Biggest Crowd at 3A football game

Some big ones I recall...
Crest vs Ragsdale 2001 was a packed house

Both Crest games at Charlotte Catholic was Hugh crowds.

There was a Crest vs Burns game at Crest I'm thinking 2003 that was a mad house. It was when they had Goss as the QB.

Also the year Crest played Piedmont in the playoffs 2001 I think they was up and coming had a pretty good team and they brought a huge crowd it was a packed house. They really was expecting big things. Keenan Little had 5 picks them was some disappointed people heading back to Monroe.
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14,000+ at 1984 South Rowan at Kannapolis game.
I was on the chain crew at this game! Look hard and you will see me on the
I’m off subject I know but have you ever been to the Saturday night race at Bristol? Before Bruton and the gang decided to distort the track there were some folks showing up for that spectacle. At maximum capacity they estimated 146,000. In the 90’s it was the 4th largest stadium in the US and the 10th largest in the world. For 10 years It was the best time I ever had at a sporting event, by far. At qualifying speed the same car had the ability to pass in front of you 4 times per minute. That’s s#i+in and gettin. 15 second laps.
I’m off subject I know but have you ever been to the Saturday night race at Bristol? Before Bruton and the gang decided to distort the track there were some folks showing up for that spectacle. At maximum capacity they estimated 146,000. In the 90’s it was the 4th largest stadium in the US and the 10th largest in the world. For 10 years It was the best time I ever had at a sporting event, by far. At qualifying speed the same car had the ability to pass in front of you 4 times per minute. That’s s#i+in and gettin. 15 second laps.
Bristol is great, but was hard to keep track of what was going on with so many on that short of a track all of them making as you said 15 sec laps. But a great time.
Some big ones I recall...
Crest vs Ragsdale 2001 was a packed house

Both Crest games at Charlotte Catholic was Hugh crowds.

There was a Crest vs Burns game at Crest I'm thinking 2003 that was a mad house. It was when they had Goss as the QB.

Also the year Crest played Piedmont in the playoffs 2001 I think they was up and coming had a pretty good team and they brought a huge crowd it was a packed house. They really was expecting big things. Keenan Little had 5 picks them was some disappointed people heading back to Monroe.
That Crest/Burns game comes to mind for me. it was pretty cold out too and both teams were 10-0 leading into that.
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Some big ones I recall...
Crest vs Ragsdale 2001 was a packed house

Both Crest games at Charlotte Catholic was Hugh crowds.

There was a Crest vs Burns game at Crest I'm thinking 2003 that was a mad house. It was when they had Goss as the QB.

Also the year Crest played Piedmont in the playoffs 2001 I think they was up and coming had a pretty good team and they brought a huge crowd it was a packed house. They really was expecting big things. Keenan Little had 5 picks them was some disappointed people heading back to Monroe.
Piedmont had that visitor side packed out. You could hear the fans on the buses as they rolled in. They were jacked up!....then the game started. 😁
Most of the annual Pisgah vs Tuscola games would be near the top here. 10-12,000+ every game. 50/50 usually 15-20K to the winner.
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Terry Sanford @ 71st 4th round playoff game the day after Thanksgiving 2 years ago. Rain and all you would have thought they shut the city of Fayetteville down for that one.
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The largest I have been to is the 2016 PIsgah/Tuscola game. The biggest crowd I played in front of was AC Reynolds vs. West Henderson in 1983 first round playoff game. Both teams came in at 10-0. 10k-12k was the estimate. That is the biggest crowd I have ever seen at ACR.
I believe AC Reynolds W H was the game that the wind was blowing 30-40 miles per hour and it was 20 degrees .
A few that I have witnessed would be the 2016 Pisgah vs Tuscola, 2006 Pisgah vs Shelby. Playing in the Pisgah and Tuscola game years ago at both places always felt awesome, especially doing pregame walks hours early and already having sizable crowds.

This year's Pisgah/ Tuscola crowd will be a dandy, as we haven't got to host those Yellowbellies from Waynesville in quite some time in the Fall.

Some other notable games/ crowds I remember, not necessarily, the largest but big nevertheless and pretty lively. Plenty of others but these come to mind first.

1996- Hickory High at Pisgah- I still remember the " Whose house? Red's house" chant as Hickory got off the bus and took over the atmosphere at our stadium. They dismantled us just like they did everybody else that year. Hickory played at Brevard the following week and finally had a game they didn't win by 20+, if I remember correctly.

1994 Pisgah vs Burns- Hard hitting game and a rowdy atmosphere.

1988 Pisgah vs Tuscola- Pisgah finally won again. The lights went out during the game and we had us a STREAKER that made pretty good time across the field. The only streaker I can rememeber at a high school game. They had to be from Waynesville because we don't act like that. Haha!

Another one that was before my time time, but I heard the crowd was legendary:

1975 Sylva-Webster vs Pisgah- This was a biggun' according to those that played in it and watched it.
Eastern Randolph vs Ragsdale in I believe 2003? was a huge crowd. 3rd round playoff game. It was when Rittle was QB for ER and Ragsdale had Tony Baker. Great atmopshere

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