Albemarle @ South Davidson

Very good time for Albemarle to get two wins in a row. After this it's time to get what You can. This could have start a week earlier but those Penalties killed Us. We won in statistics but goofed it up. I noticed that Emery lost the ball a few times last night. Albemarle cruises Friday
They are required to keep AHS open for 1 full year after voting to consolidate. No vote on proposed plans as of yet. I do know academically the kids are being pushed. Essentially from what I was told it's tough to close down one of the more successful schools in the county academically and athletically. From my prospective even though there is a push on this years seniors academically in the long run it will all pay off. I know athletically so far with fall it doesn't look promising but the foundation is being built to build AHS great again not only athletically but academically.

It sure would be great to see the board forced to redistrict because of a rising AHS. I wonder as we go and things continue to improve at AHS if they will do open enrollment again. Lol. Interesting at AHS's weakest they did an open enrollment and then allowed us to hire coaches BUT they are not bias.

To all other county people other than those from SS keep talking. Enjoy this year because AHS will be coming back up. The parents kids etc are getting active and tired of the talking. It's no secret this open enrollment helped WS and NS improve athletically.
well the new stanly county rule where students cant make lower than a 50 on anything and a c is a 55 will help the dumb lazy kids all pass and graduate.
KW since you have all the answers as it relates to academics for inner city high schools maybe you should apply for the principal job at ALB when it comes open again or better yet Superintendent of Stanly County Schools. I know you have the answer to make it the best in the state.
If you travel the county and really look at each school, AHS has the best campus by far. North and West have 8-10 mobile units a piece. I have not been to SS in a few years but I am assuming their campus is less than AHS. The only thing AHS lacks is baseball/softball/tennis courts which are easy to build or keep using the city of Albemarle's facilities. It will take millions in renovations for North or South to absorb AHS students. Also it is hard to close the county seat city school. It may happen but when push comes to shove it will be highly unlikely. It would kill the city's economy in my opinion.
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KW since you have all the answers as it relates to academics for inner city high schools maybe you should apply for the principal job at ALB when it comes open again or better yet Superintendent of Stanly County Schools. I know you have the answer to make it the best in the state.

Pay that clown no attention.
Spike I actually like SS campus better than west or North. West is by far the worst with North coming close. Norths football field is nicer but school wise both are at the bottom IMO.

Everybody knows what the "open enrollment" was about. Heard NS basketball had a new assistant as well but that's none of my business ;)
back to football. I liked the changes we made offensively, defensively I noticed some changes as well. I think we pick up the 2nd win this week.
Call me whatever u want but i have 2 relatives in the stanly county school district that are teachers and that is a new rule this year that everyone gets at least a 50 no matter what. They r frustrated because if they dont turn in an assignment or make a grade lower than a 50 they r required to give them a 50 which is passing now. Im not making this up...but whatever yall call me whatever makes yall feel better.
And wmfanatic i never said i have all the answers for inner city schools, but i think that most people will agree with me that passing students no matter whether they do their assignments or not and not making them earn their passing grade isnt the answer to turning the schools around.
Just from what I heard at AHS these kids are being pushed from seniors down which is a great thing. Athletically there are some great things happening as well to support academics. Hats off so far to Mr. Kilgore, I know some parents are not too happy with some of the changes he has made thus far but I feel that he is leading the school in the right direction. So KW I don't know about the rest of the county but I don't see Mr. Kilgore giving anybody a free pass academically. Academically these kids from top to bottom seem to be getting challenged.
KW. You are correct from what I have heard.

This is the craziest thing I've ever heard. Who came up with this? If those teachers truly cared about the education of their students, they would never be pushed to agree to something like this. They should be on strike... If I ever was or became a teacher (in which I wouldn't mind, but the pay sucks) I would push each and every student to do better. But a 50 = 'C', man you would have had 113 valedictorian's nominee's when I was in school.

They are messing up these kids lives smh.....

If they decided to go off to college, they will aim for 50's instead of 80's and 90's. crazy...
Florida and other state already do something like that. Lower passing so the certain ones can pass.

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