Any solutions for more fans in a stadium

Vik-Val 86

Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
I understand as of now only 100 fans can attend to the games. But if you could put your input on how things could be done better about the rules that are set in place. What would be a better solution then the one in place. I know most or all agree for more fans in the stadiums. I for one believe they should. One thing to look at is different schools has different size stadiums. Any thoughts how this can be done. I know there can be a ratio used for the size of the stadium, which means each school would come up with different numbers. What are your thoughts if you could make changes but still have an safe environment. I’m interesting with different viewpoints.
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I think you could easily do 25% since family members could sit by each other!!! You could also give visitors enough tickets for parents of players!!!

Unfortunately we’ll be stuck with whatever Governor says as each school in state would have to submit a health and safety plan to the state health board(like Panthers, UNc, NCST, wake and Duke did in fall) before they will approve anymore or his next memorandum comes out!! In a way the NCHSAA hands are tied because they don’t want to come up with a plan and then have to govern all the schools implementing it at home games
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What I don’t understand is they say 100 fans and only home team fans. WHY can’t visitors have at least 100 also?? Home and visitors sides are plenty separated and most stadiums the visitors come in a totally separate entrance. I just don’t get not allowing visitors fans.
Just some thoughts here...

If the NCHSAA wants to re-evaluate the seating capacity limits for outdoor events they have to come up with a plan that fits all outdoor sports.

Going strictly one percentage across the board does not work. For example 20% of a 5,000 seat football stadium is a lot different than 20% of a baseball field that might seat 100-150 folks.

Here’s just a suggestion on a scale based on seating capacity.


1-1999: 100 spectators
2000-2999: 200 spectators
3000-3999: 300 spectators
4000-4999: 400 spectators
5000 + : 500 spectators

: Home schools who monitor the admissions to events must designate at minimum 30 percent of spectators allowed to the visiting school

So, for example in football. If you are a host school and your stadium holds 4500, that means 400 spectators are allowed. The school holds back 120 of those for the visiting team. They have until 24 hours before kickoff to claim their allotment. After that deadline the leftovers go back to the home school.
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Thats a really good idea....I would say that 30 percent to visitors is a little high.... something between 10 and 20 percent would be better IMO. But overall that is a good plan.
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Article in the Thomasville paper that indicated Thomasville High School would have online sales, first come, first served of 100 tickets. No mention of home fans only or preference for families. I hope that’s wrong. I don’t plan to try to go. Family members should definitely have first shot at tickets.
You guys have a 50/50 that pulls down big money......that will be a huge hit to the budget.
They will be selling them at schools and several other places around town.They also set up a fund that you can give to either Pisgah or Tuscola..Want cover what we lose but it will help.Will also get some money from My 40 for the TV broadcast.
Tennessee has already handled all this but why would we want to consult with another state that put together and completed a season and embarrass our Governor? A state that did not require their athletes to wear masks in competition.

This quote by Que in the article tells you all you need to know about where their thought process is/was.

“My phone was blowing up with people saying, ‘this is not right – we’re losing kids to Georgia, losing kids to Tennessee,’” Tucker said. “We just had to try to find a way to explain the narrative in such a way that it didn’t blast the state leaders or blast what state association colleagues were doing in our section.” All she has ever been interested in in this dilemma is covering Roy Boy's ass. As one media person told me, Que "loves her some Cooper".
OK... What about the folks who have received both vaccinations and have the vaccination card to prove they having gotten the COVID shots? Would this count towards the "100" people allowed in?

What? Lmao.
I can link you to statements by Faucci and other DRs that said WE DO NOT HAVE ANY EVIDENCE THAT THE VACCINE WILL STOP TRANSMISSION. It's about 95% at stopping you from getting as sick or dying not transmission.
That's why they say you will still have to social distance and wear a mask after the vaccine.

Why you anyone be allow in a ball game because they was vaccinated by a vaccine that isnt know to stop the spread. ppl that think like this will be the ones getting everyone sick.
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What? Lmao.
I can link you to statements by Faucci and other DRs that said WE DO NOT HAVE ANY EVIDENCE THAT THE VACCINE WILL STOP TRANSMISSION. It's about 95% at stopping you from getting as sick or dying not transmission.
That's why they say you will still have to social distance and wear a mask after the vaccine.

Why you anyone be allow in a ball game because they was vaccinated by a vaccine that isnt know to stop the spread. ppl that think like this will be the ones getting everyone sick.
Let me update that... Even if you've been vaccinated, you would still need to where a mask. What's your problem?

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