Will Conferences not exist?


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2004
winston salem nc
  • We are not sure that the NCHSAA will even keep conferences.Going to eight classifications makes sorting the leagues out very difficult. Some have speculated or encouraged the NCHSAA to mimic region formats used in other states.
    • On a related note, we are not sure what playoffs will look like with eight classifications. With much thinner fields of teams to choose from, some will hold the opinion that every team should make the playoffs. If that is the case, what purpose would traditional conferences hold? For this exercise, we are assuming that the style of conferences that we are used to will remain.
    • We do not know the answers to the following questions:
      • Will the NCHSAA emphasize the number of split conferences or try to minimize them?
      • What will be the minimum number of schools in a conference?
      • Will the association allow three different classifications into a split conference? Will there be a minimum number of teams from each classification in a split conference? Will they allow conferences to have one team from its own classification like East Carteret, Polk County, and Martin County are now?
  • One thing that we find likely is the removal of the permanent dividing line between the east and west regions. With eight classifications, the current dividing line would result in significant imbalance. Thus, it will likely be possible for conferences in the center part of the state to feature teams that will go west or east in the playoffs.
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In the way it appears to be set up I truly think regions would be the wise move. Travel is expected and will be the case. Tennessee has some teams travel 2+ hours for a Region game. Not ideal for those Tuesday night basketball or baseball games but its just how it is.
Damn buzz It wasn't a bash on you man. The moderators just saying hey. Although you did say it was from high school OT

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