly fine to teach our kids to totally duck their obligations! Don't want to play? Perfectly acceptable to hide behind an excuse.
yes what a wonderful message that we are teaching our kids, i see the coaches everyday teaching life lessons at Burns. You however havent a clue of what class is. We had an obligation to show up, line up and we did so.."lightning" appeared again and our kids were dragged off, why the f would we spend another grand to drive 2 hours for a game that will be dropped on both parties and shorten a conference week up? what if your QB got hurt? what if our QB got hurt? then we look like goats for making them play a game 4 days before a conference foe...
It's going to be a while before Burns lives this one down and that's how it should be. Their fans can come in here and try explaining away this egregious act but it only makes things worse and attempting to move the conversation in a different direction by changing the subject won't work either. You're preaching to the choir Bulldoggers and they won't be singing your praise.

As for Coach Kiefer over at Central I read his post and all he did was pose a simple question in a polite, civilized manner. I would be ticked off too if someone did this to my football team because it's unprofessional, underhanded, and most of all unacceptable. Taking shots at Coach K isn't the solution here. Doing what you are supposed to do is. That's a big fumble late Bulldoggers. Hope you recover.

FootOdor, The "Bulldoggers" have lived it down, dont believe you are the End all, be all and teams should always do what they feel is right and in the best interest of their kids, I support our decision 100% and have nothing to live down or feel the need to explain to you or make you believe anything other than you being a troll. I do like your style in attempting to make a CC school look bad since our brethren have been doing it on the field to your pope's boys for quite some time. well done....
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yes what a wonderful message that we are teaching our kids, i see the coaches everyday teaching life lessons at Burns. You however havent a clue of what class is. We had an obligation to show up, line up and we did so.."lightning" appeared again and our kids were dragged off, why the f would we spend another grand to drive 2 hours for a game that will be dropped on both parties and shorten a conference week up? what if your QB got hurt? what if our QB got hurt? then we look like goats for making them play a game 4 days before a conference foe...

Burns and Central Cabarrus wasn't the only game affected by the weather. Several games were postponed until Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday. Burns, however, hid behind the "making the trip" card. Hey, if you don't want to travel that far, don't schedule the game in the first place! Burns argument is flimsy at best, and they should be required to forfeit the game.
Burns and Central Cabarrus wasn't the only game affected by the weather. Several games were postponed until Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday. Burns, however, hid behind the "making the trip" card. Hey, if you don't want to travel that far, don't schedule the game in the first place! Burns argument is flimsy at best, and they should be required to forfeit the game.

and your daddy should be required to take a DNA test cause he may be your cousin and brother also...but we all live with the results. Get one thing straight..Burns doesnt hide from anybody. If we didnt want to travel that far, we wouldnt have scheduled it in the first place. its easy to call the shots and say yall want to play when you live 5 minutes down the road and load up the 1984 station wagon n head over to the "skool house" hate the game wasnt played but both teams have bigger games ahead and sorry we couldnt get the non conference 2 hour trip in for your pleasure...guess sitting in the dark at your mobile mansion wearing your 1975 jersey teaching your kids the "secret move" wasnt entertaining enough
Well said and true Earnhardt Forever. Also send a check for $600 to Central Cabarrus High School for lost revenue from gameday set up.

These outhouse janitors from Lawndale simply are defending an act of cowardice. If they weren't hiding, why don't they just play the game? It's either they are too scared to play or they simply don't want to be inconvenienced. It's not about the money, it's about their priorities. I feel for the kids at Burns because their fan base has embraced quitting. It's now etched into their culture.
These outhouse janitors from Lawndale simply are defending an act of cowardice. If they weren't hiding, why don't they just play the game? It's either they are too scared to play or they simply don't want to be inconvenienced. It's not about the money, it's about their priorities. I feel for the kids at Burns because their fan base has embraced quitting. It's now etched into their culture.

about money and Priorities I believe...both are pretty valid Id say. Why wouldnt we do what is best for the program, oh wait, to appease the nascar fan! disappointed with your lack of a rebuttal, I shall retire from responding to you.
about money and Priorities I believe...both are pretty valid Id say. Why wouldnt we do what is best for the program, oh wait, to appease the nascar fan! disappointed with your lack of a rebuttal, I shall retire from responding to you.

Yes, your priorities doesn't include honoring your commitments. Yep, I totally agree with that one. One day, please look at that mirror in your janitor closet and ask yourself whether Burns did in fact duck playing the game. Games are postponed all the time, conference games and non-conference games. Burns were going to lose so the game was canceled.

If it rains Friday night, does Burns show up to play? Let's place some odds.

Well, as "The Rev" says, it's all about the money. If it serves Burns financial interest, the game will be played. If not, the game will be canceled. The NCHSAA should fine the school that equals the loss Central Cabarrus experienced from Burns ducking the game. The proceeds should then be turned over to Central Cabarrus.

It's all about the much in the amount of fines would it take to get these outhouse managers' attention?
Yes, your priorities doesn't include honoring your commitments. Yep, I totally agree with that one. One day, please look at that mirror in your janitor closet and ask yourself whether Burns did in fact duck playing the game. Games are postponed all the time, conference games and non-conference games. Burns were going to lose so the game was canceled.

ok one more response to the knucklehead. Please look in the cracked mirror that you chop your breakfast, lunch and dinner on. We honored our commitment, we showed up ready to play and expecting to WIN, the weather had other plans, games do get postponed all the time and games also get canceled as well, it was not in the cards for this one to be made up, blame mother nature, not Burns. your quote "Burns were going to lose" sums up your education, maybe you should shoot for being a janitor...aim high big guy! I hope both teams get to meet in the future and play a good game.
Bamatide said it best. Poor life skills with that move right there. If that's how things are done in Lawndale sign me up somewhere else. Burns reneged on an obligation they agreed to. The rest is irrelevant. Shameful and wrong.
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ok one more response to the knucklehead. Please look in the cracked mirror that you chop your breakfast, lunch and dinner on. We honored our commitment, we showed up ready to play and expecting to WIN, the weather had other plans, games do get postponed all the time and games also get canceled as well, it was not in the cards for this one to be made up, blame mother nature, not Burns. your quote "Burns were going to lose" sums up your education, maybe you should shoot for being a janitor...aim high big guy! I hope both teams get to meet in the future and play a good game.

I forgot, I'm talking about Burns football which is all about mediocrity. The Burns motto is "Just show up and go through the motions". No pride whatsoever about playing the game of football. If you took as much pride digging a latrine as you did about Burns football, your team might not go 4-6 in a season.
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Yes, your prioritiheres doesn't include honoring your commitments. Yep, I totally agree with that one. One day, please look at that mirror in your janitor closet and ask yourself whether Burns did in fact duck playing the game. Games are postponed all the time, conference games and non-conference games. Burns were going to lose so the game was canceled.
what difference would it make if we would have loss the game ? you maybe right we were already playing without 5 starters more if you count 2 way players . On top of that we are a team that only dress 33 varsity players so yeah we may have loss the game,,maybe not . you guys can say what you want but I stand by our coach and adm for doing what they thought was best for Burns football. also glad to see all the Burns family sticking together and backing our coach
I forgot, I'm talking about Burns football which is all about mediocrity. The Burns motto is "Just show up and go through the motions". No pride whatsoever about playing the game of football. If you took as much pride digging a latrine as you did about Burns football, your team might not go 4-6 in a season.[/QUOT
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what difference would it make if we would have loss the game ? you maybe right we were already playing without 5 starters more if you count 2 way players . On top of that we are a team that only dress 33 varsity players so yeah we may have loss the game,,maybe not . you guys can say what you want but I stand by our coach and adm for doing what they thought was best for Burns football. also glad to see all the Burns family sticking together and backing our coach

What difference does it make? How about honoring one's commitments, encouraging competition, supporting kids and fans, and developing talent?
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I forgot, I'm talking about Burns football which is all about mediocrity. The Burns motto is "Just show up and go through the motions". No pride whatsoever about playing the game of football. If you took as much pride digging a latrine as you did about Burns football, your team might not go 4-6 in a season.

cause 6-6 really tore it up last season.... I believe our program has a nice history to be proud of. not worried about too many 4-6 seasons for us.
How about worrying more about your team , yeah we were 4-6 last year but go back a year or 4 and look at the record s . the bulldogs will be fine, every team has a down year after graduating 23 or more senior s
Hey Burns people no one cares about your baggage. Every team has injuries, You don't get to use that and turn off the excuse machine too. If Burns only dresses out 33 on varsity it just may be due to poor leadership. I went out to Lawndale one time to watch them play Shelby and it had not rained in over ten days but that field was a wet sloppy mess because it had been hosed down by maintenance trying to impede Shelby's run game plus Burns had some RB kid they STOLE from Pisgah and they still lost. I was laughing.
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