When does a parent become the problem


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2010
Cocoa Beach, Florida


This post was edited on 4/1 6:32 AM by swett2victory
Parents become the problem when they have kids. Also, dont just put the blame directly on the parents!!!! The coaches deserve some of the credit for creating these monsters!!!!!

Coaches need to be upfront with the kids and the parents. Let the kids know there roles, let the parents know the kids roles. They are to scared to do that. They do not want to hurt anyones feelings. Feelings are made to be hurt, that is life. Life is tough, get over it!!!! One of the best resources 99% percent of the teams at PSHS have is the Pembroke Rec Department. They are building programs that feed into the same sports they have at the HS. Just ask the Director who he has had problems with when it comes to parents and dont have that kid on your team.

Take a 2 kids i know, that i watched play, that i helped coach. Great athletes but horrible teammates. Was at a game where one was benched by her stepdad, then her mom walked up to him in front of every girl on the team and demanded he put her back in, which he did. She destroyed the attitude for that game, which we lost. The very next FB post from the mom was how well her baby played.....

Take a 12u football coach that went up to a baseball player, (this was a couple of years ago) while he was walking with a group of kids and the coach asked the player to play for him that they would win!!! the other players felt left out.

So yes parents are horrible but coaches are not any better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Parent determine the fate, future and the outlook of a coach by the behavior they express in many sudden outburst. What they are really hurting is their own kid's mind, additude towards adults, thoughts about his/her coach, and the life beyond high school. How the parents act is how the kid will turn out as an adult.

1. If a parent beats up another adult: the kids will always think daddy or mom is cool
2. If a parrent cusses out another adult: the kids will always think daddy or mom is cool
3. if a parent disrespects another adult: the kids will always think daddy or mom is cool
4. if a coach cusses out another coach: the kids will always think daddy coach or mommy coach is cool




This post was edited on 3/31 10:48 AM by swett2victory
sounds like 85% of kids in Robeson County. That means we are bound to get success somewhere!!!! SARCASM
I am curious to know the % of parents that actually view POWERSCHOOL on a daily routine verses just being signed up.

I keep track of all assignement grades, all assignements missed, the good, the bad, and test grades myself....


This post was edited on 3/31 11:18 AM by swett2victory
i am on my kids Powerschool twice a week. also, i text them daily before i get to work which is at 0530hrs letting them know that I expect them to stay for tutoring regardless if they think they need it or not!!!!!!!!!!!!
For every parent that cries about the child not playing. Does the kid actually have the grades to match the parents necessary outburst?



Nearly 75 percent of kids who play organized sports quit by age 13. Some find that their skill level hits a plateau and the game is no longer fun. Others simply discover other interests. But too many promising young athletes turn away from sports because their parents become insufferable.

Overemphasizing sports at the expense of sportsmanship: The best athletes keep their emotions in check and perform at an even keel, win or lose. Parents demonstrative in showing displeasure during a contest are sending the wrong message. Encouragement is crucial -- especially when things aren’t going well on the field.
Having different goals than your child: Kids generally want to have fun, enjoy time with their friends, improve their skills and win. Parents who write down “getting a scholarship” or “making the All-Star team” probably need to adjust their goals. “Athletes say their parents believe their role on the team is larger than what the athlete knows it to be".

Treating your child differently after a loss than a win: Almost all parents love their children the same regardless of the outcome of a game. Yet often their behavior conveys something else. "Many young athletes indicate that conversations with their parents after a game somehow make them feel as if their value as a person was tied to playing time or winning”.

Undermining the coach: Young athletes need a single instructional voice during games. That voice has to be the coach. Kids who listen to their parents yelling instruction from the stands or even glancing at their parents for approval from the field are distracted and can't perform at a peak level. Second-guessing the coach on the ride home is just as insidious.

Living your own athletic dream through your child: A sure sign is the parent taking credit when the child has done well. “We worked on that shot for weeks in the driveway,” or “You did it just like I showed you” Another symptom is when the outcome of a game means more to a parent than to the child. If you as a parent are still depressed by a loss when the child is already off playing with friends, remind yourself that it’s not your career and you have zero control over the outcome.

This post was edited on 3/31 2:20 PM by swett2victory
Originally posted by the173herd:

Parents become the problem when they have kids. Also, dont just put the blame directly on the parents!!!! The coaches deserve some of the credit for creating these monsters!!!!!

Coaches need to be upfront with the kids and the parents. Let the kids know there roles, let the parents know the kids roles. They are to scared to do that. They do not want to hurt anyones feelings. Feelings are made to be hurt, that is life. Life is tough, get over it!!!! One of the best resources 99% percent of the teams at PSHS have is the Pembroke Rec Department. They are building programs that feed into the same sports they have at the HS. Just ask the Director who he has had problems with when it comes to parents and dont have that kid on your team.

Take a 2 kids i know, that i watched play, that i helped coach. Great athletes but horrible teammates. Was at a game where one was benched by her stepdad, then her mom walked up to him in front of every girl on the team and demanded he put her back in, which he did. She destroyed the attitude for that game, which we lost. The very next FB post from the mom was how well her baby played.....

Take a 12u football coach that went up to a baseball player, (this was a couple of years ago) while he was walking with a group of kids and the coach asked the player to play for him that they would win!!! the other players felt left out.

So yes parents are horrible but coaches are not any better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
While I am not disagreeing with you in regards to coaches helping with the problem I do note that you used volunteer coaches as your example. They usually are parents too with misguided goals. Parks and Rec should be for fun, friendships, basic fundamentals, and did I say fun? Some of these coaches are trying to live or in some cases re-live their athletics through coaching.

There are some high school and college coaches that do some similar things, especially recruiting coaches at the college level. They have to get the players in and they may tell some misguided statements along the way.

It has been my experience that when a coach tells a player/parent the "truth" about current abilities that they go straight into denial and start publicly blaming the coaching staff. Its a hornets nest. I can see why some of these coaches would shy away from such especially in a lesser program but I agree with you...tell them the truth..."You are a role player, you will be the scout team player to assist us on Friday night victories. We will go as far as you take us. But, you will only get on the field if we are up big or down big." The key to keeping these players is the pride you develop for being on the scout team.
Yes many parents are the coaches for the parks and recreation which turns into daddy ball. Give you a great example. The pembroke Parks and Recs is based on a great idea and the director is doing a great job. However, when you have teams and the 10u and 12u that are stacked and beating other teams 18-0 or 16-2 the teams need to be more diverse. Get it to where the teams are evenly matched. He cannot do that because parents/coaches will complain because everyone wants to win a county rec title for some reason and not HS Conference titles or State titles. Also, get away from "Daddy Ball" i know it will be hard to not have a dad/mom coach there kids but the director should be able to observe and let the coaches know they are wrong if it is going on.

Also, i will tell you this, it should be fun. Also, the HS coaches should have a part in the development of his/her future teams. He or she should be able to let the Sport Association President what he or she wants/needs to develope there program. Also, he or she should have the guts to walk up to a 12 or 13 year old parents and suggest the player go a different route when it comes to sports. if you have 3 feeder schools and your kid is batting 7th at the middle school because of the averages wouldnt you think he or she wont be in the lineup when the schools merge? Common Sense!!!!

Remember sports are on of the best tools to teach kids about life. If we baby a kid at the ages of 12 and 13 and let them think everything is Roses when they hit 25 the roses will smell more like fertilizer. Teach the kids the truth. Let them know they might not be good enough to compete much less play on the next level. Why not try something different? Remember there is always Cheerleading, pep club, the flag team, or band.


Cheer everybody on the team, not just your child:
Parents should attend as many games as possible and be supportive, yet allow young athletes to find their own solutions. Don't feel the need to come to their rescue at every crisis. Continue to make positive comments even when the team is struggling.

Model appropriate behavior: Contrary to the old saying, children do as you do, not as you say. When a parent projects poise, control and confidence, the young athlete is likely to do the same. And when a parent doesn't dwell on a tough loss, the young athlete will be enormously appreciative.

Know what is suitable to discuss with the coach: The mental and physical treatment of your child is absolutely appropriate. So is seeking advice on ways to help your child improve. And if you are concerned about your child's behavior in the team setting, bring that up with the coach.

Know your role: Everyone at a game is either a player, a coach, an official or a spectator. Some adults have the false impression that by being in a crowd, they become anonymous. People behaving poorly cannot hide. Here's a clue: If your child seems embarrassed by you, clean up your act.

Be a good listener and a great encourager: When your child is ready to talk about a game or has a question about the sport, be all ears. Then provide answers while being mindful of avoiding becoming a nightmare sports parent. Above all, be positive. Be your child's biggest fan. "Good athletes learn better when they seek their own answers.

This post was edited on 4/2 9:00 AM by swett2victory

There is always someone better than you, at everything.

Those who enforce the rules can be mistaken or even biased and conditions under which you have to operate are often bad.

You can do your very best and still not succeed. This isn't unfair, it just is.

People will cheat and you will lose because someone is not honest.

It is important, in fact essential, to continue trying hard long after success is no longer a possibility.

You must never let down those who have invested it you--teachers, coaches, parents and later bosses--even though your motivation has long since dissipated.

It is as important to learn how to be a gracious loser as it is to be a humble winner.

A team is about something much larger than any one person.

Individuals do not succeed, teams do.

Playing your role, whatever that role, is an honorable thing to do.

Intense physical activity is good for almost everything that ails us.

Kids feeling the endorphin-laced thrill of exertion will habituate into adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Sharing a goal is not the same as sharing success. The camaraderie of a team comes from the former not the latter.

One small mistake in an otherwise flawless performance can be the difference between winning and losing.

Practicing anything will make you better, more confident and, perhaps at some point, lead to success. But you practice to become better and more confident.

Outcome cannot be controlled, only processes and effort.

Failing to win is not failing. Teams improve, players improve and that is success. You can play a great game and someone else can just play better. Failing to win can just be bad luck.
So is there any particular angle to your incessant rambling on this semi-intelligible topic? There are bad parents, bad coaches and bad kids. There are way more good one in all 3 categories.
Originally posted by BlueVols:
So is there any particular angle to your incessant rambling on this semi-intelligible topic? There are bad parents, bad coaches and bad kids. There are way more good one in all 3 categories.
1. Thank you so much for selflessly serving into this humanly conversation BlueVols. As for the angle of my incessant rambling on this semi-intelligible topic that you are inquiring about Mr. BlueVols, I would be glad as a Semi-parenting fella to answer your clone-einstein concern. This is my angles that I have always had a relationship with sir. Please choose your desired angle that best fits, turns-on and rocks your world.

2. "There are bad parents, bad coaches and bad kids": Mr. BlueVols yes of course there are three ways to skin the cat sir, but right now and ONLY at this very moment the subject of the thread is, the behavior of the cat. That is the main focus of my semi-clone-einstein respond to you Mr. BlueVols sir.

3. Sir, the vast majority of dads and moms that make rides home from games miserable for their children do so inadvertently. They aren't stereotypical horrendous sports parents, the ones who scream at referees, loudly second-guess coaches or berate their children. They are well-intentioned folks who can't help but initiate conversation about the contest before the sweat has dried on their child's uniform. BELOW YOU WILL SEE 2 EXAMPLES THAT MAY BE SEMI-EGGHEADED.

If for any reason you have any questions ring the door bell or if you so desire to discontinue your membership drop the mic in my after hours mailbox.






This post was edited on 4/12 10:01 PM by swett2victory
This post was edited on 4/13 7:03 AM by swett2victory
Here's a subliminal comment the coach could remark when confronted with an irate parent slash parents, " While Third String Johnny grabs some pine, why don't you slash yall grab some aluminum up yonder in the stadium seating area, preferably out of earshot. "

Originally posted by GSO-Triple5:
Here's a subliminal comment the coach could remark when confronted with an irate parent slash parents, " While Third String Johnny grabs some pine, why don't you slash yall grab some aluminum up yonder in the stadium seating area, preferably out of earshot. "
You can always settle the parent with this one "Hey, I'm sorry you had to come to me with this." Or "Gosh, I'm really sorry this happened."

and maybe end it with something like this "Rest assured, I'm going to see to it that Third String Johnny is not missed off the roster during the next Third String Games any longer."
I have always wondered about parents here in the last 7 years of attending high school sports.

I believe a large part of it has to do with the achievement orientation in our society. The problem arises when parents take on a sense of over-identification. I have known this to be called reverse-dependency trap.

Parents are going to identify with their children. It's part of the love bond that's been established. And yet for some parents, the identification becomes excessive. So it's not Johnny or Mary who's out there competing, but an extension of the parent's own ego. When that happens, the young Johnny boy has to excel or the parent feels threatened. The reverse part of dependency is when we have a situation where the parent becomes dependent on Johnny Boy for feelings of self-worth.

This post was edited on 4/13 10:57 PM by swett2victory
I've read this thread, soaking it in similar to a three dollar sponge prior to the first car warshin . If administrators, parents, coaches, and fans would read this Blog, and I don't mean just READ it, but absorb the information, similar to listening to The Xpensive Winos with headphones, if they'd just read this and place their Comprehension Earphones on their ears, this newfangled theory Governor Purnell has invented called The Reverse-Dependency Trap, all the pieces of the dysfunctional world of Little Johnny's screaming Mom slash Father would fall into place similar to Carter's Pills falling into their individualized packaging compartment, awaiting distribution to retail stores across America, All governing bodies in North Carolina and surrounding states should be required to read this Blog, take notes, and at the completion of the six week course called " The Beaver Trap Syndrome : Reversal Dependency In Its Entirety, " take a five hundred question quiz, and none of that jive time Multiple Choice crap either. This will be a mostly essay exam, with some short answer questions as appetizers, in other words, to get ready for the heavy questions in order to make this new , soon to be internationally known project succeed. Governor Purnell will become an instant millionaire, appearing on television shows similar to Letterman, Jimmy Fallon, Johnny Carson, and Larry King, supporting his new book titled, " The Reverse-Dependency Trap:Fallacy Or Smoke And Mirrors ? "

Similar to this scenario featured below , Governor Purnell, or similar to breakin' the bank in Monte Carlo, repeating repeatedly after mucho unsuccessful hits at the gaming activities, " Well, you can't take it with you when you go, and savin' it up for a rainy day went out with hula hoops and penny loafers " as " Candy " repeatedly refreshes your half empty glass, as she shows you the red bumps under her arm she received this morning when she anxiously shaved, mistakenly cutting her silky smooth underarm while anticipating meeting the author of " Reverse-Traps, Venus Fly Traps, and See Through Brassieres . What The Hell's The Difference ? "


This post was edited on 4/16 12:05 AM by GSO-Triple5
Quick question.

What if the parent is right but expressing that would put them in the category of "problem"?
Any parent should not walk on the field or court to a coach to make a show, a statement, a seen or a presentation of their depression. If a discussion is needed between the two elements then that should be scheduled in a private matter, not before, between or after any game. With that said, I leave you with this:


This fella would have no chance with me in private.....this would have to be a Polycom Conference Phone Discussion

This post was edited on 4/16 11:15 AM by swett2victory

the issue is the Coach in the 99.9% of the on the field issues. if the coach would act, look, walk, talk, and live like a coach of the sport he or she coaches then the parents would be scared to death of the coach.

If the Head Ball Coach would be a little for of a dick head at the meet and greet instead of trying to run for office and make everyone feel like they get a ribbon then the parents would not want to approach the coach for stupid reasons.

if coaches wouldnt walk around or put up with the conversations in the restuarants, offices, about how every kid is great and every kid can be the prez. remember some kids are window lickers!!!!!

but if you tell ppl the truth about the kids you have then you are subject to be fired because everyone is special. some are special ed but they are special.
From the flat land of the Sandhills all the way to the jungle of Congo What type of parent rules the field of football......

1. The lawyer
2. The doctor
3. The Politishun
4. The veterinarian
5. The school board member
6. The sheetrock man
7. The dear or deer hunter
8. The Mega Bucks Donator
9. The Truck Driver
10. The Private Business Owners
11. The Stay At Home Mom
12. The Stay At Home Dad
13. The farmer

Under circumstances as this, Military personnel are not permitted or considered a quality quantified recipient.

I bees athankin too much.....

This post was edited on 4/16 9:18 PM by swett2victory
2 different Coaches, 2 different Dads, 2 different results


a coach as the said above one will tell the parent the baby is ugly and the outcome will be below in Figure 1-1



The baby being told he is ugly
Figure 1-1

----------------------------------------------------------------------- BREAK ------------------------------------------------------------------


The pushover coach will not withstand the strength and shout of the parent below in Figure 1-2


The Shouting DAD takes advantage of nice, kind, and gentle coach
This type of coach is afraid to even speak about the baby
Figure 1-2

This post was edited on 4/16 11:49 PM by swett2victory
the dad that used the GEN Patton command hand will trump any coach unless he replies with the GEN Mad Dog Mattix knife hand karate chop!!!
I remember a few years ago , about five or six years ago, watching a lady friend's son play high school ball a few times, sitting in the cool breeze of the April evening, all laid up in one of them newfangled chair with the beverage holder built in the chair... After a few innings, it was obvious he and the left fielder were the " weak links " on the squad. My friend's Aunt Flossie and Uncle Robert were there that night, and about a dozen or so of her relatives. After whiffin' his first two plate appearances, he casually strolled up to the plate with the gusto of a receptionist at The Clap Clinic. After missing the ball by a foot or more the first two pitches, one of the relatives inquired, " Do yall thank he'll sign a big pro contract ? " Another relative quickly quipped, " I doubt it, since he can't hit one out of the infield , has nine errors in five games, and runs like a man attempting to escape the perils of a Florida quicksand quagmire. " I guess some parents like to think of Johnny's big contract that awaits, although his batting average is hovering around the .140 mark, one could consume a six pack when huffin' and puffin' Little Johnny puffs into third base on four defensive errors, as screamin' Mom jumps offen the bleachers and screams, " That's the way to hit that ball, a damn triple, " she excitedly screams.. Maybe screamin' Mary at the football games is really screamin' because she believes her 145 pound defensive end's NFL stock will decrease if the coach doesn't play him, or maybe Concrete Sammy's parents are convinced that their son, no jumpin', no shootin', no passin' Sammy, will some day be a lottery pick in the NBA, although he can't touch the net and he's a junior in high school, or maybe the recently divorced soccer Mom sits in the shade while enjoying her Mint Julip, and of course her rambling story of how she got snowed in with Ward Cleaver at Eddie Haskell's parents house for four days while Mr. and Mrs. Haskell were in St. Louis, and how totally aggravated slashed totally pissed June was when she found this chick and Ward dranken and listening to Led Zeppelin albums , while dreaming her kickball playing son is the next soccer star like that Beck dude.

I truly respect Coach Wells Pass from Scotland for fuzzin out the other coach......"THE PARENT" who was apparently coaching his son from the stands while the coach was coaching the same individual

Confusion/unfairness to the player/son and total disrespect from the coaching parent. I would have told the officer in charge to dismiss the parent

Big Hand of Applaud to Coach Pass for a demonstration of a firm coach.

I dedicate this equivalent one to Coach Pass

This post was edited on 4/19 9:31 PM by swett2victory