What are we teaching (kids)?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2010
Cocoa Beach, Florida
Answer: At the vast majority of the most successful HS programs were teaching kids that it's not important HOW you win as long as you win.

And when stories of coaches ordering players to intentionally knock out game officials, video of players hitting an unprotected opponent in the face with a helmet or accounts of star players feeling entitled to commit crime (sometimes violent crime) hit the media, ask yourself this: How many gainfully-employed, law-abiding, red-blooded Americans are going to shake their heads and say to themselves, "This is absurd. No way do I want my son (or grandson) to be involved with this."

It would be easy to forgive a casual observer who saw all of the above and mistakenly decided that football was basically a game for "heathens". And most Americans are exactly that ... casual observers. Especially at the high school level.

I don't blame the kids, its on these coaches and administrations that allow this to happen. If that's how they truly wish to operate and their goal is to truly allow kids to face the best competition not only in games but in practice, let them play in their own division.

What's the solution if we want to stem the tide and make good sportsmanship synonymous with high school football, we have to wrest control from those who's only interest is their team's ranking in (insert name of index).
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Everybody is at fault even the kids,they don't get a free pass either,that's the problem,kids are looked at as blameless,like they can do no wrong,then they feel a sense of intittlement,and have a blatant disrespect for rules or laws.
Everybody is at fault even the kids,they don't get a free pass either,that's the problem,kids are looked at as blameless,like they can do no wrong,then they feel a sense of intittlement,and have a blatant disrespect for rules or laws.
Mr. T-DAWG(or shaved Phil Robertson),
Sir, would you say coaches are lacking discipline these days?(not all...just some)

If you were president of the Duck Dynasty Football club sir, how would you secure success with this issue at hand?
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Here is the deal. To many schools have boosters that want to win and win now. Th dump a little coin into the program and think they are the coach, ad, or principle.

It seems as if I have heard of this one before. By the way I went to the HS the other day for a junior college brief and all I got was the stink face. You would have thought I had farted or pissed in a few ppls cereal that morning.
What kind of cereal was it?
Usually the best pissing cereal is the sugar free Kornflakes

Wheaties is more of the "Red carpet, better eat them for good luck" type cereal so I know it was not that brand.

When good ol S2V and Go_Scots went to the Country Side Hefty Eatery joint he did not order anythang but cereal with water...since water is free. Go_Scots likes Rice Krispies because it tickles his tongue.

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