Albemarle's Future?

If indeed AHS is days of watching high school football are over! I will never attend another football game in this county! :mad: I'm Albemarle born and Albemarle Bred, and when I die I'm Albemarle DEAD! Go Dogs!;)
If indeed AHS is days of watching high school football are over! I will never attend another football game in this county! :mad: I'm Albemarle born and Albemarle Bred, and when I die I'm Albemarle DEAD! Go Dogs!;)
Never say never. You may have a son that wants to play FB some day.
If funding is needed, then point the power at hand towards the Bill Gates Foundation. They do have a U.S. division that helps schools, maybe charters will fall under the requirements. I know that charters come up with their own funding for development
The only thing that's gonna happen is redistricting, that's the bottom line. The BOE has shot themselves in the foot and guaranteed a vote out next year.

When the redistricting plan comes up watch the West Stanly contingent turn on Albemarle because it will then be the Endy area that will be districted to AMS and AHS.
It will be to my knowledge a private charter. Heard there is another one that started planning for Albemarle but that's all I have heard about it. Suppose to be more for high school aged kids. The Norwood one I think is being done by a church. Not sure though just seen something about it the other day. I calculated it up and that would remove around a million dollars from their annual budget.

It is either a charter school which gets state funds or a private school which does not although a student from a low income family can use a state voucher toward tuition. My guess would be they will attempt to secure a charter school.
After listening to the a.m. news sounds like plan B will pass. The board gave 40 reasons to close AHS.... I guess just saying "more courses are offered at a larger school" wouldn't have been enough. I also heard a nice idea...when they close the school, why not utilize AHS stadium for every in county game. SS vs NS for example could be held on AHS field. (The problem with this will be in the first year or two when all the scoring comes from kids who would have attended AHS. Imagine the irony.) Oh well...even with global warming...I think this snowball has picked up enough steam. Even the NAACP couldn't stop it now.

If I am South or North or West I want to play on my field if it is a home game even if it is inferior it is still my home.
Just to make it clear I have never seen a BOE proposal for a new high school. I wrote about building two new high schools or building one new one for North, South, and AHS with some redistricting to West. If a new high school was built or two then a school would have been built on the connector due to the central location of the three districts it would support. An AHS and North combination school would probably be better suited more on the Highway 52 end of the connector while a school for the other three would be better on the Troy Road edge. That was all to get conversation. That is not happening although it probably should have years ago.

If North comes to AHS then AHS will need to split out some of their district. If AHS is closed the students will disperse to SSHS and NSHS. Either way AHS is going to have students moved to make it work.

I do support AHS remaining open but with a new name, mascot, and school colors. I think that is the best way to make the change. I would prefer to see a new principal come in that has a track record of consolidation/redistricting.
Yeah funny how this all takes place when the parade and bball games are going on. AHS had ALOT of people in the parade last night. Now they want to give reasons go figure.

Back to blaming the board or this board. I absolutely can blame this board for announcing and follow through with a half assed plan that's not even close to having the information necessary per their own consultant!!!

Billy you like to all people stupid. Let's look at it like this. Is stupid being for or against a plan that is only half completed and is supporting theories that goes against every single bit of information that has been studied? Hmm

Additionally, you have had 2 people come on here one being me from a business stand point and speak of why to close NSHS over AHS. Both of us do this for a living so why hasn't the board even looked at this or brought it as a option? Can you say for a definite that race or income of the community plays no part? Because if you know anything about business you can clearly see this and it's not even close. In fact I have given a bunch of different reasons why AHS should remain open and NSHS closed if Plan B is what they want and only one has been given to me and that's student distribution. But even that is debatable because if new schools were built these very same people said the connector which is roughly 1/2mi-1mi from the current AHS.

So somebody please tell me why AHS over NSHS since you are for Plan B?
Is it racist to move predominantly African American students at East Albemarle into a better facility? Is it racist to move predominantly African American students at AMS into a better facility and add educational opportunities??? Is it racist to close predominantly white Norwood and Oakboro??? Is it racist to give predominantly African American students at AHS the same educational opportunities that other students throughout the county have?
If they closed NS then they would have to move AHS students anyway to accommodate them. 600+ would have to come to AHS as only a small number could go to WS all while leaving SS with barely 400. It would put AHS at or over 1000 and that being well over what it can hold. Believe it or not this affects us all.
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The two biggest negatives for AHS staying open are the condition of East Elementary and the location of South and population density on its district border with NSHS and WSHS.
Is it racist to move predominantly African American students at East Albemarle into a better facility? Is it racist to move predominantly African American students at AMS into a better facility and add educational opportunities??? Is it racist to close predominantly white Norwood and Oakboro??? Is it racist to give predominantly African American students at AHS the same educational opportunities that other students throughout the county have?
If they closed NS then they would have to move AHS students anyway to accommodate them. 600+ would have to come to AHS as only a small number could go to WS all while leaving SS with barely 400. It would put AHS at or over 1000 and that being well over what it can hold. Believe it or not this affects us all.

AMS into a better facility? Have you not been in that school? It is a very nice middle school. Is it racist or discrimination to close the most diverse school in the county without a proper analysis and justification being down? You have had multiple people come on here and say the same thing that NSHS should be the one closed IF you are going to do that.

Something billy you may not have read is that you will have to add on to North or west to accomodate these kids. North simply don't have the room unless they take away from the already packed parking lot. You can easily add on to AHS and still have plenty of room. OH and not have millions more to put in it.

Oakboro has a fantastic EC program I don't know what we need to do there but that program needs to remain intact, I have been able to speak with some people about that program and there has been people moving from Cab. County to put their child in it. Hats off to those who run that program.

I do find it funny how people are for this plan B and it's not even completed its halfway thought out and researched yet you have some people for it lol. It's almost as bad as something along the lines of I have a rock I am painting it gold and you will have a gold nugget and will sell it to you for a very very cheap price. And people are jumping all over that like McDonald's all day breakfast menu lmao.

I mean lets be real here fellas, they closed New London and Richfield I believe there was another school in there as well but why?

Did it better academics, did it make it worse or no change?

Did it save money or put the county in a better financial situation?

Also maybe somebody can help me here why close that school in new London and not Badin? It looks like that school was nice and had some area it could have added on.
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New London was closed due to the structural condition and its geographic location in the middle of Richfield, Badin, and Millingport.

NL literally had bat excrement running down the walls.

The other school that was closed was Ridgecrest and it appeared to be between that school and Oakboro. A lot of people in Ridgecrest think an outspoken former school board member threw them under the bus for Oakboro, the school 200 yards from his house.
This is racial, I'll say it right here and to anybody who wants to know how I feel. I'm well educated and I can read the markings on the walls.

@billythekid75, if you go back and read all the posts, it was even mentioned that one of the BOE members said that the people on the west side don't want their kids going to school with "Amhurst" kids, which is a predominately African-American community. I'm not BS'ing you here. Ever since that thug from West Montgomery came to Albemarle and hooked up with already troublesome students and FIRED off shots, that got the ball rolling for an already "Premeditated" proposal.

To hell with them... certain people will sacrifice people that they claim to love based off their sick beliefs and Stanly County is well known for it. Stanly County might as well join Johnston County.

Yeah I said it.
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New London was closed due to the structural condition and its geographic location in the middle of Richfield, Badin, and Millingport.

NL literally had bat excrement running down the walls.

The other school that was closed was Ridgecrest and it appeared to be between that school and Oakboro. A lot of people in Ridgecrest think an outspoken former school board member threw them under the bus for Oakboro, the school 200 yards from his house.

Answer the questions

I mean lets be real here fellas, they closed New London and Richfield I believe there was another school in there as well but why?

Did it better academics, did it make it worse or no change?

Did it save money or put the county in a better financial situation?
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Richfield is still open isn't it?

New London was closed in the North district and Ridgecrest in the West district. Ridgecrest had a very small enrollment, less than 30 per grade. Look at the numbers at the West elementary schools. Do they need a fifth elementary? I would say definitely not, but I do not think they should drop to three at this time with the closing of Oakboro.
Richfield is still open isn't it?

New London was closed in the North district and Ridgecrest in the West district. Ridgecrest had a very small enrollment, less than 30 per grade. Look at the numbers at the West elementary schools. Do they need a fifth elementary? I would say definitely not, but I do not think they should drop to three at this time with the closing of Oakboro.

My apologies I meant Ridgecrest.
Just read an interesting story in the Ashboro Paper about Montgomery County Schools. Seems the County Commissioners are considering building one high school for MC. They have been approved for a 40 yr loan from the US Deptment of Agriculture for school construction. In fact they have architures working on them now. What's wrong with our CC and BOE looking into the same kind of deal?
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Just read an interesting story in the Ashboro Paper about Montgomery County Schools. Seems the County Commissioners are considering building one high school for MC. They have been approved for a 40 yr loan from the US Deptment of Agriculture for school construction. In fact they have architures working on them now. What's wrong with our CC and BOE looking into the same kind of deal?

I would be 100% behind a one-school concept. However, Stanly's rapid growth on the west end would make a single high school concept more difficult to plan.
As old as West and East Montgomery a new school would be awesome for Montgomery County. Stanly County - no clue. You guys have an F'ed up situation, Good God.
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One high school in Montgomery County will NEVER happen in our lifetimes. I can assure you that the people on the West side will fight tooth and nail to ensure that West Montgomery stays open and the river keeps that side of the county where they are.
One high school in Montgomery County will NEVER happen in our lifetimes. I can assure you that the people on the West side will fight tooth and nail to ensure that West Montgomery stays open and the river keeps that side of the county where they are.

I have to agree with BD on this. Why in the world would you want to close West Mont. And do one HS?

I am not going say anymore on this the mindset is way different than I am accustomed to. When did a school rich in history and tradition become something that a county is not only proud of but celebrated? When did having a pride in small community schools become a thing in the past? When did a small community become so fixated on keeping up with the metro's and try to be something they are not and never will be?

I am sorry fellas this is disheartening on so many levels. Regardless of the BOE is successful or not in shuttering AHS oakboro and Norwood down the absolute crap these kids have had to deal with. The fact that these kids feel like everybody is against them is just shameful. I have seen leaders call kids an embarrassment and much worse because of where they are from and what color they are. Smh. These are kids, the kids deserve our best not some sellout half assed plan that's going to accomplish nothing per the experts and studies done of the same thing in states across the country. I believe some of these situations truly reveal why NC is ranked 48th in the country. Smh.

These kids deserve much much better and because of bias or what part of the county you are from this is what they get? Really? Smh.
Stanly County is perfect for two schools placed geographically with a plan for a third school in the western area in the future.

If they were to go to two now, I would think Albemarle being expanded with the closing of South and North. (Note, I always say a complete rebranding of the school should be part of that sequence. New name, mascots, and colors.) The issue with that is something must be done with East Elementary still. That and South are the two biggest issues for AHS.
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No offense but have you been in WM high school and EM high school? They are old as the hills. Looks like Chatham County schools especially on the west side of the county. Sorry but nothing wrong with wanting kids to have state of the art educational facilities. I see them all over the state. Go look at Midway High School as an example.
BDHarris said:
One high school in Montgomery County will NEVER happen in our lifetimes. I can assure you that the people on the West side will fight tooth and nail to ensure that West Montgomery stays open and the river keeps that side of the county where they are.

No, it will happen this time. Everybody knows if you ask the people of Moco if they want one high school it would be crushed. Commissioners and administrators know this too so they just slapped a nice tax increase on everybody in the county this year - says tax increase "designated for schools" but doesn't say what the plans are. The pot for the central high school is being filled every time you pay county taxes. Nobody is going to ask this time. I agree people will fight tooth and nail but this time the decision will be made be made by a few bureaucrats who think they know better than the citizens of the county. Too bad for the kids as a central high school actually creates fewer opportunities for many students.
No offense but have you been in WM high school and EM high school? They are old as the hills. Looks like Chatham County schools especially on the west side of the county. Sorry but nothing wrong with wanting kids to have state of the art educational facilities. I see them all over the state. Go look at Midway High School as an example.

Shouldn't the focus be getting the teachers the materials they need and I don't know maybe moving from the 48 ranked state to maybe the 40th? You provide for needs first wants second but if your needs aren't being provided for why should your wants become priority?
Or you can polish a turd but it's still a turd. Meaning you can put them in cowboys stadium but if you still aren't providing the teachers what they need and you are not building a foundation to great then you will still be a underperforming school just in a nicer building with more debt lol.
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This is racial, I'll say it right here and to anybody who wants to know how I feel. I'm well educated and I can read the markings on the walls.

@billythekid75, if you go back and read all the posts, it was even mentioned that one of the BOE members said that the people on the west side don't want their kids going to school with "Amhurst" kids, which is a predominately African-American community. I'm not BS'ing you here. Ever since that thug from West Montgomery came to Albemarle and hooked up with already troublesome students and FIRED off shots, that got the ball rolling for an already "Premeditated" proposal.

To hell with them... certain people will sacrifice people that they claim to love based off their sick beliefs and Stanly County is well known for it. Stanly County might as well join Johnston County.

Yeah I said it.
@sway1532 , I don't think its racist. The plan was already in the works when the shooting happened last year. The fact is that the county doesn't have enough students to support budgeting four high schools. As an AHS alum I would agree shutting down NSHS and sending them to AHS and WSHS but that wont happen. If our african american AHS students want a good education, they have to drive to WSHS or NSHS. In my opinion that is racist.
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@sway1532 , I don't think its racist. The plan was already in the works when the shooting happened last year. The fact is that the county doesn't have enough students to support budgeting four high schools. As an AHS alum I would agree shutting down NSHS and sending them to AHS and WSHS but that wont happen. If our african american AHS students want a good education, they have to drive to WSHS or NSHS. In my opinion that is racist.

Maybe I'm wrong for making such statements, but its kind of hard not to believe that when a BOE member clearly made a racial statement.

Think about this, how can they offer classes at 1 school and not the other, when they are all on the same budget? Makes no sense to me. How can a teacher at NSHS have more material to work with verses a teacher at AHS? What happened to the AG classes at AHS? I know a lot of teachers retired, but when that happened, did they not fill those positions? Clearly the past BOE was not in tune with anybody. One thing I can't stand is stupidity, it makes me feel like a bunch of ticks crawling on my skin.

This is clearly a broken system and its been broken for 10 years by the looks of it.

Regardless of what happens, I will always be a Bulldog at heart. I wish this county the best educational wise, the rest is up in the air....
Maybe I'm wrong for making such statements, but its kind of hard not to believe that when a BOE member clearly made a racial statement.

Think about this, how can they offer classes at 1 school and not the other, when they are all on the same budget? Makes no sense to me. How can a teacher at NSHS have more material to work with verses a teacher at AHS? What happened to the AG classes at AHS? I know a lot of teachers retired, but when that happened, did they not fill those positions? Clearly the past BOE was not in tune with anybody. One thing I can't stand is stupidity, it makes me feel like a bunch of ticks crawling on my skin.

This goes back to the numbers. Just like in college, if there are not enough people taking a class it will not be offered as many periods or sessions. AHS may have one person that wants to take a class while North may have seven. Those seven may not all be able to take it as they have another class that is in the same time slot but they have seven and a class is scheduled for them. AHS is very unlikely to schedule a class for one student. I wrote on this board that I had been told that a high school is limited what it can offer as the enrollment falls further below about 800 students. Unless all of the students are very close academically and desire the same classes the offerings are going to be somewhat limited.

If one school has 50 students that need ESL and another school has five, the school with 50 is going to offer more ESL classes. AHS does not have a wrestling team because they do not have enough interested students. I think the other three schools all have a wrestling team. AHS set national records and won state titles in wrestling.
I think in the end, it will be the way things were handled that people will remember. The BOE has a retreat, comes back with three options to close schools. They hold a public interest meeting to discuss plan B....but, they schedule it at the same time as the Christmas parade knowing many concerned citizens would be at the parade supporting their children (i.e. Boy Scouts, marching band, etc.) I think they need a press conference. Put each member on the board "on the record" for where they stand regarding closing any school. '

I agree that our town and county needs to use its money wisely because it is limited. If closing three schools is the better plan, time will support the decision and good results should be test scores, in budgets, in the value of property around the schools, etc. I have heard from sources that the decision has been made and the forums are just for show. If minds are closed, then the schools will close as well.
This goes back to the numbers. Just like in college, if there are not enough people taking a class it will not be offered as many periods or sessions. AHS may have one person that wants to take a class while North may have seven. Those seven may not all be able to take it as they have another class that is in the same time slot but they have seven and a class is scheduled for them. AHS is very unlikely to schedule a class for one student. I wrote on this board that I had been told that a high school is limited what it can offer as the enrollment falls further below about 800 students. Unless all of the students are very close academically and desire the same classes the offerings are going to be somewhat limited.

If one school has 50 students that need ESL and another school has five, the school with 50 is going to offer more ESL classes. AHS does not have a wrestling team because they do not have enough interested students. I think the other three schools all have a wrestling team. AHS set national records and won state titles in wrestling.

Thanks Tango.

What are the kids at AHS interested in? This generation is full of it....
sway there where students last school year taking one of two classes at North so they were driving from AHS to NSHS to do that. I think they were more specialized classes that would help with college admittance and designed toward a certain curriculum such as some type of drafting. Also, some of the more challenging academic classes.
I think in the end, it will be the way things were handled that people will remember. The BOE has a retreat, comes back with three options to close schools. They hold a public interest meeting to discuss plan B....but, they schedule it at the same time as the Christmas parade knowing many concerned citizens would be at the parade supporting their children (i.e. Boy Scouts, marching band, etc.) I think they need a press conference. Put each member on the board "on the record" for where they stand regarding closing any school. '

I agree that our town and county needs to use its money wisely because it is limited. If closing three schools is the better plan, time will support the decision and good results should be test scores, in budgets, in the value of property around the schools, etc. I have heard from sources that the decision has been made and the forums are just for show. If minds are closed, then the schools will close as well.

I think you hit the nail on the head. It is much the presentation as that actual changes.

I personally think this school board has more experience in fields that are needed than any I can remember. I also think they believe that they are doing what is best but I think transparency from the beginning showing the issues and stating that they were going to work on plans to improve the system for the long term would have been the way to start this.
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Now we're getting somewhere with logic. The state looks at total ADM for an LEA. Then sends a budget to the superintendent who then looks at ADM per Individual school and sends a teacher allotment to the principal. It is then up to the principal to staff the school with the resources he or she has. With less students you have less room for advanced and specialized courses. Therefore students who want these are having to drive to other schools to take them. So if a student at AHS really takes 2 or 3 classes at NSHS which school do they actually attend? And if a student without the means to drive wants to take an advanced course that would help them be more competitive for college they are just crap out of luck. If you want a bias there it is. I believe @spiketomandjerry4 said it, why should the affluent kids up the road have more availability to classes than the less privileged?
Now we're getting somewhere with logic. The state looks at total ADM for an LEA. Then sends a budget to the superintendent who then looks at ADM per Individual school and sends a teacher allotment to the principal. It is then up to the principal to staff the school with the resources he or she has. With less students you have less room for advanced and specialized courses. Therefore students who want these are having to drive to other schools to take them. So if a student at AHS really takes 2 or 3 classes at NSHS which school do they actually attend? And if a student without the means to drive wants to take an advanced course that would help them be more competitive for college they are just crap out of luck. If you want a bias there it is. I believe @spiketomandjerry4 said it, why should the affluent kids up the road have more availability to classes than the less privileged?

Let us remember that stanly county community college is now offering classes to freshman in HS. You can graduate any high school now with a semester of college credits.

Additionally with AHS being centralized like you stated Btango why wouldn't they hold a class there? Sorry I do not respect this BOE for putting out a half completed plan. There is not even a proper analysis completed as to which HS should be shuttered. Both plans primarily focused on AHS being shuttered. Additionally there is no cost savings short term or long term, and no focus on what actually will help increase our academic success. I can go on and on about this plan and where it lacks.

At the end of the day if you know anybody in this school and if you say there is no bias happening you are blind. OH funny thing heard through the grapevine smith is retiring. Interesting.

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