Well the Cheerleaders showed up in Maroon!


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2001
Far in'em thar hills
Is a Name change coming next?
From the audible GASP from the Home crowd when the former maroon Devils entered the field wearing GRAY uniform’s…. To the unbelievable offensive play calling. To the total shock of a large crowd in awe the whole dang game of the Gray Ghosts of the Maroon Devils that played tonight. Unbelievable is an understatement…

First, take this team out of any top ten or twenty ranking in football in this state. Played as well as that nasty looking jersey on their backs tonight.

Second, enough of out smarting ourselves in coaching. Running the power game for 4 to 6 yards a clip to strong side only to change it up and move the ball for 1 to 2 yards running to weak side are some things that make you go DOH. I know if faked me out, couldn’t grasp it at the time and still don’t. But it sure kills some good drives.

Third, great punter! Thank goodness I’ve found a bright spot for this team in gray. GRAY!!!! GRRRRRRRAAAAAAAYYYY BS!

Forth, if you have a field goal kicker with issues kicking an extra point, why attempt a 35 yard FG with him? Oh, least of all why on 3rd down a 6 or7 would we attempt a ONE YARD PASS PLAY? These are the questions running through my mind! Look above and the power running statement…. Naw just kick a 38 yard FG. LMAO!

No heart, no win and sadly with those butt ugly uniforms Swain won’t have that many fans left to continue this onslaught. Even at the end when some brave souls were singing the school song, “with Colors of Maroon and White” no…. not tonight…. I don’t even know where to start on this new uniform. I don’t care if the money was donated to the cause of new uni’s or if Tax dollars were used. GET RID OF THOSE UGLY THINGS.
Swain wears Maroon and White. But if this is the case that we now wear Gray then I can only speak for myself in saying good bye to the gray ghosts of the Devils past. Lifted that line from a good friend setting next to me tonight and he was just as pissed off as I was. And that’s not even at the level of play of the game just those uniforms were enough to kill any spirit the crowd had at the start of the game and continued to the bitter end.
Still in shock,
Well Kev, no one will accuse you of sugar coating your post...............
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As far as the game goes, SM's D-line dominated our O-line, period, end of story. Nobody's going nowhere if the O-line don't get it done. The big guys get no glory, but without them you can forget ANYBODY getting any glory. One or two yards and a cloud of dust doesn't quite cut it; you have to have four or five, at least. Last week looked like we were making great strides offensively, but I guess the process of finding an offense that works is hit-or-miss.

And if it were up to me, they'd be wearing maroon jerseys and gray pants at home, and all-white (with lots of maroon trim and maroon helmets) on the road. I kinda liked the gray unis, but it's time to get back to basics. None of the cute pageantry is worth a pile in a cowfield without some smashmouth football to back it up.

This is a big, big wake-up call for the Devils. All of a sudden the conference doesn't look so much like a walk in the park as a minefield, and the non-conference schedule is not the picnic it was over the last few years, either, with Tuscola and N. Henderson getting good wins tonight, and Franklin thumping Murphy.... time to get serious.
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Is a Name change coming next?
From the audible GASP from the Home crowd when the former maroon Devils entered the field wearing GRAY uniform’s…. To the unbelievable offensive play calling. To the total shock of a large crowd in awe the whole dang game of the Gray Ghosts of the Maroon Devils that played tonight. Unbelievable is an understatement…

First, take this team out of any top ten or twenty ranking in football in this state. Played as well as that nasty looking jersey on their backs tonight.

Second, enough of out smarting ourselves in coaching. Running the power game for 4 to 6 yards a clip to strong side only to change it up and move the ball for 1 to 2 yards running to weak side are some things that make you go DOH. I know if faked me out, couldn’t grasp it at the time and still don’t. But it sure kills some good drives.

Third, great punter! Thank goodness I’ve found a bright spot for this team in gray. GRAY!!!! GRRRRRRRAAAAAAAYYYY BS!

Forth, if you have a field goal kicker with issues kicking an extra point, why attempt a 35 yard FG with him? Oh, least of all why on 3rd down a 6 or7 would we attempt a ONE YARD PASS PLAY? These are the questions running through my mind! Look above and the power running statement…. Naw just kick a 38 yard FG. LMAO!

No heart, no win and sadly with those butt ugly uniforms Swain won’t have that many fans left to continue this onslaught. Even at the end when some brave souls were singing the school song, “with Colors of Maroon and White” no…. not tonight…. I don’t even know where to start on this new uniform. I don’t care if the money was donated to the cause of new uni’s or if Tax dollars were used. GET RID OF THOSE UGLY THINGS.
Swain wears Maroon and White. But if this is the case that we now wear Gray then I can only speak for myself in saying good bye to the gray ghosts of the Devils past. Lifted that line from a good friend setting next to me tonight and he was just as pissed off as I was. And that’s not even at the level of play of the game just those uniforms were enough to kill any spirit the crowd had at the start of the game and continued to the bitter end.
Still in shock,
Maybe you just need to stay home next game.
Zuma, if I do I might not be the only one.

Now please understand I can see how some might think we got beat on the LOS. But losing control of the LOS sometimes comes from play calling too. As stated above, when we ran strong side we gained good yardage. Smoky Mountain didn't have to adjust to stop Swain.... that came from within. I hope I don't have to explain that one, and that's my story and I'm sticking to it. I'll be danged if I will even attempt to lay blame on anyone of those young men that should have been in Maroon tonight. Did they play sharp, no..... did Swain get out coached. I don't think I'm alone on this one but might be the only one willing to say it, YES, Yes we dang sure did. Did it help to attempt to change years of wearing Maroon to GRAY? No..... that is one point I can't believe happened. Even more so than losing to the Stangs..... EVEN MORE THAN BEING SHUT OUT. Zip... zero.... notda nothing..... Start off a game running a counter with out playing some smash mouth first? Come on man. Don't out think yourself. We got some great kids, let'em play the way they know HOW. GEEZ NO MORE GRAY.

Is Smoky improved? Yep. But I swear to ya'll if Swain would play power football it wouldn't have been our defense sucking wind in the second half for being on the field so dang long. But what do I know...... Just a Jerk red neck that tells it like it is.
I don't either gogo lol. Actually the gray uni's were nice IMO. I appreciate the traditional look as well. Nothing wrong with mixing it up from time to time.
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Quality win for the mustangs no doubt. Doesnt matter what team you are, winning at Swain is a huge accomplishment. As far as the rest of the season goes for Swain, grey uniforms or not, adjustments will be made and im sure Swain will be Swain come playoff time. A hard nosed, battle tested team ready to make another deep playoff run.
Robbinsville played the best team they will play by far last night. Very athletic and great team speed. Just all around a very fundamentally sound football team! I think it was good for our kids to lose this game to show them that they need to work harder and come together as a TEAM.
Really shocked at this one. Smokey must be playing great. I always thought grey was one of your school colors. Kevin you guys have used grey before ... Maybe you need something to blame it on lol grey machine shall be chanted now ? Jk with you Kev
Obviously Kevin is a little frustrated. The uni's were sweet. Our defense is very solid. Need more offensive production plain and simple. I'm sure we will get things figured out before conference play rolls around.
Never thought this day would come. Ya'll can talk it up now, I am finished. Never in my life would I expect fellow Maroon Devils fans ever think that a full gray uni were "sweet". That's like going to a Tennessee game and they wear Crimson. Or Bama wearing Blue.... And to just accept piss poor game management and lay that at the feet of those young men that played just isn't in me! Yeah... finished is what I am. I'm an old outdated fan that's seen Gal play ball same for Zuma and several of the other current list of Swain posters. I've seen so much and love this game even more than I should... which is why I now know it's time to let this Political Correct crowd tell you just how great every thing is because I can't.

Final grade of the game I saw last night.
QB play D plus... when running the veer a three yard pitch has to be easier than that. Good arm, little slow on the Veer Reads.
RB Play C Can only run the play called.
WR Play No grade.... Not many balls were tossed in a area to make a play on'em.
O Line C Yeah, someone tell everyone just how badly they got manhandled. I can't. They blocked well enough for the plays called.
D line C Can't stay on the field all night and expect them to be having fun.
Secondary C. Read above.
Coaching Failed. No adjustments needed to stop the running game, the play calling did it for Smoky Mountain. Opened the game up in that classic Swain SHOTGUN formation which lead to a five yard procedure call. Next, ran a counter tray with attempting to punch the d line with the dive. I could go on, but I'd just be called out again.

As for the jerseys... Did anyone else see the joy of the home crowd at the lovely shad of Grey, (yes, take that spelling from the Fifty shades of we got screwed) when the Devils took the field?

Enough from me, ya'll have fun I am too damned set in my ways to think of much positive to say about last night.

Good bye ya'll.
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Kevin, I'm not criticizing the players, just saying what happened. Don't know why we lost the battle in the trenches, but we clearly lost it (and didn't see much else on offense to be happy about either, but if Swain doesn't get the inside running game established early, there often isn't much else to see... may be different this year, but I haven't seen it yet). Smoky defenders were where the ball was all night long, pretty much. But this kind of thing is going to happen early in the season; it's just that the competition was a lot less obliging this year. And that sounds like a recurring theme. Been a long time since we could be sporting a 1-4 record by the time conference rolls around, yet still be a really good team, but that might just happen this year.

Maybe I'm unduly worried and things will go great the rest of the way, but I think N. Henderson and Tuscola are going to really put us to the test. And going into the Pit is always a challenge. 3-2 would be nice, but that looks like it will take a whole lot of hard work and maybe some luck. Before the season started I would have said a 4-1 nonconf slate was practically a given... good thing I'm not a betting man :) WNCAC football seems to be on the mend here lately.

edit: And I think we took Smoky a bit too lightly. All the hoopla with the big helmet and the smoke and the surprise change into the gray unis can't have helped the kids focus on the business at hand. Get rid of the showbiz and hit somebody. :)
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Boy hope the swain team ain't fighting and throwing in the towel like swain posters lol ...
Oh, I think the kids will be fine. They are a tough bunch, always have been and always will be. The posters, on the other hand... well, we just have to do the best we can :)
I'm with Gal, the Gray UNI'S looked great and had nothing to do with how we played. Besides, Gray is part of the Swain Colors and I for one will be disappointed if we don't sport them next home game.

Our offense was non existence last night and not sure why, could be play calling, lack of enthusiasm...etc. Bottom line, we'll make the adjustments and get back. Way to early in the season to start downing the players and coaches.

Kevin, I understand where you're coming from but to be that HARSH was a little out line for the 1st home game. JMHO
Would someone be so kind as to please post a nice pic of the new grey??

I've gotta see this!
I know the boys will be fine but boy I can't say I don't enjoy this lol .. Almost as good as watching Bk run and hide when his teams lose lol ... Yes please show us the new grey machine
Hey, we are always out front and in your face, win or lose :) I for one am just happy to see the board showing a little life. Nice to see more posters from outside the Big Three, too.

I wish I had a good pic of the gray unis. Maybe the C-T has one...
The Gray uniforms were freaking awesome sweet!! Like Tennessee's smoky gray but ours are under armor :) new helmets. Yes we looked bad on offense but We where just out of sync & thought smoky would be a cake wake. Smoky is actually much better & I hope they stay good. Swain will be fine, we just need to Settle down a bit, work on reads etc. pisgah is a much tougher team than smoky & we played them well. Stay healthy & be ready for the SMC that's when it really matters!! Good luck to all SMC teams!!
I can handle the white helmets over those god awful yellow away unis they wore a few years back.
The gold jerseys w/black shoulder yoke from the mid 70's are still my all time favorite. The gold jerseys from the Hodgin era weren't bad. The ones you are talking about are from DKJ's tenure. The gold is darker and shiny, not my fave. The booster club sold them off a couple of years ago.
I agree that the Grays were unusual but they grew on me ... Like the Vols Smoky grays ... was The Offence not showing up was what lost this game. Also D was better in Ga than they were... don't know what is going on but was told by player they have the potential Just have to get better

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