What a bush league act by the BOE of Craven. Jim Bob had the guts to personally sign his letter. Apparently the Smart/A-- that penned the BOE letter didn't have the same guts.
Definitely a non-athletic dude. Obviously someone who had an unresolved issue with JB to start with, before this letter even became an issue. Some people resent it when others succeed at a high level. This is the same type of person that thinks everyone should get a trophy, after all, all players are equal, regardless of their contribution
How much money is the school nurse and AP bringing into HHS? Yeah that's what I thought.
This same BOE member will crumble when the soccer teams, golf teams, tennis teams and other non-revenues can't buy new uniforms or balls due to the football program not making as much money. Then they will find the money, especially if the $$$ parents get upset.