4aa east

A lot of good teams. Who you got?
I'm going with Richmond over Holly Hills .... The only team that can beat us Friday night......Hopefully 1-0 after Friday night....Don't even know or care who might be next.....I'll be pulling for Richmond County for the long hard road to bring home the GOLD...I like our chances.......nuff said...
RC is the best team in 4aa east. i think britt is a close second. The speed of rc makes you hold your breath on every play. their o line needs to hold up that is the only spot that i have concerns about. seeing them win would not be a surprise.
What about middle creek, Wake Forest, and faquay- varina? They all have good records but I know its hard to tell about those Raleigh area teams.
What about middle creek, Wake Forest, and faquay- varina? They all have good records but I know its hard to tell about those Raleigh area teams.
i just don't see it. i have nothing to base it on but RC has all the parts. Biggest issue with RC will be limiting turnovers and the o-line. that could be a major issue against Britt and WF. A lot bigger up front than anyone you have played especially wf.
Middle Creek doesn't have the athletes RC has. Too much team speed for any Wake County team period.
Don't look past Holly Springs, they are familiar with Castellano during his time at Middle Creek.
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Not looking past anyone just wanted to know what people thought. So Britt and Richmond are the favorites?
Not looking past anyone just wanted to know what people thought. So Britt and Richmond are the favorites?
2 of the best 8 teams in 4a & 4aa along with SC, MC, Dudley, Hough, Butler & Catholic. I think rc will eat WF alive with their fast aggressive d and overall team speed. you can't prepare for it. i was impressed with how sc kept you guys from the big play besides the return by Godwin. Other than that play we were excellent at protecting the corners. i don't think many teams can do that against you guys.
Most would say so, if you live South of Raleigh.
nothing against wf but they don't see what i saw last week on a weekly basis. u have to limited rc touches and the big play. give the short field u might as well line up for the extra point.
cant speak for oline but their d line is huge. your d-line is not the concern the front (d )has good size and 48 along with #7 from britt are two best d lineman i have seen in person or on a film in 4a ball. i have not seen the kids from wake forest.
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Its going to feel real good to be able to watch the game and be home in 2mins. I know things happen in football and that's why we play the game but I see Richmond and Jack Britt 2nd round at the Bone Yard! Jack Britt has a good team, I will actually be at there game Friday night, if Richmond runs there offense (passing) this game will be over with at halftime. Cumberland Co. Plays smash mouth football except 71st, its hard to run on Jack Britt, go ask Scotland. Jack Britt running back is lighting fast! I don't think JB will be ready for 5 WR, #88 is a man child with quick feet, he is a basketball player. 6'4 around 300lb. Richmond throw the football! My son will be attending Jack Britt next year so starting 2016 my house will be divided Former Richmond Raider! No huddle and throw the ball and by the 3rd quarter Jack Britt will be gased!!!!!!
Its going to feel real good to be able to watch the game and be home in 2mins. I know things happen in football and that's why we play the game but I see Richmond and Jack Britt 2nd round at the Bone Yard! Jack Britt has a good team, I will actually be at there game Friday night, if Richmond runs there offense (passing) this game will be over with at halftime. Cumberland Co. Plays smash mouth football except 71st, its hard to run on Jack Britt, go ask Scotland. Jack Britt running back is lighting fast! I don't think JB will be ready for 5 WR, #88 is a man child with quick feet, he is a basketball player. 6'4 around 300lb. Richmond throw the football! My son will be attending Jack Britt next year so starting 2016 my house will be divided Former Richmond Raider! No huddle and throw the ball and by the 3rd quarter Jack Britt will be gased!!!!!!
The oline needs to protect better on passing plays - Ziegler was only able to set his feet on a few throws. Britt will try to employ the same plan as SC. Control the ball and make RC take the long field - nothing easy.
Here in Raleigh, WF has a D-lineman (I think his last name is Lawrence) who is a monster. There team speed is pretty good. Still thimk Richmond is faster. Middle Creek is a little faster than people think. Fuquay-Varina is just like Middle Creek, but a tad slower. Neither can really throw the ball. Haven't seen Garner.

I will say this, Richmond better just take it one at a time bc if they do make it to the 3rd round and last time I check, they were bounced out by a Raleigh school. Year before that, I think was Jack Britt.
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I think the East comes down to RC and WF. WF hasn't played a strong SOS. Millbrook and Wakefield are their strongest opp. RC has played 4 teams that have been ranked in the top 10 most of the season, going 2-2 against them. I would not sleep on JB. If they can generate some offense they will be a tough out. They may have the best defense in the East.
That was with a different coach that also lost to Hoke, wire to wire with Purnell Sweat, battling with Pinecrest year in and out. With that being said Jack Britt will hit you in the mouth if you line up and play smaash mouth football, they don't practice long enough to be in shape for the no huddle spread offense.
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Dudley made Page defense look average. Gave up 50 to Reagan. It's playoff time and Defense win's Championships. If you're depending on your Offense to out score Teams. You're in trouble.

Did you see the Page/Dudley game? It was 13-7 in the 4th quarter.. Page's defense played pretty darn good.
Did you see the Page/Dudley game? It was 13-7 in the 4th quarter.. Page's defense played pretty darn good.

They gave up 419 yds total offense, and Dudley averaged 6.3yds per carry. Come on Man!
The game is 4 quarters! If that's what you believe everyone should watch out for? I believe you should take your on advice.

This team is nowhere near to being on the level of the Page team with Summers.
What was the final score of that game? I thought Dudley won 35-7. Please correct me if I am wrong. If not, that means Page gave up 22 points in the fourth.
The only real team they played on there schedule was Scotland they have not been Battle Tested as of yet. They are BIG and Aggressive but that spread is going to give them all types of problems....
dcov33: Really? They beat a 10-1 Terry Sanford team that is the #1 Seed in the 3AA East, which so happens to run a variation of the spread offense. Not sure what football you have been watching but no way Richmond has a game in hand by halftime...
I'm hearing JB is the team to beat out of the east side.

Saw JackBritts whole team in Kernersville this summer the whole team went to somthing at Wake Forest and stopped in McDonald's... They got some big boys on that squad.....

Don't know anything about them but those were some big boys.
they are good but if i had to pick a winner in 4aa east its RC. They way they make you play the entire field is insane. Not being a homer but for 3.5 quarters sc played richmond to perfection. not sure anyone other than britt in the east can come close. The bryant brothers are as good as any 2 players richmond has on their squad. LJ Melvin and the wideout who's name escapes are big time as well. I will forgo seeing my scots to see this match-up since its 25 minutes from the house. It's a shame that RC and Britt will be playing in the second round. The system we have now have sucks, this is a 3rd round game at worst. Same goes for Vance and CC (at lease vance has some l's). You have 4 potential state champs in the west and a bunch of mediocre teams on the other side. As I previously mentioned none of the teams in the east are 2 touchdowns of Catholic, SC, Dudley and Brown. Vance could be included as well. its is really pathetic that New Hanover is a 2 seed. SMMFH!!!!!!!! Lost to SC and Havelock by 100 to 40 or somewhere close.