Well, the most important part of that resume' for me was the Fact that he was a D-Coordinator for a team that won a 4A title in Georgia, and he was a 4-year starter, and more importantly a 4-year TEAM CAPTAIN in college which is also unheard of....Takes a person with a lot of character to be respected to the point of becoming a TEAM CAPTAIN as a freshman in College?Originally posted by SMCATW:
What does the resume consist of exactly?
It will be Coach Pritchett's first time as the "Head Man", and that always presents challenges, especially in a state that he is unfamilar with, but Brevard was always known in the past as a physical team that like to run the ball, and stop the other team from doing the same....Based on the resume', I would say that Brevard got a coach that will likely try to restore that type of tradition to the Bluedevil Football program, and that should make all the Bluedevil alumni very happy!